Chapter 490 - Mommy Fen, You Should Help Me! (2)

Xing Yiyue was taken aback by the cold words the little boy spat against her and he even called her old auntie?! She has never received an insult like this from anyone before!

She, who had always been treated with respect by everyone as Madam Feng, and treated like a princess by her husband. How can she accept this little boy's insult by calling her an old auntie? She was only twenty-five years old for f.u.c.k's sake!

"Who allowed this boy to enter this place? Little Boy, don't you know that you shouldn't be here?" She sneered in return. How dare this boy insult her in front of everyone?

Xiao Bao only shrugged and gave the sapphire set back to the shop assistant.

"Please pack it properly," he told her, before returning his attention to the woman in front of him.

"Old auntie, there's no reason for them to forbid me from entering as long as I can pay." His eyes then gave Xing Yiyue a head to toe look. The woman was wearing a glaring bloody red bodycon dress that hurt the young boy's eyes.

This woman's fashion taste was way below his mommy and Auntie Mei's style. The two would never be seen underdressed or overdressed when they were in public.

"Little boy, don't you know who's in front of you now? Hurry, leave this place now and go back to your mommy." One of the women beside Xing Yiyue told Little Feiyu.

How can they waste this chance to suck up to Xing Yiyue? Not only was she a popular actress nowadays, she even has a wealthy husband backing her up!

"I'm sorry, Old auntie. But how?would this boy know who you are? Unless you are the owner of this store and this shopping mall, you shouldn't bully me." Xiao Bao responded with a frown that almost replicated his father's perfectly.

"You haven't seen her on TV? She's also been in several ads!"

"Oh, Little boy must be living under the rocks not to know our Sister Yue." Another one giggled next to the actress.

"Oh my. Could he even pay for that sapphire set? Isn't it too expensive for you little boy?"

The women behind Xing Yiyue murmured and giggled to themselves.

"Eh? Aunties shouldn't be worrying about it." Xiao Bao then pulled out the rare expensive black card he got from his daddy. Those who saw what he was holding gasped, their eyes widened in shock.

Who didn't know that only a small group of people can be given this kind of black card within the country? How come this little boy had one of them? Looking at his posture and the way he dressed, some of them only realized that this boy wasn't an ordinary one.

Staring at Xiao Bao's face, it then dawned on Xing Yiyue where she saw the boy. Wasn't he the same boy Feng Tianyi, her brother-in-law, was holding when she first met him? If she was right, this boy might be her brother-in-law's son.

"Little boy, are you my nephew? I'm Feng Tianhua's wife and he's your uncle." Xing Yiyue introduced herself, this time her tone was a little gentler.

The frown on Little Feiyu's face deepened. If he hadn't overheard his daddy's conversation with his Uncle Yan, he wouldn't know that his daddy's real name was Feng Tianyi, and not Qin Jiran.

Was this woman telling the truth? Did that mean that they were related to each other?

"So as your aunty, would you please give the sapphires to me instead? I don't think there's any use of it for someone like you." Xing Yiyue continued.

Xiao Bao shook his head and crossed his little arms over his c.h.e.s.t.

"I don't know who you are, Auntie. Why are you bullying a kid like me anyway?" He said in return.

"What's happening here?"

A group of people entered the shop and everyone fell silent. The one who was speaking was the general manager of this shopping mall. He was giving the Chairman a tour around the shopping mall for inspection and overheard the argument coming from this store.

"Mr. Liu!" The manager of the jewelry store came forward and greeted the old man. "It's just a misunderstanding, Sir."

"What misunderstanding?" Came a domineering voice of a woman who just stepped inside the store. Her eyes swept around until her eyes widened in shock upon seeing her grandson inside, arguing with Xing Yiyue.

"Baobao? What are you doing here?" Song Huifen asked the little bun.

This time, the little bun shed his cold facade and decided to act like a kid being bullied by someone.

"Mommy Fen!" Xiao Bao ran towards his grandmother with teary eyes and sobbed pitifully. "Mommy Fen, you should help me! Wuuu…"

Tang Beixuan was left speechless over the scene played in front of him. When did his nephew start to grow a pair of little horns over his head? Xiao Bao cried the moment he saw Song Huifen as if he just switched on something and let his tears run.

Those who witnessed the scene had their jaws dropped. Just who was this boy and this old woman?

"Who has the guts to make my grandson cry? Speak!" Song Huifen's voice boomed within the store. Xing Yiyue and the women next to her cowered in fear.

Mr. Liu started to sweat profusely. He wasn't even aware that Chairman Song had a grandchild, and for them to witness this bond personally, there's no doubt someone had just signed their death warrant.

"Baobao, tell Mommy Fen who made you cry. What are you doing here anyway?" Of course, she had seen Tang Beixuan with her grandbaby, and knew that this little devil was just acting, but how can she deny him? He was her grandchild after all.

"Wuuu… I came here with Little Star to find a present, but this old auntie wanted to take the sapphires I found first!"

A present? Song Huifen arched a slender brow. Were her grandbabies trying to find a gift for their mother? She had just gotten back from her trip to Shanghai, and hadn't visited her son and new daughter-in-law. She also hadn't expected to see Baobao here, along with Xing Yiyue.

Song Huifen narrowed her eyes on Xing Yiyue's group. She knew she could be petty, but how can she waste this rare chance to humiliate Wang Ruoxi and her family?

"Throw them out of this mall! This woman and her acquaintances are forbidden in any establishment owned by Qing Tian Group! Anyone who let them in will suffer grave consequences! Do I make myself clear?!"

It was the first time the general manager of the shopping mall saw her being furious like this. This was far from the calm persona Song Huifen had. Alas, how could people forget that she was the empress dowager? Seeing her grandchild being bullied by another, how could she remain calm?

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