Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 144: The Green Mantis

“Hellish training…” Grinning, Qing Gang looked at the troops of Chimpanzees not far away, an enigmatic gleam flashing in his eyes.

[If everything goes as plan, I might get appointed as their instructor.]

However, just as this thought crossed Qing Gang’s mind, Yu Zi Yu seemed to have sensed it as well. He smiled and stated, waking up from his dreams, “By the way, I forgot to remind you. If your strength isn’t enough to control them, I’ll arrange a new instructor. At that time, you’ll also train with them.”

“Um… Lord Tree God, are you sure you’re not joking?” after a moment of hesitation, Qing Gang asked with a perplexed look.

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

Yu Zi Yu burst into laughter, witnessing the drastic change in Qing Gang’s expression. He found it quite amusing.

[This young one’s character still needs some tempering. Otherwise, it would be quite challenging for him to command the entire Chimpanzee Tribe.]

As for why Qing Gang would be leading the Chimpanzee Tribe, it was really not a brain-wrecking question. Although Mutant Beasts have gained sentience, they still lack certain qualities compared to Qing Gang, who was a Human.

Furthermore, Qing Gang had already won Yu Zi Yu’s trust through his actions.

It would be a pity if a person worthy of his trust and capable of leading was not used.


Meanwhile, within a mountain range not far from Misty Mountains…

*Schlick* A sound akin to blades rubbing against each other rang as sparks flew everywhere.

Immediately after…

*Clang, Clang, Clang…* A series of clashing metal sounds echoed fiercely through the forest.

In the distance, the giant Azure Wolves could not help but have their pupils shrink as they watched the scene where sparks kept flying constantly.

Afterward, a vigilant giant Azure Wolf turned around and fled, apparently going to call for reinforcements.

Apparently, the Golden Ant, who possessed the most outstanding combat power had met his match, which was obviously unimaginable for them. He did not have the luxury to pay attention to the giant Azure Wolves.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he retreated after a strike.

Looking at a similarly retreating Green Mantis not far away, a hint of seriousness appeared on the Golden Ant’s face.

Mutant Mantis, and not just an ordinary one.

The Golden Ant might be only in Tier-0 Level 6, but thanks to his Earthshaking Strength talent, he could not only take on those of the same level, but also Tier-0 Level 7 or even Level 8 Mutant Beasts with ease.

However, at this moment, a Mantis the size of a fist and emanating the aura of a Tier-0 Level 7 Mutant Beast, could fight him on equal footing. This was proof of its terrifying strength.

Pursing his lips, a reddist glint flickered in the depths of his eyes. The Golden Ant hesitated no longer. He lifted his feet and kicked the ground.

With a ‘bang’, the ground shattered as his entire body transformed into a dark golden streak, hurtling straight toward the green Mantis.

*Swoosh…” Tearing through the air, the Golden Ant’s scythe-like arm cut fiercely toward the Green Mantis.

But just then…

*Whirr, whirr…* It sounded like it flapped its wings. The next moment, a streak of green light flashed by in an instant.

“So fast!”

In a flash, the Golden Ant decisively swung another of his scythe-like arms.

Ants have six legs, but besides using two for walking on the ground, he was using his other four legs as arms for attacking. Thus, unlike most ordinary Mutant Beasts, he boasted a total of four such scythe-like arms. Furthermore, each arm was the most formidable weapon capable of slicing through even the toughest defenses.


The next moment, a resounding impact echoed, followed by a cascade of sparks.

Following that, the Golden Ant’s eyes narrowed as his raw power surged through every fiber of his being.

*Boom!* The next moment, with a thunderous clash, a streak of green light shot straight toward the ground not far away like a cannonball.

A ‘thud’ rang out as a deep bottomless pit appeared. This was power; unequivocal and overwhelming.

The Golden Ant’s sheer power could effortlessly reduce anything before him to rubble. Yet, despite this awe-inspiring feat, the Golden Ant’s countenance grew even more serious. With heightened vigilance, he surveyed its surroundings, every sense attuned to the slightest disturbance.

Just because at this moment…

*Whirr, whirr…* The flapping of wings caused the air to vibrate once more as a dangerous aura permeated the atmosphere.


The next moment, a streak of green light swiftly cut through the air.

Before the Golden Ant could formulate a response, a green pounced on him.

*Roar* The Golden Ant let out a low growl and chose to take the oncoming attack head on. His four legs crossed in a strategic stance, countering the incoming attack with a calculated push.

*Boom!* The next moment, a thunderous clap resounded through the air. The Golden Ant gazed at the enormous Mantis wielding scythe-like arms, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“You’re very strong.” A faint voice echoed in its mind, bringing a puzzled expression to the face of the Green Mantis.

“Unfortunately, at the end of the day, you grew up in the wild and can’t understand the language!” Concluding in a cold voice, the Golden Ant’s expression turned compassionate.

[It possesses such terrifying speed and strength, it would really be a pity to let it remain in the wild.] With these thoughts in mind, the Golden Ant swung its arm fiercely once more.

*Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…” Like tearing through the air, the terrifying power created waves of energy one after another.

Seemingly aware of the formidable strength of the Golden Ant, the Green Mantis accelerated, leaving behind an afterimage and evading several strikes. Subsequently, it abruptly lifted its front limbs, each of which resembled a large blade.

But what made the Golden Ant’s pupils contract was the fact that the Green Mantis’s front limbs had a glow circling around them, as if they were surrounded by a vortex.

“Damn it, this is going to hurt.” Shock ran through the Golden Ant’s heart, prompting him to instinctively retreat.

However, compared to the Green Mantis, his speed was clearly inadequate.

*Swoosh!* Its speed was so fast that its tiny frame brought forth a gust of wind, and in an instant, the Green Mantis closed in on the Golden Ant. Its front limbs, akin to large blades, viciously struck down.

With a sudden ‘bang,’ the Golden Ant, who had no time to dodge was struck head-on.

But at that moment, a flash of killing intent gleamed in the depths of the Golden Ant’s eyes.

Rather than retreating, he lunged forward, pushing its scythe-like arm fiercely ahead.

*Squish!* With a crisp piercing sound, a wail resonated through the night sky.

And shortly thereafter…


Amidst the thunderous bellow reverberating through the night sky, the earth itself began to tremble. In the distance, an enormous torrent of darkness was rushing over with an unstoppable force.

Along its path, not only were trees thick enough for several people to embrace torn asunder, but even boulders several meters tall shattered instantaneously.

“Fifth Brother.” With a tinge of concern, Bull Demon hurriedly arrived at the scene.

“Second Brother, I’m not seriously injured.” Responding in a weary voice, the Golden Ant let out a deep breath. Subsequently, he gently touched the cross-shaped gashes on his chest, slightly squinting his eyes.

The pain was extreme; a searing, fiery pain. Furthermore, there were whirlwinds lingering around the wound, repeatedly tearing into him.

Had he not possessed a robust physique and scales akin to golden armor protecting his body, this single slash alone could have cleaved him into four.

But, so what!?

Raising his gaze, he looked toward a figure not far away, the Green Mantis that was tottering unsteadily with a gaping wound on its chest. The Golden Ant knew.

He had emerged victorious.

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