Chapter 391

It was getting dark when Kyon started to study case S-1.

There were two options: either Lindia got pregnant by Stein or someone else.

In the second case, the offender was someone who adored Lindia and who could drug the patriarchs’ children. Who was capable of this? No one among Lindia’s young fans, that’s for sure. Thus, this theory was highly improbable.

What if Lindia got pregnant by Stein. Who was he? A popular 22-year-old guy, the first genius of the empire, an example for the younger generation, the empress’ student who didn’t show any interest in the opposite sex. What were the odds that he couldn’t hold back his lust in front of the weak and clingy Lindia? Hardly any.

Therefore, the patriarchs’ children had been drugged with unknown powerful substance as Stein was a peaking king phaser (6). Who might be responsible for this? Who could be capable of this?

The main suspect was Rose, the disgusting fellow who raped other people’s wives. The bastard had a lot of experience with illegal substances. Once, he used gas to put Franz and Haya Feruz to sleep. Perhaps, he was jealous of his brother.

The second suspect was Lindia herself. If she was secretly in love with Stein or dreamed of getting married to the most popular guy in the empire, she could have him drugged as a last resort, using her connections, for example. Why did she say that she did not remember anything in this case? Was she smarter than she seemed?

The third suspect was Horace, Lindia’s father. He could be motivated by his desire to give his daughter a decent future and achieve prosperity and success for many years to come. His motive was quite logical and justified.

The fourth suspect was his son Roman, a sketchy dude. The Devil knows what was on his mind.

Kyon also had some other suspects: Lindia’s new knight, who was interested in getting rid of his competitor; Lindia’s friends; people envious of Stein, etc. There were too many options, and Kyon had to find the culprit among them.

In fact, the investigators had interrogated all possible suspects, all to no avail. Lovr would have to follow the trampled routes and find a secret path leading to the truth.

{Where shall I start?} – Kyon asked himself. He didn’t have much choice: either the Clintons or the Valentines. Since Lindia was both a suspect and a victim, he decided to start with her. Only, there was a major problem. He was only an investigator of the third rank, too young, too weak, too ugly. Lindia would send him to hell as soon as she saw him. He wouldn’t get anything like this. Kyon needed a reputable aide. Alas, he had absolutely no connections in Dantes apart from the dwarfs. He could try and bribe the corrupt investigator again. Aizar might agree to accompany him for 10 or 15 millions. Or he could come up with an even better idea.

{Elsa!} – Kyon thought. Diana once mentioned that Elsa was Rose Valentine’s girlfriend, which meant that she enjoyed great authority in Dantes. Besides, she was renowned for her talents. It will be a thousand times easier to conduct an investigation with such a remarkable partner like her! Mother promised to arrange a meeting between them at the first request. It was a nice excuse to get to know each other.

Lovr called Diana and started a small talk, after which he asked her to arrange a meeting with Elsa the day after tomorrow, emphasizing that she would not reveal his real personality by any means. Diana could tell Elsa that he was an imperial investigator of the 3rd rank, a pureblood Stone who used a different family name for his undercover investigation. He would tell her the rest himself, whatever and whenever he saw fit.

Ten minutes later, Diana called Kyon back with a message from Elsa. She could meet him the day after tomorrow in the Green Hollow cafe in the center of Dantes.

Diana added before saying goodbye: «I wish you only the best, son! I will be only happy if you get along with Elsa. She is a girl with a temper, but she likes handsome and successful men. You’re just her type. Come on, make a good impression on her!»

«Thank you, mom. I will try.» – Kyon said with sincere gratitude in his voice and ended the connection.

Next, Lovr called Milan and asked him to arrange an appointment with the Clinton family to investigate the notorious case the day after tomorrow. Milan hesitated for a brief moment, then he waved his hand and agreed. He had nothing to lose. It wouldn’t get any worse.

Soon Milan called back with good news. If anyone else called the Clintons, even a 2nd rank investigator, there would be no personal meeting with Horace, Lindia, and Roman. It would be too much honor from their side. The authority of the patriarch of the 2nd rank family was many times higher than that of Milan, let alone ordinary investigators.

As always, Kyon achieved his goal with the help of other people. It used to be Byron, then Juno, XiaoBai, Bai, Vladimir, etc. Now it was Milan, which would be impossible if Kyon had not solved the A-3 case, so important for the head of the department.

Now that everything was ready, Lovr went home with peace of mind.

The two yawning beauties met him in the hotel room. Eve boasted that she had been ignoring Romeo, who bombarded her with compliments, and Leila demanded that her father forbid that idiot to come to them. The boy must be completely insane if he could ignore a beauty like her!

«Honey, where was your head when you opened the door to him without your veil? In your bottom?»

«I didn’t know that he had no taste at all! If he had fallen in love with me, I would have made him my slave for the rest of my life! And I would have proved to you that beauty can bring more than problems!»

Kyon mentally thanked the universe that Eve never took her sister’s words personally, otherwise, they would have been fighting day and night: «Romeo could have as well fallen in love with you. But he liked Eve more.»

«I don’t care! I don’t want him to ever come to us!» – Leila demanded, clenching her fists.

«No, otherwise you won’t learn your lesson!» – Kyon replied sternly. Then he knelt down, putting his hand on Leila’s shoulder. – «Watch closely what Romeo does. Imagine that you could be in your sister’s place. Draw conclusions to understand what problems your beauty can bring if you do not hide behind a veil. And keep in mind that it would have been even worse if Eve had accepted his compliments and gifts instead of giving the boy the cold shoulder.»

«So, you want me to treat my sister as a lab rat?» – Leila maliciously. Now she would be only happy to call Romeo more often to their room so that he lost his head completely over stupid Eve.

Kyon was confused for a moment, then he shook his head: «No… Of course not.»

«Daddy, I am scared now…» – Eve whispered, shivering as if she were cold.

«You won’t fear after tomorrow’s workout when you realize how strong you really are. Believe me, Romeo can’t hurt you physically even if he wanted to.» – Kyon assured her.

Eve immediately calmed down. Indeed, why should she be afraid if she could stand up for herself? The lesson that the father was going to teach them must be exciting. Eve was really curious about the consequences her beauty could lead to. As for Leila, she would think well before shining her face in public, that is if she was smart enough to learn her lesson.

When the girls went to bed, Kyon went hunting for subordinates again. He stopped only after getting five hundred of them. The other half thousand people were waiting outside Dantes. In total, there were about a thousand people under his control who believed that the insinuating voice in their heads was their own thoughts. With the Synergy of the bachelor’s degree, Kyon could control even a hundred thousand people, but there was little practical use of that. He’d better spend this Synergy on Eve and Leila so that they didn’t regain their memory anytime soon.

Lovr slept only a few hours. Early in the morning, after breakfast and taking a shower, he took the girls to the country. It took them more than half an hour to leave Dantes. Then they rode northeast across the untrodden, uninhabited area for another two hours.

«How long until we get there? I want to start working out!» – Leila was running out of patience.

Just then, Kyon stopped and looked around. The area around them was covered with low grass and rare single trees for many kilometers away. They were surrounded by high hills on all sides. No one would ever see what was going on here. They were 500 kilometers away from Dantes, no aura should reach them.

«We’re here.» – Zosimos said.

The girls dismounted and looked at their father with impatience.

Kyon knelt down, looked into their beautiful eyes and said in a convincing voice: «The primordial, divine is hidden inside your bodies, but, for some reason, you have forgotten how to use it. It’s quite usual for you to uproot trees with bare hands and turn mountains into dust. I have an assumption that your mind can’t take this power for granted and blocks it in every possible way. It gets released only during strong emotional outbursts. Do you remember pushing that dwarf, Leila?»

«Yeah… I was really angry back then…» – She nodded.

«Right. However, emotions are not the best way to release your power. Today, I will try to teach you how to harness it whenever you want. You need to realize the limits of your strength, get used to your power, accept it and learn to control it. Your first task is simple.» – Zosimos pointed to two trees that were two hundred meters apart from each other. – «You will race each other from one oak to the other until I tell you to stop.»

«I am ready!» – Eve saluted her opponent.

«I will outrun you, sister!» – Leila yelled confidently.

«I am glad you’re so enthusiastic, but get changed first.» – Zosimos handed them two black leotards that only ballerinas wore. Instead of tights, he offered them knee-high socks, instead of ballet shoes, he gave them sneakers with a rough rubber sole. Their clothes were made of quality materials and had the highest level of strength enchantment.

Kyon wasn’t going to hide his instincts. His nature demanded the revealing and sensuous design of their training wear. He needed to satisfy his sense of beauty. Otherwise, he would have chosen a more modest outfit like Juno’s, for example.

Leila glanced at the clothes and gave Zosimos an accusing look: «You’re an old pervert. Are you out of your mind to dress us up like this? Next time, you will make us practise in our underwear or what?»

Kyon retorted impassively: «These clothes are worn in the circus and in the theater as they do not hinder your movement. It’s the best workout gear.»

«You lie like most people breathe!» – Leila wouldn’t leave it alone.

Eve interrupted them: «You have forgotten Alice on stage in the third episode. She was wearing the same clothes! Daddy isn’t lying. He never deceives us. I’m sure we’ll confirm this if we go to the circus or to the theater.»

Leila wanted to argue but changed her mind when she remembered the 3rd episode. It must have been for a reason that her smart little sister was “the voice of reason.”

Kyon added: «It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing during your workout as long as it’s not your dresses. It will break my heart to see you stain or tear them. I put my heart and my soul into them.»

«Did you make our dresses yourself?» – Eve asked, genuinely surprised. Zosimos wasn’t only a brilliant engineer but also a tailor?

Leila was also amazed. Did her dad make this lovely dress that she fell in love with at first sight? Unbelievable! His talent deserved her respect and admiration.

«Let’s get started. We’re on a tight schedule today.» – Zosimos reminded them.

The girls looked at each other and nodded.

Leila did a gesture “I’m watching you” to her father and ran behind the nearest tree with her sister.

Soon, they came out in tight black leotards, looking embarrassed. Eve hid behind her sister while Leila was trying to cover the most important parts of her body with her hands. She glared at her pot-bellied dad, shifting from foot to foot. The girls felt ashamed! The tight-fitting gear was so revealing that it seemed they were naked!

Kyon’s heart skipped a beat. They looked so delightful as if two little goddesses had descended to earth… He wanted to kiss and hug them all day long. If Romeo saw Eve now, he would lose his head at once. However, anyone, regardless of gender, would be bewitched by the scene.

Kyon made an effort to pull himself together and carelessly pointed to the tree.

The girls stood at the oak tree and rushed to the opposite tree on command. Soon, they forgot all about their embarrassment, focusing on the task. They had twice the speed of an ordinary person. Leila ran ahead of her sister because she had started first and didn’t let Eve overtake her, blocking her path with her hand.

A minute later, the girls accelerated one and a half times. Five minutes later, they darted from one tree to the other in a matter of seconds. Another half an hour, and they turned into blurred spots, almost invisible to the eye. They were moving faster than him and even without using pure energy!

«That’s enough!» – Kyon cried out.

Leila wanted to slow down, but she didn’t take into account the friction force. She slipped and rolled head over heels several hundred meters on the ground. All covered with mud, she briskly jumped to her feet and shouted triumphantly, throwing up her arms: «I won! I am the best! Leila will have great success! I am better than everyone else! Flying colors await!»

Eve pursed her lips. How could her sister be so disgustingly rude?

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