Chapter 621 - Newest Handsome Uncle (1)

It was Zhang Jiren's first time going to Peach Blossom Garden to visit his sister and her children. Although he'd already known for a long time that Tang Moyu was residing in this place—far from the busy residential part of the city with her little buns, he never dared to go here to take a peek at how she and the twins were faring. He also didn't want to give reasons to the Zhang family as to why he knew Tang Moyu at a personal level.

"Jiren, are you sure it's alright that you're coming with us? Don't you have anything to do tonight?" Tang Wanyu asked while seated on the back seat of his car, the facemask earlier nowhere to be found.

"It's alright, Cousin Wanyu. I don't have anything to do today." Zhang Jiren kept his eyes on the road. He was trying his best to rein his emotion as he wasn't sure how Tang Moyu would react to seeing him today,

Being a Zhang right now would naturally make her wary of him, but he didn't think that the empress would be unreasonable enough to chase him out the moment she saw him.

"Sis, I didn't know you are acquainted with him," Tang Beixuan whispered to his sister, joining her in the backseat.

"Hmm? That's because you rarely accompany us and pay visits to the Zhangs. You would have met Jiren if you weren't trying to follow Moyu around." Tang Wanyu grinned at him, clearly teasing him for always trying to get Tang Moyu's attention when they were younger.

Tang Beixuan crossed his arms and harrumphed. When he was younger, he wasn't interested in whatever their mother was trying to make him do as the next heir of the Tang family, as well as acquainting himself with the Zhang family. He would rather spend time with his Moyu Jie whenever she had free time at home.

So it would make sense if he wasn't close with Zhang Jiren, although he had heard about this cousin of theirs in the past.

Zhang Jiren took a quick glance at his dashboard mirror and chuckled at the Tang siblings. This was probably what he was missing over the years. He never had a chance to have familial ties with Tang Moyu; neither did he know how it felt to have a sibling and to be cherished by them.

"Don't worry, Jiren. I already informed Moyu that you are coming with us. You don't have to be nervous. Moyu is a good person. As long as you won't scheme against her or touch her bottom line," Tang Wanyu suddenly said as if she could sense his uneasiness just from looking at him seated behind the wheel.

"Thanks for reassuring me, Cousin Wanyu, but I don't think I should be wary of Cousin Moyu just because I'm a Zhang. Well, the Zhang family might have tolerated my existence, but everyone knows they aren't fond of me," Zhang Jiren said in return, his eyes flashing with a guarded expression.

When they arrived at Tang Moyu's property inside the Peach Blossom Garden, Zhang Jiren allowed Tang Beixuan and Tang Wanyu to step out of the car before him. It might not be obvious, but he was really nervous about this little reunion he would have with Tang Moyu. This would also be a great chance for him to meet Little Star's older twin brother and his new brother-in-law, Feng Tianyi.

When they reached the front door, he was able to hear Little Star's laughter from the inside. Auntie Lu opened the door, a wide smile blooming on her face once she saw Tang Beixuan at the door with Tang Wanyu. This was the first time in years that she would be able to see the Tang siblings complete. Because when Tang Wanyu arrived and left the country in a hurry months ago, Tang Beixuan hadn't completed his studies abroad yet.

"Young Master, Miss Wanyu, welcome back. Moyu is waiting for you," the old woman said, letting the siblings in. She then noticed Zhang Jiren standing stiffly outside. "You must be Mr. Zhang. Miss Moyu said that you'll be arriving with them."

"Hello, Auntie. Yes, I am. I'm sorry for troubling you tonight," Zhang Jiren politely said, giving the old woman a courteous bow. Of course, he knew who this old woman was. She was the only person who truly loved his twin sister when Tang Moyu was growing up.

Wasn't it ironic that the maternal love Tang Moyu had been craving to get from Zhang Wuying… she received it unconditionally from Auntie Lu? For this, the full saying was very true for Tang Moyu and Auntie Lu, how the blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the w.o.m.b.

"Oh! It's really the handsome uncle!" They heard Little Star's voice, the girl appearing with her twin brother to greet their guests.

The little girl immediately ran towards Zhang Jiren, ignoring Tang Beixuan and Tang Wanyu in the process—in favor of Zhang Jiren.

"Hello, Little One. We meet again," Zhang Jiren told Little Star. He briefly wondered about what his sister looked like when Tang Moyu was younger because there was no doubt that Little Star took after her mother.

"Ah! Our little princess ignored me?!" Tang Beixuan feigned being hurt by his niece, but he wasn't successful in gaining the little girl's attention.

"Hello, Uncle! I told you you'll be a good friend to my mommy!" She grinned widely at him. She then extended her small arms, gesturing her intention to be picked up by Zhang Jiren, much to Auntie Lu and the Tang siblings' shock.

Zhang Jiren was also shocked by his niece's initiative, but since he couldn't deny her wish, he carefully picked up the girl from the ground and balanced her in his left arm.

"Actually, Little One, your mother is my cousin. So I'm technically your uncle." Zhang Jiren corrected the little girl with a smile, which stunned Tang Beixuan.

Tang Beixuan had never seen his boss act like this before… with tenderness in his eyes as he talked to Little Star.

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