Chapter 428

«Dad…» – Leila mumbled bitterly, when tears welled up in her beautiful eyes. She buried her face in her hands, crying softly from the realization of the loss of her dear one.

Eve behaved much more calmly. Her grief was shown only by her sadly arched eyebrows and a wet glittering gaze. Hastily wiping away her tears, she showed a character trait that was almost unusual for her past: independence.

The girl went to the window and looked melancholically at the streets of an unfamiliar city. She put on the veil lying on the bedside table, found the head of the hotel and in a calm tone, without a bit of her usual timidity, asked him about everything.

Eve found out that she was brought here by a person hiding his identity, on the evening of the same day, when she lost her mind and destroyed the demons. Moreover, she was without her sister, without any traces of blood on her body and already dressed. All this puzzled her.

Zosimos once said that an invisible person might be watching him, and this is somehow connected with his secret work. Did this mysterious person take care of her?

Kyon, who was remotely watching everything that was happening, could not understand whether Eve had regained her memory. One thing is clear: she has changed. The way she behaved when communicating with the head of the hotel said a lot. This is definitely not the same cowardly girl. Moreover, not every adult and experienced woman can ask such clear and correct questions.

Meanwhile, Leila, who was almost a thousand kilometers away, gradually calmed down and also asked the hotel manager about what had happened. Unlike her sister, she intuitively determined that the man was not telling her something, and put pressure on him: she just scared him a little, snapping her fingers so hard that the windows were broken.

The head of the hotel immediately told everything he knew, thanks to which the blackmailer found out that the client was extremely rich, and also hired a maid to take care of her.

Kyon clicked his tongue in annoyance. Some click of the pixie’s fingers seemed to the head of the hotel a more weighty argument than the 100,000 spheres promised for silence. However, he still found out something important: judging by the girl’s hesitant speech, she can’t be three hundred years old.

After hesitating, Lovr took the sound transmitter, called the head of the hotel and asked him to give the device to the girl who was just about to leave.



«Dad?» – Leila’s gloomy expression was replaced by amazement. – «Dad! Dad, are you alive?!» – a dazzling smile lit up her beautiful face. She looked like a happy puppy who smelled a parent after a week of separation.

«Honey, Daddy will be with you soon! How do you feel?»

«Wonderful! But if you come without food, I’ll eat you!» – she joked.

Without dropping the connection, Kyon rushed from Dantes to his daughter.

Meanwhile, Eve returned to her room and found the visual formations hidden there. Not a shadow of emotion was reflected on her face, which, again, alarmed the secret observer. Suddenly the girl sniffed the nephrite… Her eyes widened with disbelief.

{Oh gosh!} – Kyon almost jumped in surprise. He somehow overlooked the fact that such advanced practitioners have an incredibly sharp sense of smell, and he left his scent on the nephrite! It turns out that the girl, unlike her sister, was able to find out that he was alive without waiting for a call, and this was really alarming and a little frightening.

«Honey, dad needs to call someone.» – said Kyon, dropped the connection and called Eve.

A sound transmitter was brought to the girl’s room.

«Dad?» – the lady asked incredulously in a trembling voice.

«My little flower… Yes! Dad is alive!»

«I… I am so happy… I thought that I would never hear your voice again…»

Eve’s trembling, thin voice told Kyon that her words were sincere. If her reaction was pretense, then even the best theater actors would envy such skill: «How do you feel? Maybe you remembered something?»

After a short pause, the girl’s breathing steadied, and she answered almost calmly: «I’m fine. Come to me soon. I want to see you, Dad.»

«I’ll be there in two hours. Will you wait for me?»

«Okay… I’ll wait. See you soon.»

To Kyon’s surprise, Eve ended the call. He called her again: «Bunny, daddy is so worried about you, and you are dropping the connection! Don’t do that… Let’s talk. Do you want to know what happened after you killed the demons?»

«Yes, I do. You’ll tell me everything when we meet. I want to see you.»

«Okay… Do you want me to bring you something? I can take your favorite vanilla ice cream. Do you remember how your sister smeared your face with it? That was fun…»

«Dad, don’t waste time on nonsense. Come quickly. Let’s talk when we meet.»

Kyon wanted to say something else, but the interlocutor again dropped the connection.

{Damn it!} – Lovr swore. Eve had never behaved like this before. The chance that she regained her memory is too high, and if so, then appearing in front of her is equivalent to playing roulette. Despite how much he had done for his daughters, it may happen that they will be ungrateful.

On the other hand, if she had regained her memory, would she have so brazenly shown her intentions to meet? No. Or yes? Say, long con! The devil knows. The little fairy had shown such an extraordinary mind before, and if you add to this 300 years of experience, then she turns into a completely unpredictable person. Every step, every action can belong to both a wise woman and a girl. One thing is clear: her feelings when she heard her father’s voice are almost certainly sincere. Such a high level of acting is hardly possible for Eve’s emotionlessly rational temperament. So she really wants to see him, even if she regained her memory.

Kyon made a rash decision to meet Eve.

Soon he entered the hotel and climbed the steps. The wildly beating heart had to be calmed by Synergy. Entering the room, he caught Eve’s enchanting green gaze. The atmosphere seemed to be filled with the scent of roses. The girl is still dazzlingly beautiful, her virgin-innocent appearance is able to fascinate anyone. She was wearing her favorite light summer dress in white tones, sewn by him.

«Dad…» – tears ran down the cheeks of the girl who approached.

Kyon felt better. Apparently, her memory still did not return. He tried to hug the little fairy, but she took a step back: still afraid of male touches.

«Dad, I’m so glad you’re alive… I thought I’d lost you forever!»

Kyon felt a surge of bright emotions from the girl. The light part of the core began to rotate… 96%… 98%… 100%! The remaining 5% was filled, and the flow just stopped. The condition was closed. Here is the girl’s gratitude for the rescue and the fact that her father survived.

«Bunny, dad will never leave you!»

«Do you promise?»

«I promise, even if life circumstances separate us, I will definitely do everything to return to you.» – Lovr found a way out of the predicament.

Eve smiled and nodded, wiping away her tears: «Then tell me why I woke up not in my room in Dantes, but in some unfamiliar city? And where is my sister?»

Kyon had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, and it was not because of an inconvenient question, but because before that the girl had lured him out of a promise, as if she had led him into a trap, and now she immediately slammed it shut. Maybe it seems to him? Or maybe it’s a coincidence? Or she has become even more cunning…

«My sister and I are enemies, right?» – Eve asked shrewdly, pushing her hair back over her shoulders, not waiting for the man’s answer. – «Do you think that if we regain our memory, we will definitely fight, and therefore you decided to move us away from each other for our safety? And did we create the rainbow sun too? After all, what else in this world, besides the two of us, can so badly injure our bodies and minds…»

Kyon froze for a second. However, he was not surprised. Such conclusions are expected from a smart girl. Sighing sadly, he said in an even tone: «Yes, you have been feuding since you grew up. Either because you are so different, or because of disagreements, or maybe each of you did not want to give up leadership to the other… In any case, with all my desire, I could not do anything about it. On the day when I picked you up after the rainbow sun, during the examination, the doctor told me that you had lost your memory. Heaven gave me a chance to fix everything, and I decided that if I taught you to hold on to each other, you would make up. However, I was still not sure if I had succeeded, so I settled you in different cities.»

Eve looked at her father with understanding. Besides her relationship with her sister, she also suspected that the man was not her father at all. In order to confirm or refute this theory, the girl arranged a test for Zosimos: she insisted on a meeting, ignoring any of his attempts to find out anything about whether she had regained her memory.

If Zosimos had not arrived, or he would have constantly called, trying to get information, then it would be possible to draw conclusions: he is afraid – it means that she is a stranger to him. However, her father arrived so immediately, and there was no fear or wariness in his eyes at all, only care, love and anxiety. He also tried to hug her… He’s definitely her dad!

But the truth is that in the depths of her soul, Eve still doubted, however, she rejected her doubts as a malicious enemy, because just thinking about it makes it feel like a knife is being driven through her heart. It’s better to live in a sweet lie than to accept a bitter truth.

Kyon sat down on the edge of the bed and patted next to him. When the beauty gracefully sat down next to him, like a noble lady, her fabulous aroma tickled the sense of smell of Lovr, reminding that not an ordinary girl was sitting next to him, but a miracle of this sinful world. For the next 5 minutes, they talked about what had happened to the demons and about the magical recovery of injuries.

«Okay, little flower. Your sister is waiting for us. Let’s not make her nervous?»

«Let’s go.» – Little fairy agreed. Her smile was like a blooming rose.

Two hours later, they arrived at the city, where Leila was waiting for them.

«Honey, I noticed that you seem to have grown up. Although you haven’t regained your memory yet, your mental age has changed. You have become more confident and independent. If so, fulfill one of my requests: continue to avoid conflicts with your sister. Be above this.»

«I will try.» – the lady agreed.

As soon as Kyon opened the door, Leila flew into his stomach with the speed of a cannonball.

~bang~ ~boom~

They broke through several walls and only then stopped. The girl hugged the man so tightly that his bones cracked: «Dad! Safe and sound!»

«Now… I’m going to die…» – Kyon wheezed.

«Sister, you’re going to kill him!» – Eve intervened.

Sitting on her dad’s belly, as if on a soft throne, Leila took the man by the cheeks with tender palms: «Dad… You are really alive! In gratitude for having made me happy, accept with honor my great gift: one exquisite kiss of the goddess on the forehead.»


Kyon’s heart almost melted with tenderness. He pulled the pixie by the hands and embraced her: «My best gift is you, honey.» – hugging her fragile feminine body, exuding a charming fragrance is the highest bliss.

The girl, like her sister, released a stream of bright emotions. It was about the same. The surplus will not disappear, but will be transferred to the next stage of the unique body.

The daughter got up and examined the man again, with a completely different look, this time more consciously. It seemed that it was not a child who was looking, but an adult girl. When her stomach rumbled, she was not at all embarrassed.

Leila snapped her teeth: «Meat… Fresh meat! I’m going to eat you now!»

«I haven’t forgotten!» – with a smile, Kyon led his charges into the room, where he laid out the prepared chicken with sauce and garnish, salads, drinks and desserts on the table.

Leila greedily tore off a juicy drumstick and bit into it with strong white teeth.

Eve, showing the elegance of a noble lady, cut herself a piece, put it on a plate and began to carefully prick the food on a fork.

Having filled her tummy, Leila dried herself with a towel and lightly hit the man in the stomach, loudly demanding: «Now tell me how you offended the demoness, since she sent a group of horned thugs over your head?»

«As you know, humans and demons have long been at war. Once I happened to recognize demons in the queen and princess masquerading as people…» – Ken told a pre-invented story, in many places intersecting with the truth, where he handed over the demons to the authorities for the sake of a reward. They were able to escape, but they marked his soul, so they can always find him wherever he is.

Then the conversation shifted towards the way he survived. The girls did not want to remember the details of that bloody battle, but they wanted to find out how their dad recovered.

«That is, you were able to attach your hands to yourself like a robot, restore their mobility in one day, wash us, dress us and settle us in rooms of hotels far from each other?» – Eve was surprised at such productivity.

«Exactly. Your dad is far from an ordinary person.» – having sipped tea, Kyon agreed.

Stirring the ice cubes in a glass of juice, Leila, without looking up, asked dryly: «Did you like it? You’d like to experience it again, wouldn’t you?»

«To be without hands? No way. Or what are you talking about?» – Kyon frowned in bewilderment.

«You liked to wash our beautiful naked bodies, feel the charms of the goddesses while we were unconscious and could not do anything… And then dress us like porcelain dolls in underwear and dresses, didn’t you?» – an unexpectedly heavy piercing gaze of the pixie stuck into the man.

«Are you a fool or what?!» – Eve was indignant. – «He had a lot of injuries! His arms and head were bursting with pain! He was worried about our condition, and there you go again! Think what you say!»

Leila stopped and frowned with displeasure, but not because she realized what a stupid thing she had said, but because her sister had gone against her for the first time: «Why are you shouting? I’m just probing the inner world of our dad. Am I not allowed, or what?»

«Be tactful! He almost sacrificed his life for us, and you are now trying to portray him as some kind of horny lout! Thank him for waking up washed and dressed in a cozy room, but not smeared with blood, dirt and rotten insides of dead demons!»

Leila’s voice dropped to a threatening growl, there were hysterical notes in it: «Let’s not make our dad a saint, okay? Actually, we were in that situation only because of him! He could have told us about the demons not on the last day, and generally be careful and not get out of the city! And since when did you, younger sister, learn to be insolent to the elder one?!»

Eve paused for a long time, closing her lips tightly. Soon, as if deciding on something, she stood up to her full height, with her hands on her hips and with a stern look hanging over her sister, firmly said: «You are not an elder sister. Don’t ever call me younger sister again. We’re the same age, and you know it perfectly well.»

«Oh, now I see… You tore off a couple of demonic dicks, and immediately became arrogant and bold?»

In response, Eve tapped her temple with a half-bent finger: «It’s you who are bold, but I’m rather smart.»

«Are you completely fucked up?!» – enraged Leila also jumped up from her seat and with a slight movement of her hand turned the table into splinters.

The situation has escalated to the breaking point. Kyon felt like he was in the center of a category 10 hurricane. He couldn’t even get a word in: he just couldn’t open his mouth because of the powerful overwhelming aura of the clashing girls. His soul was trying to leave the body of the owner, the young man felt like an ant that met with angry fighting giants.

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