Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 161: Bull Demon’s Departure and the Sixth Beast

Today was significant.

Early in the morning, one after another, powerful Mutant Beasts emerged from the canyon.

Even Sarcosuchus, who was far in the heart of Misty Mountains, slowly arrived, gazing with rapt attention.

Everyone’s gaze was on the Black Buffalo with smooth and silky fur and crescent-shaped huge horns, standing at the entrance of the gorge.

“Divine…Tree…” Muttering to himself, Bull Demon’s eyes looked toward the giant towering tree hidden within the thick fog.

Vaguely, a complex look flitted deep within his eyes. There was reluctance, but also affection…

“Divine Tree, I’m going to find Elder Sister.” Saying this, Bull Demon had already lifted his hooves. However, just at this moment…

*Swoosh…” Swishing sounds of something cutting through the air rang in everyone’s ears as several drops of glistening green sap flew out from deep within the mist.

“Come back safe and sound.”

“Divine…Tree…” The sight of the drops of green sap flying through the air caused Bull Demon to clench his teeth once again as a touch of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

The Life Essence was truly a precious treasure of the Divine Tree. To give several drops at once was not a small loss for the Divine Tree.

This showed just how much the Divine Tree valued him. 

No need for more words, or rather, no more words were necessary. The determined Human-like resolve on Bull Demon’s face was evidence enough.

In an instant, he sucked the drops of Life Essence into his body.

Afterward, Bull Demon channeled his Spiritual Energy, and with a boom, he stampeded straight toward the horizon, leaving a streak of black light.

“Old Fifth, do you think it’s safe for the Second Brother to find Elder Sister?”

Growling, White Tiger turned to Golden Ant perched on his head and inquired.

*Bang!* A heavy punch landed on White Tiger’s head.

*Wu wu…* The knock instantly inflicted intense pain, so much that White Tiger could not help but let out a whimper.

And before he could cry out in surprise, a cold voice echoed in his ear,

“You Jinx, at least Second Brother is more reliable than you.” After having said this, Golden Ant leaped down from White Tiger’s head and headed toward a blood-red vine-enshrouded figure not far away, a girl entirely cloaked in red.

Thorns, the sixth beast under Yu Zi Yu. Moreover, she was the only one among Yu Zi Yu’s Great Beasts capable of walking around the world in Human form.

As for the White Snake hidden underground, she was still very young and lacked the strength to take on any kind of role.

In addition, after last night’s battle against Golden Ant, Thorns’ strength had gained Yu Zi Yu’s approval. Even the mighty Golden Ant could not defeat her.

Her ultimate technique—Vine Strangulation—had even thrown Golden Ant over a hundred meters away, slamming him heavily into the cliffside.

Yu Zi Yu was quite satisfied with this outcome.

Having received her permission, he bestowed upon her the name ‘Thorns,’ in order to forget the past, and start anew. As for whether Thorns would truly surrender or not…

“Hehe…” Yu Zi Yu broke into a playful laughter, filled with some confidence.

She was Anomaly. Furthermore, she was an Anomaly born from a Human. Her situation was strikingly similar to Yu Zi Yu’s.

As long as she was not foolish, she would understand that she had no other choice. 

There was no place for her among Humans. 

Whereas among the Mutant Beasts, she would also be alone.

Only Yu Zi Yu could offer her protection.

Only Yu Zi Yu could make her feel like having a family.

Because, fundamentally, they were of the same kind.

With this, Yu Zi Yu was quite confident that Thorns would not betray him.

Of course, confidence was confidence.

Necessary trials were indispensable.

And now, Golden Ant would lead Thorns on a true journey.

Misty Mountains…

The lingering mist of Misty Mountains had become an enigma. Till this day, no one had been able to provide a reasonable explanation behind it.

At this moment, ‘guests from afar’ entered these mist-filled mountains, one after another. When they saw the mist, a grave look appeared on their faces.

There were seven of them.

Men and women, old and young.

They were mercenaries—a new profession that emerged in China after the resurgence of Spiritual Energy. They were people who walked the gray area between light and dark. They took people’s money and solved their problems.

As long as the compensation was sufficient, they might even sell their own lives.

This profession existed in the old days as well, before the resurgence. However, it was considerably mysterious back then and mostly found abroad.

Tightly regulated countries like China rarely had such a profession. But after the resurgence, many Humans began to evolve, gaining formidable strength, and strange talents. After acquiring these formidable skills and talents sparked a desire in many people to be in the limelight. Thus, came the birth of mercenaries.

They sell their talents to others, reaping substantial reward.

It was an idealistic profession, well-suited for Superhumans.

As a result, many ordinary Superhumans joined their ranks. China’s higher-ups, after much contemplation, chose to ignore or perhaps tacitly accept this profession.

Rather than suppressing every Superhuman to work for China, it was better to let them be free. It was better like this, letting certain individuals or groups grow. When their country needed them, these people could become a formidable force. 

And now, these seven individuals had formed a makeshift mercenary team.

Their mission was to venture into Misty Mountains and investigate the whereabouts of the Prehistoric Crocodile.

It was a top-secret mission. Until now, these seven only knew that the client was influential, and nothing more.

However, the reward for this mission was incredibly generous—20 millions.

Under the lure of money, the seven mercenaries quickly formed a team and set out to uncover the whereabouts of the Prehistoric Crocodile in Misty Mountains.

“Who do you think our client is? That Prehistoric Crocodile is no picnic,” a guy who seemed to have a fiery temper suddenly asked.

“Whoever it is, do you think it’s something we can control?”

A middle-aged man shook his head, sighing. Then, he glanced at the man who had spoken earlier and added, “However, just think about it. Besides those people, who else would dare to have any plans for the Prehistoric Crocodile?”

Listening to the middle-aged man’s words, the boorish man’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

“Indeed, only the military, Research Institutes, and those Spiritual Energy Research Institutes…”

Before he could finish, a shrill voice interrupted him, “Have you guys considered that once we locate the Prehistoric Crocodile, they would just launch a long-range missile at it, and ‘boom,’ the Prehistoric Crocodile is gone.”


Everyone sunk into silence for a brief while.

[That’s probably the most plausible scenario.]

But after a moment, as if realizing something, the boorish man’s footsteps abruptly halted as he asked in a hoarse voice, “But why did they send and not their own people?”

“They probably did, and they all got wiped out.” 

Casually replying, a woman crossed her arms, and added with a sneer, “Moreover, with people like us who can be bought with money, why would they be willing to sacrifice their own elites?”

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