Chapter 441 - It’s Always About Them (1)

Xiao Bao and Little Star were too tired to send off their aunts and uncles as it was already past their bedtime when the a.d.u.l.ts decided to call it a night. Even Baby Jin was already snoring lowly on his mother's bosom, ignoring how Meng Yanran tried to give him a good night kiss on his forehead.

"Yanran, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Lin Qianrou asked her cousin, knowing that Meng Yanran didn't bring her car with her since she brought it to the repair shop the other day.

Meng Yanran shook her head and smiled at her cousin. Lin Qianrou had already helped her enough since her return and had allowed her to live in an apartment the Xu couple owned in Shenzhen. It also gave her the privacy and security from her demanding mother, who would be against the fact that had already joined Xiao Xing to work and to support herself.

Lin Qianrou and Tang Moyu made it possible for her to start anew, leaving the nasty life she had, cutting her ties with people who only knew how to hurt her. Meng Yanran knew how worried her cousin was for her, knowing this would be the first time she had lived on her own and did everything, even the household chores, by herself.

She onced lived as a spoiled princess, but Meng Yanran had accepted her reality and chose to stand on her own feet from now on. She wouldn't allow her mother to use her again and she would never bet her own happiness on a man who doesn't see her worth at all.

"It's okay, Qian. I'm sure I'll still be able to hail a cab at this time." She replied and checked her phone for the time.

"Nonsense. Are you forgetting where you are, Miss Meng? Cabs aren't allowed to enter Peach Blossom Garden, since your place is along the way where my brother lives, maybe he could give you a ride." Li Meili said before winking at her older brother.

Li Yuanyi frowned upon hearing that. What the hell was his sister talking about? What along the way? He was practically living on the opposite side of the city from where Meng Yanran lived, okay?

He then received a quick and short text from the black nightingale that says, "I'm trying to help you here. You better don't waste this chance! Try to get her number this time."

Li Yuanyi stared at the screen of his phone for a moment, wondering why his sister insisted on setting him up with Meng Yanran now. But he knew she was right. This would be a chance for him to get acquainted with his dream woman. Who knew if one day he would be able to muster the courage to ask her out.

"She's right. It's already too late, Miss Meng and it's not safe for you to commute alone at this time. I don't mind giving you a ride." He told Meng Yanran nervously. They were standing just outside Tang Moyu's property as the newly wed couple sent them off for the night.

"If you are sure…" Meng Yanran barely knew Li Yuanyi, and only knew that he was Li Meili's older brother and her senior during their high school years. This was definitely the first time they were properly introduced to each other.

"I'm sure. It's no trouble." As if he suddenly gained his younger sister's confidence, Li Yuanyi opened the door of his passenger side, offering Meng Yanran to take up his invitation.

"Alright. I'll be taking your generous offer then." She smiled at Li Yuanyi, making his heart skip a beat from its radiance. She then turned to congratulate Tang Moyu and Feng Tianyi on their marriage and thanked them for inviting her.

Once they left, Li Meili ignited her own car and bid goodbye to her friends, while Xu Wenyang, together with his family, followed shortly, leaving the others with their hosts.

"I'm going home now. Call me if you need something important." Song Fenyan told the devil before he drove away from Peach Blossom Garden.

Gu Yuyao took a deep breath and looked at Song Fengyan's retreating car that completely disappeared from their sight when he took a left turn.

"I would have never thought he would suffer such pain because of his sister." She commented. She and Tang Moyu had heard the details after the three men came back from their talk.

"Fengyan and his sister, Song Xingji, never got along with each other since we were children." Feng Tianyi said next to his wife. "I'm not sure what was her motive for doing such a thing, but Fengyan is the only one who can put his sister in her rightful place. Song Xingji really crossed the line this time."

"I cannot imagine how he was able to continue in grief on his own." Tang Moyu commented. Just the thought of losing her children was enough to drive her mad. What more for Song Fengyan who had been grieving, foolishly believing all these years that his child had died even before he knew of its existence?

"He will get through this. I will make sure of it." Feng Tianyi said with conviction. Even if he needed to go against the other Song family members just to help Song Fengyan, he would.

Since the whole Song family had never acknowledged him as their successor because he was a Feng, going against them wasn't new. His mother, Song Huifen, had only taken over the position as the head of the Song family once her divorce with Tianyi's father was final, but it didn't mean the whole family would welcome him.

"Well, we'll get going too." Gu Yuyao said and gave the empress a kiss on the cheek. "Call me once you have decided. If you are leaving Tang Enterprise, you won't do it on your own, I'll make sure of that."

Tang Moyu only nodded and waved a hand as they drove away.

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