Chapter 520 - The Weird Auntie Ate Mr. Rabbit (2)

His little buns were clearly upset seeing him with another woman, but hey, he didn't plan any of these to happen. He wasn't the one who told Liu Ruoyan to come here and seduce him in front of his children.

'Tang Moyu will kill me.' Feng Tianyi thought inwardly. 'Moyu would skin me alive and throw me to the wild dogs to be eaten if she hears that I'm entertaining another woman behind her back.'

The devil could only go with the flow, and followed the twins' arrangement for him and Liu Ruoyan. Whatever they were planning to do during this dinner, he had no doubt that Luo Ruoyan wouldn't like any of it.

"Daddy, I'm so hungry." Little Star said. Even though they already arrived at the restaurant and had taken a private room, she refused to leave her daddy's side.

She then cast Liu Ruoyan, a mocking look as she wrapped her arms around her father, acting like the spoiled child she was. Even if their mommy wasn't here, there was no way Liu Ruoyan would be able to take their daddy away without a fight.

Dare to take their daddy right in front of her? Well, this little girl wouldn't play fair tonight!

"Fine. Let's order something to eat." Feng Tianyi sighed and could only allow his daughter to do whatever she wished to do. Perhaps he could convince the twins not to report today's happenings to their mother. He wasn't really looking forward to receiving Tang Moyu's ire once she was back from her trip.

Feng Tianyi allowed his little girl to sit on his l.a.p and dominate his attention, not giving Luo Ruoyan a chance to speak with him. Not that Feng Tianyi would mind. She couldn't be that dumb not to notice that his children didn't like her even a bit and weren't planning to allow any women to be close to him.

The devil weeped inwardly. Such loyal children that he had. Just like him....

Meanwhile, Liu Ruoyan was having an inner turmoil. She couldn't even get a chance to talk to Feng Tianyi, given how the little girl refused to let him off. She didn't know when she offended these children, especially when she hadn't shown any dissatisfaction on her face yet. Had they known what she was up to? Their actions seemed to show that she had already provoked them and was displeased with her presence.

No, impossible. They couldn't possibly know that she wanted to become their father's wife in the future.

The dishes were served one by one, and Feng Tianyi focused on feeding his children, making sure that they were eating well. He had promised his wife to make sure he would take good care of their children while she wasn't around.

Ah, they should already be home by this time, having a meal with Tang Moyu as they talked over a video call. It had been what they'd been doing since his wife left for her business trip, now Feng Tianyi had to endure this dinner away from home, trying to ignore Liu Ruoyan altogether.

"Little Star, eat more." Liu Ruoyan attempted to get the little girl's attention. She picked up a piece of meat from one of the dishes and was intending to place it in the little girl's bowl. "This is a rabbit's meat. It's very delicious and tender. You should try it."

The twins, as well as Lan Yunru, were frozen on their seats once they heard what Liu Ruoyan said. The spoon on Little's Star's hand fell down on the table with a loud clunk, taking everyone's attention.

Liu Ruoyan was momentarily confused as to why they fell silent until she saw Little Star sobbing pitifully to his father.

"Wuuu…. Daddy, how could this weird auntie eat the cute Mr. Rabbit? Who is heartless enough to eat Mr. Rabbit?!" Little Star suddenly wailed, her tears rolling down her cute face as she expressed her grievances to her father.

Xiao Bao followed his twin sister's lead and brought down his spoon.

"Mr. Rabbit is supposed to be eaten?" He said in a low voice.

Meanwhile, Lan Yunru, who was oblivious to the Tang twins' scheme, was moved and felt saddened by the thought of the cute rabbits being killed just to be eaten.

"Daddy, how can you allow us to eat Mr. Rabbit? Waaaa…." She cried.

"What?!" Liu Ruoyan started to panic. She had no idea how to pacify crying children as she never was good to them. Why were they crying anyway? It was just a piece of meat for f.u.c.k's sake!

Seeing the children cry over such trivial matters, Liu Ruoyan didn't have any face to show to Feng Tianyi. This… how was she supposed to overcome this obstacle in front of her? She had never dealt with brats like them before.

Feng Tianyi and Song Fengyan were rendered speechless at the three children's reactions. None of them had been prepared for this. Who in the world would think that these four year old twins were capable of plotting such an intricate trap for Liu Ruoyan?

Was this what the twins were planning all this time? Thinking about it, didn't Feng Tianyi allow his twins to choose the dishes from the menu earlier? It was impossible for the twins not to know that the dish they ordered was made with rabbits' meat.

Feng Tianyi couldn't believe that his young children were capable of doing such a thing at such a young age! He didn't know whether he should laugh or be proud of their performance tonight.

'Moyu, what have our children done? Please come back soon. This husband of yours cannot handle the twins on his own.' He thought pitifully, feeling helpless without his wife by his side.

If he had known this would happen, he wouldn't have agreed to see Liu Ruoyan today. Alas, it was too late for him to regret now, since his children had already made a move against their prey.

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