Chapter 601 - Can't Let You Go (3)

Yun Zhen returned to his office, but instead of resuming his work, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts about why Su Jingyi was leaving. It seemed that she had truly made up her mind, and there was nothing he could do to change her decision even if he wanted to. When Su Jingyi wanted something, it would be impossible to sway her or change her mind when she was already set on it.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;t-let-you-go-(3)_52193193227247908">#&apos;t-let-you-go-(3)_52193193227247908</a> for visiting.

It was at that moment when his younger brother came into his office and slouched on the couch across him. The younger man stretched his legs and yawned behind his hand before throwing a curious look at Yun Zhen.

"Why the long face? Is it because of Miss Su's resignation? Did the two of you get into a fight?" Yun Ling asked his older brother. He and Yun Zhen were borne by the second wife of their father. While Yun Zhen chose to remain here in Shenzhen, his younger brother Yun Ling was his Deputy CEO and was the one in charge of their headquarters in Beijing.

"No, we didn't. She didn't tell me anything," he admitted to his brother.

Yun Zhen looked away. It would have been easy to accept if he and Su Jingyi got in an argument, but her resignation came out of nowhere, catching him off guard. In fact, he and Su Jingyi hadn't had a good talk about the kind of plans they have in the future now that he reached his goal within the Yun Group. Neither did she say anything about what she wanted to do next.

Yun Ling regarded his elder brother with a gaze and rolled his eyes. How could his brother be oblivious to Miss Su's feelings?

Even he, who had known the two for years, could tell that there was something special about them. Yun Ling also thought that Miss Su was one of those people whom his brother allowed to stay close with him. He had never seen his brother talk or seen in another person's company for too long except for Su Jingyi.

The first time he met the woman, Yun Ling could tell that his brother and Miss Su got along well. They had this kind of friendship that Yun Ling came to envy because he never had shared this kind of closeness with his elder brother.

He'd been curious… curious as to how come Su Jingyi managed to get under his brother's skin when Yun Zhen had been arrogantly ignoring those who tried to win his favor since they were young. Because he and Yun Zhen were born from the same mother, they were outcast by their older brothers from the first wife of their father.

Although the two brothers were never looked down upon by the other Yun family members, it was only natural that the children from the first wife were wary of them— especially of Yun Zhen who obviously had a better head compared to them. Of all the four sons of the Yun family, Yun Zhen came out victorious in becoming the next head of the family.

Moreover, that success was all thanks to Su Jingyi's meticulous planning. Because Yun Zhen had a dangerous woman backing him up along the way, he managed to secure his win against his other brothers. Now that the competition ended, their other brothers left the country to pursue other opportunities for them. Yun Zhen had already proven himself capable of protecting Yun Group's future.

Actually, Yun Ling thought that Su Jingyi would leave his brother once everything was settled. It had been over six years since his older brother ascended into the position as the president of Yun Group, but the woman remained by Yun Zhen's side and continued working with him.

This made Yun Ling realize that there was more to tell about the seemingly platonic relationship between the two. It was either they were in a secret relationship or that Su Jingyi was onto his older brother.

"Well, what do you want to do now? You'll allow Miss Su to resign and leave Yun Group?" Yun Ling cupped his chin as he gave it a good thought. Su Jingyi was a valuable employee of Yun Group, and he had no doubt that other companies would try to poach her and lure her into joining their companies.

Su Jingyi might not be as aggressive as Tang Moyu on her business and managerial tactics, but oftentimes, Su Jingyi's ways were able to minimize the loss on the company's part. Paired with Yun Zhen's direct approach, the two were able to turn the table in their favor.

"You know well that I cannot force her to stay with us. Su Jingyi might have plans on her own. I tried to ask and convince her, but…"

"But she turned you down easily? You didn't even try to probe any further?" Yun Ling grinned towards his older brother. He knew Yun Zhen's personality well, and he wouldn't be able to express himself or to say what he wanted to Su Jingyi without crossing the line.

Yun Zhen remained silent. He could never force Su Jingyi to do something she didn't like to do so what should he do now? While it's true that it would be a great loss for the company to let go of her, Yun Zhen wasn't willing to part ways with her like this. He clasped his hands together and rested his forehead against it.

Darn it, why did he feel so riled up after knowing that she was leaving? Just like Su Jingyi said, as long as her replacement would do its job well, he wouldn't have to worry in the future. Was he hesitating because he was afraid to face the future on his own or because he would be more vulnerable once Su Jingyi left?

"Well, if you don't want Miss Su to leave, why don't you find out why she's leaving first?" Yun Ling suggested to him, which made a lot of sense.

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