Chapter 584 - My Queen, My Empress (2)

What should she do? She can't allow Tang Moyu to get the best of her tonight. What would happen to all the hard work and effort she had put in the past just to get to where she was right now?

The crowd looked at her now with disgust and a frown on each of their faces. She, who was known as the peerless and gentle goddess of the generation, was now reduced to a laughingstock as Feng Tianyi seemed unperturbed by her baseless claims against Tang Moyu.

They didn't think she had an ugly heart hidden by her peerless beauty. Xing Yiyue was also unreasonable and petty. While it's true that Tang Moyu ended up bearing another man's children, it didn't mean that her or her children's worth as a person lowered drastically because of that misfortune.

For Xing Yiyue to insult innocent children like that was too much. What rights did she have to persecute those children? In their eyes, she was nothing more than a despicable woman now.

Xing Yiyue was obviously going after Tang Moyu because she felt inferior in front of the empress, who managed to reclaim her glory and reputation in under a year after her return.

A heartless person like her didn't deserve to have their praise and attention. Some media personalities, as well as big shots in the show business, now had a different opinion of Xing Yiyue and this was just the start of the fall of a superstar like her.

Tang Moyu was right. Xing Yiyue had repeatedly crossed the line with her and it was time that the empress put a stop to it. Xing Yiyue was vicious when she had schemed against Tang Moyu six years ago, and now, she was being unreasonable by dragging the empress's children to the mud just to prove her point.

Before Xing Yiyue could defend herself, one of the staff of Xiao Xing came towards Feng Tianyi, informing him that he was needed on stage as the auction for the remaining diamonds from the Rainbow Collection would resume.

"Please excuse me, esteemed guests. It's a pity we had to witness such a scandal tonight." Feng Tianyi regarded the other guests. "Why don't we continue where we left off and proceed with the auction?"

The other guests nodded their heads and returned to their seats, having enough of the drama they witnessed tonight. They were glad that the host had decided to divert them back on the right track as they were more interested in the diamonds being showcased by Xiao Xing at the moment rather than to waste time with Xing Yiyue's bad acting.

"Please stay. I plan to put an end on this later. Don't bother to run away, because I'll make sure you wouldn't be able to leave this place unscathed." He threatened Feng Tianhua.

"You…" Feng Tianhua wanted to retort, but the devil had already turned his back on him and made way to the stage to join the emcees. He cursed his older brother in his heart. What did Feng Tianyi want from them anyway?

Faced with such pressure from his elder brother, he then turned to Tang Moyu.

"Moyu, I-" But his words were cut off by Tang Moyu. She looked at him with a deep frown on her beautiful face.

"Save your useless words, Feng Tianhua. I don't want to hear your bullshit anymore. I don't know what more your wife wanted from me, when she already got everything she wanted six years ago." Tang Moyu then looked at Xing Yiyue, who still refused to shed her pitiful act.

"If you are feeling threatened by me seducing your husband, your fear is unfounded. Feng Tianhua had never interested me at all. You can have him to yourself. Why would I want him when I get the top meat?"

"Moyu!" Feng Tianhua exclaimed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from her lips. Did she really despise him this much? To the extent that she would slap those words right in his face?

Tang Moyu ignored Feng Tianhua and Xing Yiyue and decided to join Li Meili and her daughter. Little Star's face lit up when she saw her mommy and wrapped her small arms around Tang Moyu's shoulder.

"Mommy, are you alright? Did that auntie upset you?"

"No, darling. Mommy is fine. Daddy protected Mommy from bad people."

Little Star smiled and hugged her mommy tightly. It was a good thing that she and her Yu Gege managed to find their real daddy, and allowed them to meet again, or else her mommy would forever be alone, being mocked by other people because of her misfortune.

Meanwhile, Feng Tianhua dragged his wife away from the empress and her friends. Xing Yiyue winced at how tightly her husband held her wrist. Her eyes stung with tears. Whether it was from pain of being dragged forcefully, or she was keeping her acting, the other guests weren't sure.

The auction continued without them and the remaining four diamonds were sold for at least fifteen million dollars in just one hour.

There was no doubt that Feng Tianyi and Xiao Xing Diamond Co. had successfully hosted an auction that would surely be written in history. Their name and influence would spread within the country like wildfire. It had been a long time since someone had hosted an event like this.

Feng Tianyi was called on the stage by the emcees to join them, which he did. The other guests were disappointed that they weren't able to get at least one of the seven rainbow diamonds.

"We still have two more colored diamonds here, but I regret to inform you that they aren't for sale." He announced, which was followed by a grumbling from the crowd as they were disappointed that Xiao Xing wouldn't sell the remaining diamonds.

"But allow us to present them to you. The Strawberry Shortcake and Stygian Paragon."

As he said this, the rare pink and black diamonds were presented on the stage. The strawberry shaped twelve carat diamond, which roughly cost around fifteen million dollars made the women gasped from its beauty, while the Stygian Paragon was a necklace consisting of five twenty carat black diamonds with a brilliant cut design.

"Forgive us for not selling these precious stones, as I intend to use this as our family heirloom." Feng Tianyi cast a knowing glance to his wife in the crowd before his eyes swept to their guests.

"Now, it's time for me to introduce my partner here in Xiao Xing." He paused as he gave the guests time to guess who's the CEO of Xiao Xing Diamond Co.

Feng Tianyi extended a hand to get everyone's attention.

"May I introduce to you, the CEO and founder of Xiao Xing Diamond Co. My partner, my beloved wife…"

Everyone almost fell from their seats at Feng Tianyi's introduction. Just who was the woman who was able to defeat the demon king and managed to tie him down in marriage?

As his words trailed off, the guests held their breaths in anticipation.

"My brightest star in the darkest of my nights. My queen, my empress… Tang Moyu."

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