Chapter 404 - Please Keep It a Secret (1)

When Luo Qingqing got home from work that night, she was surprised to see that the lights in her living room were still on. She then saw her daughter sitting on the couch, watching a rerun of the latest historical drama series that she starred in with the old nanny, who was seated next to her.

"Yunyun, why are you still awake?" She asked the little girl as she placed her handbag on the coffee table.

Lan Yunru's face lit up once she saw her mother. Seeing her mommy on the television is good, but she preferred to see her mommy face to face. She slid down the couch and ran towards her mother.

"Mommy! Welcome home!" She wrapped her small arms around Luo Qingqing' t.h.i.g.h, trying to engulf the woman in a hug, but failed.

"You're waiting for mommy?" Luo Qingqing asked.

The old woman laughed behind her and stood up.

"Miss Lan, Yun'er wanted to have dinner with you, so she insisted on waiting for your return. I tried calling your phone, but I couldn't reach you." She explained to Luo Qingqing.

"Oh, is that so? My phone's battery died an hour ago." The actress blinked, then looked down at her young daughter, who had a wide smile plastered on her cute face. Her heart was moved seeing the girl's adorable face and she directly hoisted her up from the ground.

"My little dumpling. I thought you would be too tired and would be asleep by now." She patted Lan Yunru's little nose with her forefinger. "Mommy's hungry. Should we eat dinner now?"

The little girl nodded with a smile and allowed her mother to bring her to the dining table, placing her in a booster seat. Luo Qingqing sat next to her daughter and fed her with a spoon.

"Here it comes, Yunyun! Say ahh!"

Luo Qingqing placed a piece of meat in front of her daughter's mouth. Lan Yunru immediately parted her lips and ate it eagerly. She loved her mommy the most. Although she was sad that she had no daddy, Lan Yunru wouldn't want to make her mommy sad by asking her questions about him.

Luo Qingqing laughed at her daughter's eagerness. Her tiredness from the long day at work was somewhat eased by watching her daughter smile at her. She held another spoonful in front of Lan Yunru, this time with vegetables on it.

The little girl stared at the spoon with hesitation. Her long eyelashes fluttered delicately against her chubby cheeks. Her soft eyebrows frowned slightly as she hesitantly looked at the vegetables.

Luo Qingqing and her old nanny waited patiently to see if the girl would eat it. Lan Yanru was a picky eater and hated eating vegetables. Perhaps, this was one of the reasons why she was a little shorter than other kids her age.

A little later, Lan Yunru parted her lips and ate the vegetables, with a sour expression on her face as she accepted it. Luo Qingqing and the old nanny laughed at her expression. The vegetables didn't seem appetizing, but Lan Yunru didn't want to disappoint her mommy and ate it.

"Oh, my little dumpling is such a good girl! Next time, please allow Auntie Yu to feed you vegetables, okay? Vegetables can help you be healthier so you won't easily get sick!" The actress told her young child.

"Does that mean Mommy also eats vegetables? But some of them are bitter!" Lan Yunru pouted cutely on her mother, earning a laugh from the two women.

"I'll try to remove the bitterness next time, Yun'er. But your Mommy is right. You shouldn't be a picky eater." The old woman chimed in.

The little dumpling was reluctant, but because she needed to listen to her mommy and Auntie Yu, she allowed her mommy to feed her more meat and vegetables until she was too full.

Seeing that her daughter had finished her meal, Luo Qingqing smiled before giving the girl a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Lan Yunru's face suddenly turned red from her mother's affection.

After the three finished their meal, Luo Qingqing took it upon herself to give her daughter a bath and brought her to their room. The apartment she rented here in Shenzhen only had two bedrooms, so she needed to share one with her daughter while Auntie Yu occupied the other one.

Lan Yunru allowed her mommy to dress her up in her pajamas and tucked her on the bed. Her mother ran her finger gently over the hair.

"Did you have a good time at school today?" Luo Qingqing asked her daughter.

Lan Yunru beamed her mother a wide smile and nodded.

"En. I have new friends, Mommy! I met Little Star and her twin brother. Then there's also Yunhao. They are really nice, Mommy. They invited me to join them this weekend to play." The little girl paused as she stared curiously at her mother.

"Mommy, can I? Can I visit Little Star and her brother to play? I promise I will behave." Her round eyes begged her mother for permission.

"Is their Mommy okay with it? So long as you will behave and not cause them any trouble, I think that's fine." Luo Qingqing considered it.

Lan Yunru's face bloomed with a smile.

"Really, Mommy? Little Star said that her mom would give you a call. Should I give your number to them?"

Luo Qingqing pondered about it for a moment and shook her head.

"No, I think I should meet their mommy personally." She told her daughter. She needed to keep her privacy, but Luo Qingqing also knew that she cannot easily deny her daughter's request.

Lan Yunru rarely asked her for something she wanted, and she wanted to spoil her daughter a little to make up for the lost time.

"Ah, then I'll tell Little Star to let her mommy meet you." The girl easily agreed with her mother. "Thank you, Mommy. I promise I will behave. Auntie Yu can come with me if you want her to."

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