Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 184: Unknown Creature

Late at night…

The edge of Misty Mountains was no longer as bustling as before.

Tents could be seen all around, along with footprints left behind by Humans.

During the day, the Mist Lifeforms of Misty Mountains had gone on a rampage, which resulted in countless casualties.

So much blood was shed that even the very air seemed to be dyed red, there was a nauseating scent of blood lingering in the air.

In the shocked and horrified gazes of countless Superhumans, the entire Misty Mountains appeared like a giant beast awakening from its slumber, as wind blew over for thousands of meters over and over again. Yet, it was not this that sent them into despair.

At some point, someone noticed figures covered in blood and injuries emerging from Misty Mountains eventually. However, their joy was short-lived.


Immediately after, a roar. as if from ancient times, reverberated through the sky, shaking the very fabric of reality.

Looking up, they saw the mist in the depths of Misty Mountains suddenly churn before a monstrous head emerged. At that moment, most of the Humans present came to a realization: ‘So, Mist Lifeforms do exist after all.’

But they did not have time to dwell on it further.

With a deafening boom, the mist started gathering before shaping into the body of the fearsome head.

Its wings were endless, and its body elegant and alluring.    

“A Giant…Giant Dragon…”

Stammering, the person who had recognized the Mist Lifeforms turned pale.

However, in that very instant—

*Boom!* Flapping its pair of enormous wings, the giant Dragon of mist that appeared to be straight out of Western mythology, shot straight upward like an arrow fired from a bow.

Immediately after…

“Boom!” A tremendous clap rang out, as the onlookers bore witness to a spectacular sight.

Layers of clouds continuously parted ways before a visible vortex of mist emerged in the sky.

The vortex was so huge that it spanned over thousands or possibly tens of thousands of meters. Furthermore, the vortex was constantly growing bigger. The sight of it could even make the bravest of hearts shiver.

But it was at that moment…

*Grooaar!* A deep and resonant Dragon’s roar reverberated across the sky, before a burst of brilliance emerging from within the vortex caught the Humans’ attention. Vaguely, they caught sight of a massive dragon lifting its head, gazing skyward, its ‘throat’ resonating with the vortex in the sky.

It was as if the vortex was a manifestation of its throat, locking onto the burst of brilliance.

The next moment…


With an earth-shattering roar that sent shockwaves through the sky and earth.

Following that, a colossal tornado, hundreds of meters wide, descended from the sky.

The ground split apart as Misty Mountains quaked uncontrollably.

At the same time, fierce howling gales careened through the crowd, cutting through their skin like the sharpest blades, again and again.

The most terrifying attack by a Transcendent in the history of China, or rather, the Human history, had descended upon the edge of Misty Mountains, falling deep in the midst of the crowd. Countless Superhumans were unable to react in time, and were reduced into a mist of blood by the formidable storm. Many more were flung dozens or even hundreds of meters into the air in the aftermath, with many facing their imminent death.

And this had shocked the entire China— the transformation of Mist Beasts, also known as the ‘Dawn of the Mist.’

Because countless Humans nearly plunged into despair after the breath attack of that enormous Mist Dragon.

Especially those who narrowly escaped death; they would never forget that day, when it seemed as if a catastrophe had befallen.

In a flash, horrors of the Mist Beasts of Misty Mountains had spread throughout the entire China.

And this was the reason why Yu Zi Yu descended his consciousness without a moment of hesitation and unleashed the strength comparable to an Intermediate Level Tier-2 Transcendent.

He shook the space, affecting tens of thousands of meters, and also used the Mist Beast as a medium to amplify the momentum. Thereby, unleashing a power capable of destroying the world.

It could be said that the power of Yu Zi Yu’s strike shattered the ordinary Human understanding of strength. Even the Silver Centipede known by China was dwarfed in the face of this strike.

Naturally, the effect of this strike was evident.

At the very least, the people at the edge of Misty Mountains had all evacuated.

As for those who narrowly survived, no matter how strong their mental fortitude, they would forever be shrouded in an inescapable shadow.

More than anything else, it dramatized the terror of Misty Mountains.

Yu Zi Yu believed that with this Dragon’s Breath, the day when Misty Mountains would be declared as a Forbidden Zone was not far off. It might have even been declared already.

A smile played on Yu Zi Yu’s lips as he gazed towards the edge of Misty Mountains, his eyes flickering incessantly.

[I had to admit that it feels good to be strong. At the very least, I could manipulate Humans under my palm without them even realizing. Even until their last breath, they would believe that the Mist Beasts of Misty Mountains have gone berserk.]

“Over the next few days, I should dispatch some powerful Mist Beasts to play around with the Humans. I presume that I might be able to rest easy for quite a while,” Yu Zi Yu murmured to himself, a smug grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

If that became true, then he could calmly focus on cultivation in the days ahead.

Furthermore, the second wave of the Spiritual Tide had not arrived yet. He could use the current opportunity to stabilize his strength.

Things were fine for the moment. In this world, at least on this continent, he was standing at the absolute peak. However, the arrival of the second wave of Spiritual Tide would usher in another large-scale evolution.

He believed that it would mark the start of the birth of many formidable Mutant Beasts. It was a period that would be a challenge for him.

Of course, it would also be a significant opportunity.

At the very least, he would get to amass a huge amount of Evolution Points.

*Ha…* Yu Zi Yu exhaled a long, deep breath. His thirst for the Evolution Points was apparent in his eyes.

Evolution Points was his very foundation. Only with Evolution Points could he break through the restrictions and transcend higher as a lifeform.

Now, having ascended to Tier-3, Yu Zi Yu realized that the number of Evolution Points he had could no longer satisfy his needs.

There were multiple abilities stuck at Level 2, waiting to be upgraded. He needed hundreds of thousands of Evolution Points to upgrade these abilities, at the very least. And his current rate of harvest fell far short of his requirements.

However, it was not due to slow hunts or anything. Rather, nowadays, Mutant Beasts were generally only at Tier-0. It was still not the time for the Tier-1 and Tier-2 Transcendents to be found everywhere.

Without powerful Mutant Beasts, just slaughtering the weak Mutant Beasts was not enough to satisfy Yu Zi Yu’s daily need for Evolution Points. As such, when the second wave of Spiritual Energy Tide hit the world, it would become a huge opportunity for Yu Zi Yu. Moreover, he was looking forward to the birth of few powerful existences that can rival him to emerge.

He was hoping to have a hearty battle.

[But is that really possible? Are there truly powerful life forms that can contend with me?] At this moment, sensing something, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze suddenly turned toward the distant horizon, in the direction of the vast ocean.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Yu Zi Yu, deep within the pitch-black depths of the ocean…

*Humm…* A terrifying cry that resembled both a dragon and a serpent, yet not resembling the either two, akin to a low roar reverberated, sending shivers down the spine of every creature within the depth of the ocean.

Soon after…

With a deafening boom, a brilliant blue pillar of light tore through the depths of the ocean.

Looking toward the source, everything was dark, only a slender and scale-covered monstrous tail could be seen slowly disappearing at the far end of the deep ocean.

However, in an instant, as if sensing something, the shadow in the sea trembled slightly, then deeply gazed in the direction of the continent.

The deep sea has never lacked overlords.

And they too, harbor the same desire and longing…

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