Chapter 475 - The Other Devil (1)

Zhang Wuying came home with a sour mood. She knew she shouldn't have gotten involved with Tang Moyu's children. What was the purpose of her visit to the twins anyway? She couldn't understand what her brother was thinking, sending her there knowing that it might infuriate the empress.

She threw her handbag on the couch and flopped down on it in a very unladylike way. She covered her eyes with an arm as she tried to reign her flaring emotions. The mere sight of Tang Moyu was enough to annoy her to death. Such a face has never failed to infuriate her to no end.

Zhang Wuying was thankful that she still had an older brother who looked after her, even at their old age, now that their parents had passed away long ago. Zhang Xianzhe was the one who convinced the Tang family to make her marriage to Tang Lixue possible.

She wasn't willing to let their engagement end just because Tang Lixue said he didn't want to pursue their marriage anymore, in favor of Yan Qiuyu. She, who had stayed beside him over the years, wasn't willing to lose face and accept defeat against another woman.

"You are early today. I wasn't expecting you to be home this early." A familiar voice reached her ears, followed by footsteps coming her way.

Zhang Wuying removed her arm and took a look at her brother's face, who took a seat across her. She huffed and crossed her legs.

"I told you it's futile to make amendments with Tang Moyu. I don't see why I should get on her good side through her twins." She grumbled with irritation.

"Now, now. Don't say that, Wuying. You should know better than anyone that you still need Tang Moyu. As long as she hasn't sold the inheritance she got from your husband, you would still be able to convince her to let go of all of it." Her brother said nonchalantly as he opened the bottle of scotch and poured himself a drink.

Zhang Xianzhe didn't bother to explain further to his sister and swirled his drink, as he allowed himself to be consumed by his own thoughts. Tang Moyu might be thinking that she had successfully ruined Tang Enterprise, but she didn't know… the Zhang family had been waiting for this to happen.

Tang Enterprise had been their rival company for the longest time, and them being reduced to nothing by one of their own now meant that it would be easier for Zhang Corporation to flourish.

"Why don't you let Beixuan join our company instead? Now that Tang Enterprise is no more, he wouldn't be getting anything from the Tang family, aside from the inheritance he got when Tang Lixue died." Zhang Xianzhe suggested.

"I've already told Beixuan that, but he insisted that he would try to join Qing Tian Group instead. I don't know what he's thinking anymore. He wouldn't listen to me no matter how much I try to tell him that he shouldn't associate himself with Tang Moyu."

Zhang Wuying wasn't even aware that her son was very close to the empress, treating her like a real sister. Tang Beixuan wasn't even a real Tang. Everyone in the family was aware of this when he was brought home, except for Tang Wanyu and the empress herself at the time.

No one knew where the boy came from, but neither Elder Tang nor Tang Lixue made a big deal out of it after a long discussion they had behind the old man's door. Just like Tang Wanyu, Tang Beixuan had been adopted into the Tang family under the conditions Tang Lixue had set for Zhang Wuying.

"It would be better if he joined the company as soon as possible. Beixuan is lacking in experience and you know you cannot spoil him too much. Why don't we ask Jiren to give him a suitable position in the company?" Zhang Xianzhe suggested.

Zhang Wuying's lips were pressed into a thin line. She didn't know why, but whenever her nephew, Zhang Jiren, was mentioned or whenever he was in her presence, she couldn't help but feel like she was under scrutiny.

Zhang Jiren was her brother's illegitimate child with a mistress. The boy had been living in an orphanage until her brother took him into custody when he reached the age of ten.

"I don't know…" Zhang Wuying didn't want her son to be near her nephew. Something about the man was off and she didn't trust Zhang Jiren one bit.

"Jiren is coming back from his trip to London tonight. There shouldn't be an issue with Beixuan joining the company this late." Her brother insisted.

Zhang Wuying contemplated if she should agree or not, but seeing that her own brother wasn't giving her a choice, she nodded.

"Fine. Just make sure that Jiren wouldn't make things difficult for Beixuan. His reputation precedes him anyway."

Zhang Xianzhe laughed at that. Of course he had heard about his son being the 'current devil' of this generation. Ever since Feng Tianyi disappeared from the scene, Zhang Jiren, along with Yun Zhen had rapidly gained reputation within the business circle.

While some businessmen were eager to make alliance with Yun Zhen, Zhang Jiren had gained a reputation of being a vicious businessman, even going as far as bribing and threatening others to cooperate with him.

Zhang Jiren was a Zhang after all. He made sure that none of their enemies can take advantage of him or the Zhang Corporation ever since he ascended to the highest position of the company.

The Zhang Corporation might not be as popular as the Yun Group in Shenzhen, but Zhang Jiren was now considered on par with Yun Zhen, and even better than his predecessor as 'the devil'.

"Then I look forward to seeing what Beixuan could bring to our company." Zhang Xianzhe hid his devious smile behind his glasses. He had nothing to worry about with Tang Beixuan.

Tang Beixuan was nothing more than a chess piece for him. Unlike Zhang Jiren, his sister's son can't offer him anything in value.

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