Chapter 452 - Public Appearance Together (2)

The first week after they got married, Feng Tianyi hadn't noticed any significant changes in his relationship with wife. Tang Moyu remained the same. She was up before the sunrise, religiously going for her morning runs before returning to the guest house to find her husband busy cooking breakfast in their open kitchen while the twins were still snoring on their bed.

That morning, when she returned from her morning run, Feng Tianyi was brewing coffee while he was cooking breakfast on top of the stove.

"You are early today." He turned around and found Tang Moyu taking a drink from her water bottle.

"Good morning!" She said and kissed his lips.

Feng Tianyi smiled gently.

"Today is the release of my new book. I'm thinking of sneaking into the event to see how many readers are waiting for it." He said while turning the heat of the stove to low. Everytime he had a new book to release, his publisher would hold an event for his readers.

"Can I come with you? I have nothing to do here once we drop the twins at school." Tang Moyu asked. Since she wasn't CEO Tang of Tang Enterprise anymore, she now has free time to catch up with what she'd been missing for weeks.

"Oh, my wifey is going to give support for me today. How lucky am I?" He grinned at her before slapping her b.u.t.t lightly, earning a glare from his wife. "Go and take a shower. Breakfast will be ready once you are done."

With that, Tang Moyu hurriedly took a bath and got dressed up, ready to start her day. Once she was done and came back to the kitchen, the breakfast had been served on the dining table and Feng Tianyi had placed their son on his booster seat.

"Morning, darling!" Tang Moyu kissed the top of her head of her son. "Is Little Star still asleep?" She asked.

Xiao Bao only hummed and started eating his breakfast in silence, asking his father for another share of bacon when he finished his. Tang Moyu smiled as she noticed that Xiao Bao had woken up earlier from his usual waking up time, causing him to be a little fuzzy this morning.

It didn't take long before Little Star appeared in front of them, rubbing her knuckle against her right eye while the other was holding her white bunny doll.

"Mommy!" She called out.

Ever since Tang Moyu resigned from the company, Little Star had been clinging on her more these days, as if she was afraid that her mother would disappear again and would be taken away from her by her work.

Even though the twins loved him as their father, Feng Tianyi discovered that their loyalty was to their mother, so his wife's worry about them forgetting about her was invalid.

Whenever Xiao Bao was upset and was throwing a tantrum, only Tang Moyu would be able to calm their son down. Even at times, when Little Star wakes up from her nightmare or from her nap, it was Tang Moyu whom she would call out first, which usually only left Feng Tianyi helpless whenever his wife wasn't around.

"Eat more, Baby. You will easily get hungry later at school if you don't eat enough." Tang Moyu murmured to her daughter.

Little Star only nodded and ate, occasionally glancing at her father and twin brother.

"Mommy, can I bring two apples to school today? Yunyun love apples and I want to share one with her."

Tang Moyu easily agreed to Little Star's request. It was rare for the girl to ask her for something and now with her free time, she could also pamper the twins to no end.

"Sure. I'll place two in your lunch bag later." She replied to the little girl.

She gave her twins a bath while Feng Tianyi tidied up the kitchen, waiting for them to be done. When the three emerged from the twins' bedroom, he was already dressed up, ready to leave with them.

Once they dropped the twins at school, they met Luo Qingqing at the entrance. The actress only exchanged a few words with Tang Moyu while Feng Tianyi remained silentm but his eyes were fixated on his cousin's ex-lover.

"Let's go." Tang Moyu took the driver's seat once again and ignited the engine. "Where's the event being held?" She asked her husband, pulling him out from his trance.

Feng Tianyi snapped out of it and passed a card to her. Tang Moyu eyed it for a moment and started driving. Their drive to the venue was filled with silence as Tang Moyu knew that her husband was still thinking about Song Fengyan's predicament.

When they pulled into a stop and Tang Moyu released her seat belt, she was halted by Feng Tianyi's question as he held her wrist.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? There are various media personnel there. They might recognize us." He reminded her.

"So? Am I not allowed to show support for my husband?" She furrowed her brows. While she and Feng Tianyi hadn't discussed whether they should announce their marriage, she didn't want him to feel that she was ashamed of being with him.

Feng Tianyi smiled and alighted from the passenger seat, the tip of his cane making a steady beating sound as he slowly walked towards her and offered his arm.

"Shall we, milady?"

Tang Moyu understood what he was implying, so she reached out and took his arm with a smile. They went inside the largest bookstore in Shenzhen, where Qin Jiran's book launching event was being held.

Obviously, they attracted a lot of attention from the crowd. Even the media covering the event couldn't help but snap pictures of the couple.

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