Chapter 515 - Future Madam Feng (1)

Liu Ruoyan was the devil's woman up to the moment he was involved in that nasty accident, which caused Feng Tianyi to lose the ability to walk. It had been years since she saw the man, and she had never met another man that was as rich and as intimidating as the devil.

The Liu family had been business partners with the Song family for years, and they were hoping to secure the ties between the families by marrying off Liu Ruoyan to Feng Tianyi, Song Huifen's only son.

This was the only way for the Liu family to cement their influence and status within the business community. Arranged marriages had been long used in their tradition for this reason, and Liu Ruoyan didn't mind at all. So long that she was able to become Madam Feng in the future, she didn't care what entails their marriage.

She should have become Madam Feng six years ago, but because of Feng Tianyi's accident, all their plans had been forced to halt. Now at twenty-six years old, Liu Ruoyan was being pressured by her family and peers to settle down, but she just didn't have the heart or the interest to marry anyone who wasn't Feng Tianyi.

Now that he was back, how can she not use this chance to pick up where they left off? She wouldn't waste the chance to become Feng Tianyi's wife this time. Hadn't she already wasted enough years thinking if she should wait for him or allow her family to set another arrangement for her marriage?

"Miss, are you sure you want to see Mr. Feng? Do you think he has forgotten what you did to him the last time you were together?" Her personal maid asked her worriedly, seeing that Liu Ruoyan decided to reach out to the devil once again.

Her face was ghastly pale as she took a peek over Liu Ruoyan's shoulder, having a good look of Feng Tianyi, who was standing close beside Tang Moyu at Qin Jiran's newest book launching.

"You are worrying too much, Bai Ting!" Liu Ruoyan tried to suppress her irritation upon being reminded of her last encounter with Feng Tianyi six years ago. "He wouldn't hold it against me. Brother Yi would only think that I've only done it because of immaturity. I was only a college student back then."

So what if she drugged him? She was just attempting to seduce him on her bed. He was supposed to become her husband anyway, though her efforts were futile in the end. No one was harmed because of it, and she wasn't able to sleep with Feng Tianyi because He Lianchen had already taken him away even before she was able to make a move on him.

Alas, it was such a waste of opportunity. Knowing Feng Tianyi, if she had succeeded that night, he wouldn't be able to reason out and would have no choice but to take her as his wife.

Although there was an obvious age gap of nine years between them, Liu Ruoyan didn't mind it at all. In fact, it only made the chase for the devil exciting in her opinion. There was no other man comparable to the devious devil she'd fallen in love with years ago.

If it wasn't Feng Tianyi, then she would rather not marry at all! Just as she thought that she was left with no hope, Feng Tianyi had come back to the country. However, she wasn't sure about his condition until she saw the news about him attending the Gu heiress's wedding and had been spotted with the empress, Tang Moyu.

Liu Ruoyan sneered inwardly at the thought. How dare Tang Moyu covet what was hers? She would make sure that Tang Moyu wouldn't be able to snatch her man from right under her nose!

"But…" Bai Ting couldn't help but be worried for her miss and herself. After all, she was the one responsible for spiking Feng Tianyi's drink that night. If the devil remembered what happened that night, he might hold her responsible for her Miss's scheme.

"It's been a long time already, Bai Ting. It's impossible for Brother Yi to remember such a thing." Liu Ruoyan wouldn't even remember it if Bai Ting hadn't mentioned it. So even if they mention it in Feng Tianyi's presence, Liu Ruoyan was certain the man wouldn't remember it at all.

Bai Ting was afraid that Feng Tianyi wouldn't let them off once he realized what Liu Ruoyan attempted to do to him that night. Bai Ting was also sure that she would be dragged by it if it came to light. She wasn't sure what she would do if that happened.

"If… if Miss put it that way…" Bai Ting could only lower her head and place her trust in her miss. But she decided not to get involved next time, if Liu Ruoyan decided to do something outrageous again.

Who knew what Feng Tianyi would do to them? Unlike Liu Ruoyan, Bai Ting wasn't looking forward to meeting the devil again. She had a very bad feeling about this.

While Bai Ting was worrying over her future, Liu Ruoyan couldn't contain her excitement at the idea of meeting Feng Tianyi again. Tang Moyu? Who was that? The empress wouldn't be able to stop her from getting what she wanted.

Compared to her status, Tang Moyu had nothing. Hadn't she lost the favor of the Tang family?

Liu Ruoyan might be naive and young back then, but she was confident that Feng Tianyi wouldn't be able to ignore her charm this time. Her lips curling into a confident smile. Just thinking about how she would become Madam Feng one day brought her so much satisfaction.

Compared to other women that the devil had been with, she was the most suitable one to become his wife. Not only would she be connected to the Song family once she married him, but Liu Ruoyan would also be able to enjoy the perks of being Madam Feng by being Feng Tianyi's wife.

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