Chapter 401 - I’ve Underestimated His Idiocy (1)

Tang Moyu lazily scanned the will in her hands, trying to figure out why the hell would her father put a clause like that in his will.

"I don't understand why. Please enlighten me, Sir." She requested from the old lawyer. The man had been working with the Tang family for so long, and if there was someone who would know her father's intention, that someone would be no other than this lawyer.

"Because he wanted to make sure that his shares wouldn't end up with the wrong people. Even if the Tang Enterprise were to collapse one day, Tang Lixue didn't want anyone to use his shares for their own selfish gains." The old lawyer said truthfully.

"Do you mean his wife, Zhang Wuying?" She asked again.

"Hnn… as you know, their marriage didn't hold any value, other than them being husband and wife on paper." The lawyer paused as if gauging Tang Moyu's reaction. "He was already in a relationship with another woman when the Zhang family forced the marriage unto him."

"And he wasn't able to decline? Why?" Tang Moyu already knew all of this. What she wanted to know was why her father had been a coward and had failed to protect Yan Qiuyu and her twin brother. He also failed to become a responsible father to her, growing up.

"That's not for me to answer, Miss Moyu." The old man regretfully sighed. It was a Tang family matter that he cannot cross.

"I see…" The empress understood at once that he was in no position to disclose such information. She continued to ponder about her options. She didn't like that Feng Tianhua was using the shares he gained from Tang Zhelan to threaten her.

Tang Moyu remained at the lawyer's office for another hour to talk about that particular clause in her father's will and what it entails. Aside from the lawyer, the only plausible people who could answer her questions were Zhang Wuying and Elder Tang, but she wouldn't ask them.

Tang Moyu still felt that her birth mother's death wasn't as simple as it seemed. She felt that there was more to it, but couldn't pinpoint what it was.

It was already past seven in the evening when she arrived home at Peach Blossom Garden. Feng Tianyi had already cooked their dinner and had been waiting for her return. Since it was a little colder outside, Tang Moyu was dressed up. Her coat was thicker and she had a pair of gloves on her hands to protect her from the cold.

"You weren't answering your phone. I had to give Miss Cheng a call to ask about your whereabouts. She said you left in a hurry. What's the matter?" He asked her as he watched her shed her coat and removed her gloves.

"She hasn't told you yet?" She raised an eyebrow to him.

"Is there something I need to know, Moyu?" Feng Tianyi answered her with a question, wondering why she was on the edge again. "Did something happen at the shareholders meeting?"

Tang Moyu only hummed and plopped on the couch, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah, your brother came and joined the company as one of shareholders." She sighed, shutting her eyes close, aware of the headache coming her way.

The issue at Tang Enterprise was more complicated now because Feng Tianhua had joined 'the fun'. Not only did she need to be wary of her 'mother', but now she also needed to be cautious of what Feng Tianhua had in store for her.

Great. Now she had to deal with both idiots.

"Oh? Did he do something inappropriate?" Feng Tianyi's eyes narrowed at that. He had this feeling that his stupid little brother was covetting after his woman. He didn't miss how Feng Tianhua looked at Tang Moyu during He Lianchen and Gu Yuyao's wedding.

Wasn't he already married to Xing Yiyue? Why was he still interested in Tang Moyu? Unless… The devil's eyes darkened as the realization dawned to him. What were the odds that Feng Tianhua had been head over heels for the empress and been trying to get her attention by flaunting his endless women in front of Tang Moyu.

How dumb could his little brother be? Feng Tianyi thought. That was a sure way to make a woman disgusted, didn't Feng Tianhua know?

"Aside from talking behind your back and telling me to be wary of you? Well, he just threatened that I would lose my position if I don't cooperate with him." She shrugged.

"What does he want?" He asked, his voice laced with anger at the thought of his brother, trying to bully his woman. Was Feng Tianhua already tired of living? Did he want the devil to send him down the hell hole himself?

"He wants me back… as a business partner, according to him. He wants to devour and acquaire Tang Enterprise from the inside. A bold move on his part, in my opinion." Tang Moyu suddenly felt too tired from all of the scheming against her.

Feng Tianhua should know that threatening her wouldn't end up well for him. If this was an attempt on his part to prove that he was better than her, he was gravely mistaken. He had just crossed her line and she wouldn't let him be.

"I thought being at Feng Conglomerate would keep him busy. Clearly I've underestimated his idiocy." Feng Tianyi muttered, making sure that their twins were out of earshot. "So what do you plan to do now?"

"Nothing." Tang Moyu saw him sitting on the other end of the couch, taking her feet from the floor, removing her high heels carefully. She then let out a sigh of relief when he started massaging her aching calf muscles.

She also didn't think she needed to get married just to secure her position in the company and she didn't want to spend more money than she already had to buy more shares just to increase hers.

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