Chapter 477 - My Very Own Daddy (1)

"What do you plan to do now? Are you going to confront Lan Xiyan about your daughter?" Feng Tianyi asked as he poured his wife a cup of tea while Song Fengyan was busy watching his daughter playing and laughing with Little Star as they tried to groom Hunter, with a pet brush on one hand.

"I'm not sure yet…" Song Fengyan admitted.

Tang Moyu thanked her husband for the tea and the slice of cheesecake he placed on her plate before taking a small bite of it. From the patio the three of them were in, they could hear and watch their daughters talk with each other.

Meanwhile, Tang Feiyu and Huo Yunhao were busy watching a cartoon show in the living area engrossed in their own world.

"Be careful brushing Hunter's coat. He doesn't like it when we brush and tug on it too much." Little Star told Lan Yunru, who was watching the girl in awe as Little Star commanded the huge dog to lie down on the floor.

"Wow, he really listens to you." Lan Yunru said with amazement. "But why doesn't Hunter follow your brother's command?" She asked.

"I'm not sure either…" Little Star responded. Although it didn't seem like Hunter disliked her twin brother, this dog only listened to her and her mommy without causing any trouble.

"Whatever you decide, you must keep in mind that it would affect Lan Yunru. You must discuss this with Luo Qingqing amiably. Please don't let the child see the two of you arguing." Tang Moyu interjected, reminding Song Fengyan that this issue was not only about him and Lan Xiyan, but also their daughter.

"I agree with Moyu on this. You should thread over this carefully, Fengyan." Feng Tianyi added. He understood that this might be hard for his cousin as he had also experienced the same anxiousness back when he just found out that the little buns were his.

Song Fengyan stared down on his teacup and nodded. "I understand."

Even if Tang Moyu didn't say, he already had it in mind. He just wasn't sure how he should talk with Lan Xiyan about this without pushing her to the corner. He feared that she would run away again if he wasn't careful with this confrontation.

When was the best time to talk to her anyway? He couldn't just appear on her doorstep unannounced, asking her about their daughter's custody and to give child support. He also wasn't sure how Lan Xiyan would react once she found out about him knowing the truth about their daughter.

Since Lan Xiyan had a history of running away from their problem, Song Fengyan had to make sure that she wouldn't run away this time. Not when Lan Yunru was now involved between them. He wouldn't let this chance to become part of his daughter's life slip away just like that.

As he watched Lan Yunru interact happily with his niece and nephew, the more he felt a stronger resolve to protect his daughter. He was willing to set aside his difference with Lan Xiyan just to make sure that Yunyun would be fine.

An hour later, when the girls had enough playing with Hunter, they went straight to Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu as their stomachs started to grumble from hunger.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Little Star pouted at her mother, knowing that this time, her mommy wouldn't deny her when it comes to food.

Tang Moyu smiled and rose to her feet.

"Then why don't you and Yunru wash your hands first before having snacks together. Your daddy should have enough time to get your eclair." She said, leading the two girls to the kitchen sink to wash their hands.

"Let me take the eclairs instead." Song Fengyan volunteered and followed the empress and the girls to the kitchen, not giving the devil a chance to respond. How can he waste this chance to pamper his daughter a little?

When the girls came back to the patio, their snacks were already on the table, waiting for their return. Little Star's eyes lit up when she saw her favorite eclairs. She really had no idea where her father managed to find such a delicious treat.

The girls took their seats and eagerly started eating without waiting for the boys, who were still in the kitchen with Tang Moyu.

"Ah! Little Star didn't wait for me and Yunhao! Don't eat our share!" Xiao Bao exclaimed once he saw his twin sister eating one eclair after another.

"Now, now. You don't need to fight with your sister, darling." Tang Moyu patted her son's back lovingly. "Your daddy bought enough for all of us to eat. Now, why don't you take a seat and have your snack too?"

Xiao Bao begrudgingly took a seat next to his twin sister and ate his share, ignoring how the girls were talking loudly with each other.

For a moment, he thought that if his mommy and daddy decided to have another child, he hoped that it would be a boy, because he wouldn't be able to tolerate it if he gained another talkative sister like Little Star.

When it was time for Huo Yunhao and Lan Yunru to go home, Song Fengyan followed his daughter outside the empress's property to meet Lan Xiyan, who was supposed to pick Lan Yunru today. He wanted to take this opportunity to talk to her about their daughter peacefully.

Huo Yunhao left with his bodyguard as soon as his grandfather arrived, while Lan Yunru waited for a moment, wondering if her mommy was on her way already.

"Why are you sad? Are you afraid that your mommy would ditch you this time?" Song Fengyan asked curiously.

Lan Yunru shook her head. Her mommy rarely broke her promises, but she also knew how busy her mommy could be these days. They didn't wait for too long as Lan Xiyan stepped out of the cab that pulled up in front of Tang Moyu's property. She was briefly surprised when she saw her daughter with Song Fengyan.

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