Chapter 531 - Little Brother (2)

Other than Zhang Wuying, Tang Moyu had not met any of the Zhang family members before this. Even during all those years when she thought she was that woman's daughter, she had always wondered why she wasn't allowed to come with her siblings whenever Zhang Wuying brought them to her maiden family.

So she wasn't sure how the Zhang family perceived her existence. Did they see her as a threat, or was it all in Zhang Wuying's head? Looking at Zhang Jiren, she couldn't sense any hint of animosity in his eyes.

Was he really the same new devil people were talking about? Tang Moyu wondered. Zhang Jiren looked decent and not intimidating at all. Or so she thought, because clearly, Tang Beixuan and Elaine couldn't ignore the domineering aura of the dashing man in front of them.

Tang Moyu eyed the hand Zhang Jiren was offering her before giving him a firm handshake.

"The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is all mine, Mr. Zhang." She said politely, her face showing nothing but her usual impassioned expression.

Zhang Jiren let out a chuckle and released her hand, burying it in his pockets. His attention zeroed on Tang Moyu, totally ignoring the curious stares the two of them were getting from people around then.

Tang Beixuan was getting nervous with every second passed as his cousin stayed with them. Didn't Zhang Jiren say he was in a hurry? Why was he dilly dallying here, choosing to talk with his sister?

"I hope my little brother isn't giving you any trouble." Tang Moyu told Zhang Jiren before giving her younger brother a side glance. "Beixuan, it's rude not to inform your superiors that you are leaving. I thought I taught you well." She chastised Tang Beixuan.

Tang Beixuan laughed awkwardly and faced his cousin.

"I apologize again, CEO Zhang. It wasn't my intention to disrespect you." He told Zhang Jiren.

"I'll let it pass this time, Mr. Tang. I understand that you are eager to see your sister, but you shouldn't forget propriety and etiquette." Zhang Jiren reminded him.

Tang Beixuan could only sigh and nod in return. Although he felt uncomfortable having Zhang Jiren around, he had to admit that the man hadn't treated him unfairly during or even after working hours.

Although he now understood why some of Zhang Jiren's subordinates were loyal to him even though he gave them a hellish amount of work. The man was just a perfectionist and wouldn't accept half-assed output at work.

Urgh, Zhang Jiren was just like his elder sister in this aspect. Tang Beixuan didn't understand why they had to go the extra mile to prove that they were capable. His sister, as well as Zhang Jiren, had experienced being looked down upon by both of their families and emerged as the victorious ones, proving their worth to everyone.

"Thank you for looking after my brother. Please excuse us. We'll be going first." Tang Moyu told Zhang Jiren as she excused themselves, intending to leave. She was eager to go home and be reunited with her family, whom she hadn't been able to see for a week.

Zhang Jiren gave her a curt nod and watched as she turned to leave with Tang Beixuan and her friend. He hadn't expected that he would meet her today, under this circ.u.mstance.

As they walked to leave the airport, Tang Moyu had taken the chance to remind her brother to be careful around Zhang Jiren. Although the man didn't show any animosity or hatred towards them, it didn't mean that they could lower their guards, especially because he was a Zhang.

"I know, Moyu Jie. If I had a choice, I wouldn't have joined Zhang Corporation." Tang Beixuan exclaimed dejectedly. He had been intending to join Qing Tian Group and almost managed to get in, but his mother interfered with his plans again.

Thankfully, Zhang Wuying seemed oblivious to the fact that he was seeing Li Meili now. He could already imagine the explosive anger that would follow once she found out about his relationship with his sister's best friend.

"Did Mother tell you how long you should be working with them? I'll be assured if you can join Qing Tian Group, or you can join me at Xiao Xing if you want. Regardless if you are a Tang or not, you are still my brother Beixuan. I don't want to see mother ruin your life just because she couldn't be happy with her own." Tang Moyu muttered, making sure that she and her brother were out of Elaine's earshot, as the young heiress made a phone call to assure her family that she had arrived safely in Shenzhen.

Tang Beixuan frowned. He didn't know the answer for that question. He should have negotiated with their mother to at least allow him to work on Zhang Corporation under a time limit. Unfortunately it didn't cross his mind when he agreed to the arrangement.

"I'll try to convince Mother to allow me to resign after six months." He answered his sister. "It should be enough to placate her wishes." He whispered, then smiled when Elaine came back to join them.

"I'm sorry for the late introduction, Miss Wu. I'm Tang Beixuan." He offered his hand to Elaine Wu, which she took gladly.

"Finally!" Elaine Wu grinned back at him. "I can finally put a face to your name. I've been hearing so much about you, Tang Beixuan."

She heard about Li Meili dating the empress's younger brother, and looking at Tang Beixuan's youthful and handsome face, it wasn't surprising that Li Meili would fall for him.

Tang Beixuan let out an awkward laugh at that.

"Good things about me, I hope?"

"Nothing but the best!" Elaine assured him.

The car that was waiting outside the airport stopped right in front of them. Tang Beixuan let out a low whistle, seeing how many cars and bodyguards were waiting for his sister.

'Wow. My sister really married a big shot.' He thought. But he had to give it to Feng Tianyi. He was able to convince his sister to bring bodyguards with her.

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