Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 168: A Sudden Enlightenment! A Fortuitous Encounter!

As Yu Zi Yu’s consciousness sank into his body, he felt the dense and inseparable Spiritual Energy, enveloping the tips of his tree roots.

This vast Spiritual Energy, even if absorbed unconsciously by Yu Zi Yu, was enough to set off unusual phenomena above the ground.

And now, he intended to truly isolate himself and focus on cultivation.


Under his control, the primary root began to absorb a thousandfold and more. Like a whale breathing in water, a vast amount of colorful Spiritual Energy rushed toward Yu Zi Yu’s roots, converging into torrents.

In an instant, rich and colorful Spiritual Energy spread upward, dyeing Yu Zi Yu’s roots in vibrant colors.

The night was extremely calm and peaceful.

Cold moonlight was shining through the mist, illuminating North Canyon.

In the heart of the canyon, a towering Willow Tree stood there, enveloped in a colorful radiance.

The colorful radiance spread slowly from bottom to top, appearing both sacrosanct yet strangely devilish. Be that as it may, that was not the prime focus of the entire sight.

The focus was that every branch of Yu Zi Yu was slowly extending toward the sky.

An inexplicable force was circulating through every root and every branch. And at this point, Yu Zi Yu sensed it. His countless branches were actually undergoing a gradual strengthening process.

It was similar to when he upgraded them using Evolution Points, and it was visible to naked eye.

Now, in addition to the hundred branches he had previously upgraded, his other branches, under the induction of an inexplicable power, had also begun the same process.

*Swoosh…” Cutting through the air, a branch dozens of meters long extended in an instant, stretching to a hundred meters, whipping toward the night sky.

The next moment, this single branch split into hundreds, painting the night sky into a colorful panorama.

Similarly, other branches began to decorate the sky one after another.

Suddenly, the entire sky became Yu Zi Yu’s canopy. However, this canopy was colorful and radiated an indescribable halo.

At the same time, an immensely oppressive force gradually started to spread. The pressure was so tremendous that the very air coagulated. Everything became completely silent, as silent as death itself.

Only pairs of fiery and fearful eyes stared fixedly at the spreading colorful sky.

“What’s going on with Master?” Staring in astonishment, the huge White Tiger kept retreating.

A visibly discernible pressure continuously forced him back.

An area of several hundred meters around the Divine Tree had turned into a forbidden zone. The soil rose into waves, crashing outward, while the colorful brilliance intermingled with the cool moonlight. Had the mist not been concealing everything, such a phenomenon would have definitely astonished the world.

“A great opportunity awaits deep within the earth. If you don’t want to miss it, go and find it,” a murmur whispered in White Tiger’s ears, momentarily freezing his expression.

The next moment, amidst his bewildered gaze, a wisp of red smoke rushed toward the ground, disappearing from view in an instant.

“Even Elder Sister says so?” White Tiger murmured in a slightly puzzled voice, but did not hesitate even for a moment.

He picked a corner and embarked on a journey of digging.

North Canyon had a cave that led several hundred meters deep into the earth. However, due to the extraordinary phenomenon occurring in the vicinity of Yu Zi Yu, probably not many would dare to approach it.

After all, the waves of earth alone rose dozens of meters into the air. If one was not careful, they could easily be buried.

But at this moment, Yu Zi Yu had no time to pay attention to the beasts in the canyon. Because right now, a cold prompt sounded in his ear.

[Ding, do you wish to upgrade the roots?]

“Upgrade…” Yu Zi Yu, in his dazed state, responded.

The next moment… With a deafening rumble, the tremendous amount of colorful Spiritual Energy seemed to be taken over by something mysterious. In just a moment, they were all rushing toward Yu Zi Yu’s nine sub-roots.

*Roar, Roar, Roar…* Amidst inexplicable roars, the nine sub-roots abruptly started shaking.

To Yu Zi Yu’s surprise, they started growing at a speed perceptible to the naked eye.

One after another, they surged toward the distant horizon.

Looking from afar, it looked like nine mounds around Yu Zi Yu were moving out in all directions.

At the same time, Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy began to rise at an astonishing rate, visible to the naked eye.




The speed of Spiritual Energy’s ascent was beyond imagination, even astonishing Yu Zi Yu.

Except, the rise of Spiritual Energy at such a terrifying speed meant that the mist could no longer conceal the fluctuations.

With a loud roar, a fearsome wave of Spiritual Energy skyrocketed. It was visible from the distance, a colorful radiance broke through the mist’s blockade and shot straight into the night sky.

“What is that!?”

Cries of incredulity echoed from a city not far from Misty Mountains.

One by one, pedestrians stopped on their spot, looking toward the nearby Misty Mountains, now adorned with a multicolored glow.

That colorful brilliance seemed to magnify the silhouette of a colossal tree a hundredfold, a thousandfold, whose canopy happened to be extended toward the sky, as if supporting the weight of the very sky itself.

Meanwhile, at the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau…

This important department, which had played a crucial role since the resurgence of Spiritual Energy, was also shaken.

*Beep beep beep…*

Red alarms sounded one after another.

Hundreds of monitoring screens were flickering with red lights.

At this moment, the attention of all the staff happened to be fixed on the Spiritual Energy monitoring instruments not far away.



“What kind of freaking joke is this!?”

Crying in disbelief, the faces of each staff member turned a little pale. To their utter dismay and disbelief, Spiritual Energy fluctuations measuring in several hundred thousand had appeared out of nowhere, and at this crucial juncture!

However, what these people did not know was that the mist had concealed most of Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy fluctuations. Otherwise, if they knew that Yu Zi Yu’s Spiritual Energy had reached 700,000, then the notion would be plainly unbelievable.

For a Tier-2 Transcendent, every 300,000 increase in Spiritual Energy signified a qualitative transformation. And for Yu Zi Yu, it was even more so.

“Check! Start checking! Immediately gather the troops as well as the Spiritual Energy Research Institute!” 

With a loud shout, the gears of the entire Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau began frantically churning.

Everyone knew that something big had happened this time. Although they did not know what kind of creature it was, the fact that a being’s Peak Spiritual Energy had reached to the level of 200,000-300,000, which had already exceeded everyone’s imagination.

[How did this kind of monster appear out of nowhere? Are you kidding me? How did Spiritual Energy Monitoring Satellites miss it?]

But at this moment, what China’s Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau did not know was that Yu Zi Yu, who was undergoing frenzied reinforcement, suddenly felt something and looked up at the dark and endless night sky.

At this moment, he had entered a very strange state.

A state of forgetting the self and the world, as if experiencing an epiphany.

In this seemingly paradoxical and wondrous state, his perception extended infinitely, and his Spiritual Sense grew stronger over time.

In a trance, he saw a very complicated and huge instrument with exquisite patterns quietly floating somewhere, seemingly observing him. Moreover, what was even more important was that there were nine such instruments.

However, only one of them was ‘monitoring’ him.

It looked as if this one instrument was responsible for guarding the world. It was as if the responsibility of this one apparatus was to guard Sichuan. 

Ashish: North Canyon is located somewhere around Sichuan, around Chengdu.

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