Chapter 458 - Lan Xiyan Betrayed You (3)

Song Fengyan stared at his sister's face, trying to see if there was even a hint of deceit in her eyes, but there was none. He knew how his sister could be overprotective at times, but Song Xingji was a person who couldn't even hurt an ant if she had a choice.

"You didn't know…" He let the words trail off.

"No, I don't. Are you sure she was pregnant?" Song Xingji felt that she might have messed up her brother's life this time. "I only did that because I wanted to test her resolve. I never knew she was pregnant with your child."

"Y-yes…" came Song Fengyan's response. He lowered his head and looked at his shiny black shoes. Should he believe his sister or should he confront and hear Lan Xiyan's side first?

"The girl has just recently turned four years old." He let out a weak smile, feeling like an idiot and was hopeless at the same time. "I thought Lan Xiyan aborted the child all these years… but she came back with a child. A child I never had a chance to know since the beginning."

Song Xingji looked at her brother with pity and felt a pang of guilt over what she'd done to the couple in the past. She had told Lan Xiyan to keep distance from her brother because she knew Fengyan wouldn't let the woman go easily. She knew her brother, but she didn't know Lan Xiyan's motives at all.

Was she supposed to believe that a woman like Lan Xiyan truly loved her only brother?

But why did Lan Xiyan keep her pregnancy from everyone? Song Xingji pondered. If Lan Xiyan had malintent by being with her brother, Lan Xiyan should have used the child in her w.o.m.b to tie her brother in marriage as soon as she could, so why didn't she?

Wait. How certain was Fengyan that the child was his and not another man Lan Xiyan had been with?

"How sure are you that the girl is yours?" She raised a brow at him as she asked. "Fengyan, are you sure you are the father of the child?" She questioned.

"Sis, the time when the girl was born and the time when we broke up implicates that I'm her father. Isn't that enough proof? Lan Xiyan had been with me for three years! For f.u.c.k.i.n.g sake, three years! You can't tell me that it's impossible that the child isn't mine."

Song Fengyan couldn't suppress his emotions this time and snapped at his elder sister. The shock on Song Xingji's face reminded him to calm down.

Still, there's more important things to make sure other than that. Song Xingji thought. Her brother's status within the Song family was quite special, along with their devil cousin, because of their rare golden blood.

This was one of the reasons why any members of the Song family who wanted to get married would need the elders' approval first. They needed to sign an agreement to let the Song family run blood tests for their future children. This was to know which one inherited the golden blood that had taken the lives of most of their ancestors in the past due to complications it brought to its hosts.

Song Xingji shook her head at her brother. Chronological evidence might suggest that he was the father, but the only thing that could make it certain, was to run a paternity test between him and the child.

"Fengyan, you know this isn't enough. As much as I don't like Lan Xiyan to be with you, since she already betrayed you for selling you out for three million dollars, this child is a different story. You need to know if she's really a Song and do a paternity test with her."

"I know, Sis. I know, but please stop saying Lan Xiyan betrayed me. She wouldn't..." Song Fengyan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and held his head over his hands. This was frustrating! How was he supposed to know what to believe anymore?!

Of course he knew he had to make sure that Lan Yunru was his, but he also knew that he needed to confront Lan Xiyan about this too. He cannot just act recklessly when it comes to Lan Yunru.

The child had nothing to do with their misunderstandings with each other, and certainly didn't deserve to suffer because of it. Just thinking about Lan Yunru made Song Fengyan's heart clenched painfully.

Obviously, this wasn't something on Song Xingji's mind when she approached Lan Xiyan to test her. It was just a pity that Lan Xiyan had made a poor choice that only put the three of them at a disadvantage.

However, Song Xingji also knew that there was nothing else she could do to change everything. No matter how much she didn't like Lan Xiyan, if the child was his brother's, then she would have no choice but to accept her as part of the family.

"Fine. It's not my place to poke into your business and affairs." She looked away, her jaws tightening as she suppressed her tears. Just what had she done to her brother?

But she doubted that it would be easy to convince Lan Xiyan after all the things that had happened. Song Xingji was partly responsible for this and hoped that she could make up for her mistakes to her brother, but she knew that it wouldn't be easy.

"I'm sorry, Fengyan. It's my fault." Song Xingji sighed regretfully. "I shouldn't have come between you and Lan Xiyan had I known she was pregnant. I'm not expecting you to forgive me, but don't waste your time here with me and go, see that child. See the truth for yourself, Brother."

Song Fengyan remained still in his seat. Night was approaching, but he didn't dare to make a move from his sister's office. She was right. He was wasting his time here when he should be back in Shenzhen, seeking the answers he needed himself.

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