Chapter 418 - Obviously, You Are My Woman (1)

When they stepped out of the elevator, the two parted ways and headed to different directions for separate purposes. Feng Tianyi strode towards the receptionist to get the keys he needed while the empress took the chance to make a short phone call to their little buns, who had been staying with their Mommy Fen for about three days now.

She had given her son a phone so that he and Little Star could use it to call her if there's an emergency. Tang Moyu wasn't sure if they were already asleep and had lowered her expectation that the two would answer her phone call.

"Hi, Mommy. Are you home? How's your day?"

"Hey! I should be the one who should answer Mommy's call!" Tang Moyu heard her son complain in the background.

After three rings, it was Little Star who picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hello, Baby. Are you ready for bed? Mommy's not at home right now, but I'm with someone tonight. Guess who just came back from his trip." Tang Moyu tried to suppress her smile as she imagined her twins' faces lighting up at the thought of having their daddy back.

There was a loud gasp, which was followed by shuffling of the sheets, indicating that the two little buns were already in bed, ready to retire for the night.

"No, Mommyyyyy!" Little Star exclaimed at the other end of the line. "Is daddy really with you right now? Why aren't you taking me and Yu Gege home?"

Tang Moyu heard her daughter w.h.i.n.ed in disappointment. Little Star had truly become a daddy's girl, no doubt about that. Feng Tianyi didn't seem to mind that their daughter was a bit clingy on him and would occasionally pamper the girl, treating her like his little princess.

First thing in the morning and before going to sleep, Little Star would habitually check on her father, regardless of what Feng Tianyi was doing. It was as if she was afraid that he would disappear again, leaving them and their mommy, just like it was before they met him.

"I'm really sorry, darling. But your father came back too late tonight. I just met him. For the meantime, stay there with your Mommy Fen, okay? Don't forget what I told you." She reminded them.

"Yes, Mommy. Little Star and I will behave!" Xiao Bao's cheery voice overwhelmed his sister's complaints about not seeing their daddy.

"We will see you and take you both home first thing in the morning." Tang Moyu reassured her children whom she also missed badly aside from Feng Tianyi these days. Because of her hectic schedule, filled with endless meetings and overtime, she barely has enough time to check on her children, much to her regret.

What kind of mother was she for not being able to look after her children? If she could, Tang Moyu would drop everything at work and return to their side.

However, she also couldn't leave everything on Lu Tianxin and Gu Yuyao. The two had made enough sacrifices of their own to help her run the company. Tang Moyu knew she cannot abuse their kindness by being selfish.

"Can I at least talk to daddy, Mommy?" She heard her daughter say, but Tang Moyu could only take a deep breath. Feng Tianyi hadn't returned yet and he was nowhere in sight as she looked around the main lobby of the hotel they were in.

"Sorry, Baby. Daddy is really busy right now. I just called to make sure the two of you are okay."

"S'kay, Mommy. Daddy might be tired from his work too. Please tell daddy I miss him so much!" Little Star's voice had a hint of sadness in it that Tang Moyu didn't fail to notice.

Her children had easily accepted Feng Tianyi in their lives. Their bond was built and strengthened even before they found out about their familial relationship. As for Feng Tianyi, he had accepted her little buns regardless of who fathered them and treated them like his own.

The more she thought about it, the more Tang Moyu realized why Lady Song didn't reveal the truth to her and to Feng Tianyi. The older woman wanted to protect their little buns from heartache, in case her relationship with Feng Tianyi didn't work out.

Tang Moyu didn't want the twins to get torn between her and Feng Tianyi. She didn't want them to be hurt by shattering their hopes that they could truly be a happy family in the future.

"Alright, I'll tell him how much you love him and you miss him. Now, go to sleep my darlings. Sleep now and tomorrow morning, your daddy and I will be there to see you."

"I love you, Mommy. Don't work too much! Mommy Fen said you could get sick of you keep being tired." Little Star said before yawning big. Tang Moyu checked the time on her wristwatch and realized it was already way past her twins' bedtime.

After bidding goodbye to her twins, Tang Moyu hung up and decided to look for Feng Tianyi, wondering where he went. However, even before she reached the receptionist area, a group of media personnel stepped out of the elevator and spotted her.

They had just covered the launching of a cosmetic line where Xing Yiyue was the brand ambassador. Seeing Tang Moyu, how can they ignore this regal woman? She was even on the headlines these days, courtesy of her involvement with Yun Zhen.

"Miss Tang, is it true that you and President Yun are seeing each other?" One of them asked.

"CEO Tang, there's a rumor that said that Feng Tianhua recently joined Tang Enterprise as a shareholder, are you still on bad terms with each other?" Another one followed.

"Miss Tang, your opinion about being the next Queen of Yun Group, please?"

The empress frowned at their questions. However, she didn't have time to react as someone had quickly pulled her away from the crowd.

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