Chapter 564 - Feng Tianyi Is Just Bluffing (2)

The inauguration of the Xiao Xing's headquarters had been the talk of the town for the past few weeks, but alongside it, Feng Tianyi's name and Qing Tian Group had taken the interest of the public as the company retaliated against Zion Inc.'s attempt to devour them.

Under Feng Tianyi's orders, the Qing Tian Group had bought Zion Inc.'s market share at twice the price, catching everyone off guard. It seemed like the Qing Tian Group wasn't willing to be bullied even if Song Huifen wasn't around and had countered the attacks.

President Cai Jiahao of Zion Inc. hadn't expected that Feng Tianyi would make the move. Previously, he utilized his connections within the media to allow the baseless rumors that the Qing Tian Group was facing a hard time as their empress dowager fell ill recently.

Without Song Huifen, Cai Jiahao thought that this was the perfect time to seize his chance to get his hands on the Qing Tian Group. Little did he know that he was being played not only by the devil, but by Tang Moyu and the empress dowager herself.

With Tang Moyu's support, it wouldn't be easy for Cai Jiahao to beat the devil in this game of acquisition. He had miscalculated that Tang Moyu would stay away from the conflict between two companies.

Rumors were just rumors. Feng Tianyi might have been spotted with Tang Moyu before, but after their public appearance together, they hadn't been seen together after that.

Anyway, Cai Jiahao had once met the empress, and she was very professional when it came to business. Tang Moyu never meddled in anyone's affairs that didn't directly affect her or her company, so Cai Jiahao assumed that she wouldn't dare to extend a helping hand to Feng Tianyi, who was also known as a prideful man.

It would be an insult and too low for the devil to seek another person's help to save himself. This was what Cai Jiahao assumed based on what he heard about Feng Tianyi.

"President Cai, Feng Tianyi doubled the purchase price for our company. Should we continue?" One of the members of his board questioned him.

"Feng Tianyi is just bluffing. He's just trying to shake our confidence. He didn't have what it takes to run Qing Tian Group and won't be able to keep their rivals at bay." Cai Jiahao said with such confidence.

He started Zion Inc. over ten years ago. What allowed him to grow this company was his risky investments and his audacity to enter deals that held high risk for their company.

Song Huifen, after all, was the core of the Qing Tian Group. They had no one on par with her skills and capabilities. To Cai Jiahao, Feng Tianyi couldn't hold a candle against himself and his mother.

"So what should we do?" The others questioned him. The thought of swallowing Qing Tian Group and harvesting a hefty amount from it sounds so enticing to them. With the continued dip in Qing Tian Group since Song Huifen's disappearance, how could they waste this chance to finally beat Qing Tian Group?

Cai Jiahao stood up and pointed his forefinger on the table, emphasizing each of his words. They cannot back out now. Stepping back in this war meant they didn't have the guts to turn against the Qing Tian Group, making them a laughing stock within the business community.

"We are taking the risk of course! We will raise the bid and buy their stocks three times the original price. I'm pretty sure some would be enticed to sell their shares. So long that we can acquire enough shares of Qing Tian Group, we will be able to overturn Feng Tianyi's position within the company."

"If we succeed this time, there's no doubt that we will reach the pinnacle of Zion Inc., making us the newest king in the industry. Don't you like that? Are you really satisfied with being second after Qing Tian Group? I don't think so."

For a prideful and ambitious man like Cai Jiahao, he would never be satisfied with being second. For the longest time, he'd been waiting for Qing Tian Group to face internal trouble like this.

Moved by his words, the board as well as the other shareholders of Zion Inc. agreed with Cai Jiahao. They also didn't believe that Feng Tianyi was skilled enough to go against them, considering his past performance.

None of them existed now and had been forgotten already, so how would Feng Tianyi be able to keep Qing Tian Group afloat on his own, when his mother wouldn't be there to back him up? If they didn't strike at the wounded lion and waited for it to recover, they would never find another chance to go against the Qing Tian Group again.

While Cai Jiahao and the Zion Inc. arrogantly waited for their victory against the Qing Tian Group, they were oblivious to what the black bellied couple had in their minds. Their actions had already been predicted by the empress and the devil had just trapped them in the game they started.

Feng Tianyi was paying close attention to the data in the stock market between Qing Tian Group and Zion Inc. Tang Moyu appeared behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders affectionately and saw what he was looking at.

"Hn? Very good. They took the bait willingly. They cannot back out now." Her lips curled into a slight smile. "You know what to do next?"

"Yes." Feng Tianyi replied. How could he lose in this game if he had the empress by his side. He didn't need to hear from her what to do next, as he will enjoy playing with these who dared to question his authority and Qing Tian Group.

Zion Inc. just tripled their purchasing price, but how long could they keep it up? Daring to devour the lion in its weakened state? Zion Inc. would be the one to be devoured whole soon.

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