Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 148: Bull Demon’s Breakthrough

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

During these three days, thanks to the night hunts of White Tiger, Golden Ant, and others, a considerable number of Yu Zi Yu’s branches had been upgraded.

Now, Yu Zi Yu’s canopy was radiating a hazy glow. A terrifying aura not belonging to Tier-2 was slowly surging, giving off a gentle but noticeable presence.

The most formidable aspect of Evolution Points lay in allowing Yu Zi Yu to touch the powers of higher Tiers at a lower Tier. This was the reason why there was not any significant change in Yu Zi Yu’s strength when he broke through from Tier-1 to Tier-2.

Not because of anything else, but because while he was strengthening himself at the lower Tier, his strength had already silently progressed toward the higher Tier.

However, this did not mean that Yu Zi Yu currently possessed the power of a Tier-3.

It could only be said that he just had a part of it.

Without the support of millions of Spiritual Energy, even if all his parts—leaves, branches, roots—reached Level 3, he would not be able to fully unleash the might of Tier-3. This was akin to the relationship between the physical body and energy.

Currently, Yu Zi Yu was continuously strengthening his ‘body’ as a vessel using Evolution Points. However, if his energy could not catch up with his upgrades, he could only be considered a Tier-2 Transcendent.

After all, in the age of Spiritual Energy, Spiritual Energy was still the most important thing.

*Ha…* Letting out a long, deep breath, Yu Zi Yu gazed at the sky,  where hundreds of emerald-green branches were swaying like serpents. His eyes narrowed slightly.

“Divide.” With a gentle command, Yu Zi Yu suddenly felt his Spiritual Energy gush out like a torrent, continuously surging toward the branches that covered the entire sky.

Moments later, amidst Yu Zi Yu’s astonished gaze, the branches began to divide rapidly, one becoming ten, ten becoming a hundred…

At the same time, they kept extending without pause.

Before long, the entire sky was covered by the emerald-green waterfall-like branches, which continued to extend toward the sky like ocean waves.

“What’s going on?” Stepping out of the treehouse and witnessing this scene in the sky, Qian Qin’s lovely face could not hide her astonishment.

“Gulp, this can’t be real.” Leng Feng, who had appeared beside Qian Qin at some point, gasped in shock as his pupils shrank to the tip of a needle. He might not be as intuitive as Qian Qin, but when it came to an understanding of power, Leng Feng was by no means inferior.

And now, gazing at the emerald-green branches that enveloped the entire sky, Leng Feng could clearly sense the terrifying power surging within them.

Leaving aside everything else, if these green waves were to fall onto the land, they would be sufficient to level a small mountain range.

And this was by no means an exaggeration.


However, just at this moment, the emerald-green waves in the sky abruptly stopped, and then, as if under some stimulation, they started to contract rapidly.

In an instant, they transformed back into thin, elongated branches swaying in the sky.

At the same time…

*Huff, huff, huff…* Yu Zi Yu was panting heavily, feeling extremely exhausted, which was extremely rare.

“The Spiritual Energy consumption is too terrifying,” murmuring to himself, Yu Zi Yu realized his own shortcomings.

With his current Spiritual Energy of less than 400.000, trying to completely unleash the power belonging to Tier-3 was evidently just wishful thinking. In just a few breaths, he had lost over 100,000 Spiritual Energy, which made him feel extremely exhausted, as if his entire body had lost all its strength.

“Haaa…” Lamenting in his heart, Yu Zi Yu gazed at the swaying emerald-green branches in the sky and shook his head helplessly.

“At the end of the day, this power doesn’t belong to a Tier-2.” Yu Zi Yu heaved a sigh before shifting his gaze.

The next moment, faces filled with shock entered his sight.

Not only the two Humans, Qian Qin and Leng Feng, even White Tiger, Golden Ant, and other Mutant Beasts were all looking at him with gazes filled with awe.

[Seems like they’ve been intimidated by this.]

Smiling, Yu Zi Yu chose to adjust his breath, and begin recovering his Spiritual Energy.

Furthermore, there were other benefits of upgrading the branches.

Currently, Yu Zi Yu could clearly sense that most of the upgraded branches were absorbing the Spiritual Energy from the air at a speed far surpassing the other branches.

If the Spiritual Energy absorbed by the Level 2 mutated branches were like a small stream, then the Spiritual Energy absorbed by Level 3 mutated branches was akin to a river.

A surge of Spiritual Energy was flooding into the branches,  leaving traces of vibrant colors visible in the sky.

While Yu Zi Yu was recovering, deep underground…

*Moo…* A deep and resonant bellow suddenly echoed through the sky. Simultaneously, the ground began to slowly quake.

*Boom, boom, boom…* As if the canyon was hit by an earthquake, the tremors grew more and more intense.

However, what was astonishing was that the patch of earth where the Divine Tree was rooted remained as calm as ever.

As if the earthquake had halted in its tracks.

Just then…


A highly excited Tiger’s roar resounded as White Tiger pounced abruptly toward entrance to the underground cave on the ground.

On the other side, Golden Ant, who was standing with his arms crossed, also had a glimmer of surprise flicker in his eyes.

“Second Brother.” Whispering to himself, Golden Ant leaped from a branch to welcome the return of a certain king.

However, they did not need to get any closer.

*Boom, boom, boom…” The heavy footsteps echoed in the ears of various beasts. However, what left them greatly astonished was that these footsteps felt like they were landing on their chests, leaving them struggling to catch their breath for a moment.

“It seems Bull Demon has awakened some impressive abilities.”

Feeling the impressive momentum, Yu Zi Yu also understood the cause.

[If I’m right, Bull Demon must have broke through.] However, as he looked at the constantly changing expressions of the Mutant Beasts, Yu Zi Yu could not help but sigh helplessly.

“The difference in strength is just too great.”

Sighing, Yu Zi Yu’s several branches gently flicked, removing the pressure that lingered in the hearts of the various beasts.

Except, Yu Zi Yu could not help but feel puzzled.

While Tier-1 Transcendents were strong and fearsome, but not that much that they would be able to oppress Tier-0 Mutant Beasts with just their footsteps.

[Could it be that there are some forces I had yet not sensed?] In doubt, Yu Zi Yu also directed his gaze towards the cave entrance in the ground. There, a robust figure was slowly approaching.

*Boom, boom, boom…” With each step, it felt as if he was stepping on everyone’s hearts as a heavy pressure spread slowly through the air. Furthermore, even the air seemed to grow slightly heavier.

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