Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 517 - Special Mission: Protect Daddy From the Witch (1)

Chapter 517 - Special Mission: Protect Daddy From the Witch (1)

Tang Feixiu's mood had been down these days, ever since her mommy went on a sudden business trip. Just as she thought she would be able to spend more time with her mommy, her parents had told her and Yu Gege that their mommy needed to get back to work soon.

Little Star had been on her mother's side since Tang Moyu left Tang Enterprise. She had always made sure that her mommy was still at home when she woke up in the morning and had preferred her mommy to tuck her in at night.

But why did her mommy need to leave for work again? This time their mommy would be gone for a week, leaving her and her twin brother with their daddy at home. While Little Star loved her daddy so much, she loved her mommy way more than anyone else.

In Little Star's mind, there was no one better than her mommy. That was why her annoyance reached its peak upon seeing a weird woman sitting on her daddy's l.a.p. It made her very upset. They were supposed to stay with their daddy this afternoon until they were ready to go back home together.

But who would have thought that the moment she arrived with her twin brother, they would see an unknown woman behaving inappropriately on their daddy while their mother was away.

"Huh? Who are you, auntie? What are you doing here?" It was Xiao Bao who recovered from shock first and questioned the unknown woman.

Feng Tianyi was horrified to be caught by his children in such an awkward position and jolted back to his feet, sending Liu Ruoyan off of his l.a.p and falling on her b.u.t.t on the cold floor.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" She cried in pain. She then glared at the children, who suddenly barged in the room, spoiling her chance to seduce Feng Tianyi.

'Brats!' She shot the children a menacing look. How could they ruin her chance just like that?

Liu Ruoyan had dressed up spectacularly today, hoping she would be able to leave a good impression on Feng Tianyi.

"Wuu… Brother Yi, how could you push me like that?" She complained to the devil, but she was oblivious to the horrified expression and panic written all over Feng Tianyi's face.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm doomed!" Feng Tianyi cursed inwardly. Since the twins had witnessed it with their own eyes, there was no doubt that they would tell their mother about what they saw today.

Feng Tianyi started to sweat profusely at the thought. He never wanted to anger Tang Moyu and test her patience. Although he had a very understanding wife, Feng Tianyi knew that her patience had a limit.

Instead of helping Liu Ruoyan to stand up, the devil ignored the woman and rounded his desk to check on his little buns. He didn't miss the way their mouths turned down upon seeing Liu Ruoyan sitting on his l.a.p, but the twins were smart enough to hold their tongues for a moment, giving Feng Tianyi time to explain himself.

"Ah, you're here! How's your day at school?" Feng Tianyi asked awkwardly as he helped Little Star remove her backpack, while Xiao Bao had chosen to throw his bag on the leather couch in his father's office and climb up on it.

"Good. Yunyun came with us today." Little Star pursed her lips and followed her twin brother's lead, sitting next to him. "We didn't know you have an 'important' guest today. We are sorry for disturbing you." The little girl spat out, making her father even more nervous.

'Ahh, Little Star. How can you talk to your father like that? You are really Moyu's daughter, I see.' The devil weeped inwardly.

How could he forget that Little Star didn't like for him to be associated with any strange woman? She had been very clear and honest that she didn't want any other siblings, regardless if it was from a woman he'd been with or with their own mother.

The way Little Star crossed her arms over her c.h.e.s.t and looked at him suspiciously reminded Feng Tianyi of his wife. There was no doubt that their daughter had taken this attitude from her mother.

"It's alright, Little Star. She's my acquaintance from before and just paid a visit." Feng Tianyi had no idea how to explain to his children what they'd seen earlier. He better remember to make it clear, so they wouldn't tell their mother about it and cause an argument between them.

Liu Ruoyan stood up and brushed the dirt from her skirt, her mood totally ruined by these children. From the looks of it, these two brats were close to Feng Tianyi. Now that she had a chance to look at their faces, she couldn't help but notice the resemblance between Feng Tianyi and the little boy.

"It's my fault coming here unannounced, Brother Yi." Liu Ruoyan placed a hand on her c.h.e.s.t and acted like a pitiful woman in his presence. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't contain my excitement when I heard that you are back." She added.

Little Star eyed the woman in front of her and scrunched her nose in disgust. This woman was definitely lying!

'Don't worry, Mommy. Even if you aren't here, Yu Gege and I will protect daddy from this witch!' Little Star thought, sharing the same thoughts with her twin brother.

It was obvious that the little buns were displeased to see their father with another woman today.

"Who are these kids anyway? Your nephew and niece?" Liu Ruoyan asked curiously. Perhaps she could use these two to become close with Feng Tianyi. "How nice. I didn't know you could be a good uncle, Brother Yi."

Xiao Bao frowned at what she said.

"What uncle? He's definitely our daddy!"

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