Chapter 334

At about noon, the completely naked princess yawned sleepily and stretched in bed. When she saw the naked blond guy lying next to her, Haya was scared out of her wits. Yesterday’s events, particularly in the evening and at night, came back to her in a stormy stream.

{No… Gods… I slept with him. My virginity… Because of him… I can never get married because of him!} – Gradually, fear gave way to burning rage. The princess released an aura of killing intent. He must die for his unforgivable action. A single blow would end his life.

{But… He saved me from that nightmare… And I raped him… He had nothing to do with it… I can’t… I have no right to kill my savior, my hero…} – Haya felt guilty. The killing intent disappeared, followed by grief and self-pity.

Franz woke up to the sound of her crying. He turned around and saw the princess on the edge of the bed, wrapped like a cocoon in a sheet. She did not kill him after all. Kyon must have figured out her character really well, but what next? What was the point of all this?

Franz put his hand on the princess’s delicate shoulder: «Hey, I’m sorry for what happened. I should have guessed that the wretched rascal had drugged you. I am an idiot. Will you forgive me?» – He was choosing the right words for this situation, trying to say them as politely as possible, but, given his natural callousness, they sounded awful.

Haya shrugged her shoulder irritably and took a sitting position, glowering at her savior with tear-stained eyes: «I don’t need your pity or apology! You’d better watch your tongue, or I will get you executed for your unforgivable crime!»

Franz wiped a tear from her cheek without hesitation: «I can’t stand when women cry. Stop it, alright?»

«You…» – Haya wrinkled her nose in anger and released the pressure of the middle lord phase. However, contrary to her expectations, Franz did not show fear, even if anyone would shake in horror at his level of cultivatio, begging for mercy. Haya was greatly surprised. Was he really so brave and strong? In fact, it all came down to his unique dragon god body. Thanks to it, Franz was almost immune to any pressure or aura.

Franz felt sorry for the sad beautiful girl and tried to comfort her with a hug.

«Do you have a death wish, jerk?» – With a slight blow, Haya sent the tactless idiot against the wall. – «I am Haya Feruz, the first princess of Athens, not just anyone! Show your respect!»

«I know who you are…» – Franz moaned, rubbing his side.

Haya was shocked to hear that. She thought that her savior didn’t know who he was dealing with, that’s why he was being so cocky. It turned out he had always been like that.

Franz added: «I don’t care about your title. You are my woman, and it’s the only thing that matters. I just want to comfort you.»

{I… am his woman?} – «Apologize immediately!» – Haya demanded in a threatening tone.

«Why should I?» – Franz sounded genuinely surprised. – «It was you who dragged me to bed like a sex-starved amazon! I just wanted to help you, but instead, I was brazenly raped! Don’t you dare make me apologize for the misunderstanding that is not my fault!»

«Mind your language, asshole!» – The furious princess released the killing intent again, but she still felt gratitude to Franz for saving her.

They glared at each other for a long time.

The princess quickly realized that she was dealing with an idiot with a big mouth. It was pointless and even stupid to hold a grudge against him. She calmed down, took out the things she had bought the day before in Boston, and ordered: «Turn away!»

Franz obeyed.

Haya threw away the sheet, got quickly dressed and asked: «What’s your name? Your family name and rank? Are you married?»

«Franz… Franz Stone. Second rank. No wife. I mean not married!» – He rattled off the words that Kyon had ordered him to say. Also, he had to hide the fake wedding ring.

«Franz Stone, we are getting married soon. You will become my official husband and the first prince of Athens. Be proud of your glorious destiny. That’s how I express my gratitude for saving me.» – Haya announced glumly but resolutely.

«You must be kidding me!» – Franz opened his mouth in surprise.

Contrary to her expectations, he didn’t show any delight, which was rather strange. In her kingdom, thousands of men had been dreaming of her, and this uncouth dork was lucky enough to become her husband. How could he not be happy?

«I guess I have no choice, do I?» – Franz asked sadly.

Haya replied through her gritted teeth: «Of course not! You’ve taken my innocence, asshole! Now it’s time to take full responsibility for your actions! Are you unhappy about it? Didn’t you call me your woman not so long ago? It’s too late to take your words back.»

Haya had a lot of time to think about her gloomy future. Among a variety of options she came up with, she chose the one where her savior became her husband. It was the only way for her to retain her honor and dignity. There was a downside, though. The aristocrats would ridicule her, say, she fell in love with a pretty face without talent, money, position, or connections. However, Franz’s powerful will helped her make the final decision. He showed great fortitude, unlike anyone else who might have been in his place.

«Yes, but… I… Uhm…» – Franz’s mind was reeling. Gradually, he came to the realization of what a terrible person his master was. Kyon had foreseen everything up to this point and decided his fate without even asking Franz’s opinion! Now he was to become the first prince of Athens, the future king of the first kingdom! What for? The answer was obvious – to drain them of their resources!

«I won’t take no for an answer. Get ready for this important event.» – Haya cast a glance at his groin and threw the underpants lying on the floor at him. Then she pressed the formation to call the knight. Where the hell was this dumbass? He wasn’t getting off easy!

Franz hastily put on his underwear: «Uhm, princess… I already have two girlfriends, and I won’t part with them for any carrot or stick. Do you understand?»

Haya narrowed her eyes, giving him a piercing, dagger-like glance, but when she saw the determination on his handsome face, she snorted: «Okay, never mind. I will be your wife, and they will be your concubines. It does not matter. Just stay out of public sight with them.»

«Actually, I wanted to marry one of them. Or both!»

Haya flew into a rage: «Stubborn fool! I showed my kindness and boundless generosity when I let you leave concubines, and you want to make them wives and make me a laughing stock! You have no right to do that! You are a talentless weakling without connections, and I am the first genius in Athens and a princess to boot! So keep your mouth shut and stop making waves!»

«Might makes right, doesn’t it?» – Franz nodded in understanding.

«Exactly. The matter is closed.» – She waved him off coldly.

«Wait. So, I will marry them when I am powerful enough, right?»

Haya snorted dismissively: «I will even let you sleep with me if you ever defeat me! But this will never happen, believe me.» – She said firmly, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

«All right. Then we have a deal.» – Franz smiled confidently, holding out his hand.

Haya rolled her eyes and shook his hand. What a stubborn daredevil, so full of himself! Anyway, she liked him. He was something unusual in her monotonous life. Too bad he had no experience, or talent, or connections.

Only, Franz had all of them. He had one hundred and thirty years of experience. Thanks to the dragon god body, anyone would envy his future successes. As for his connections, he was the legendary TsyJi’s servant! He couldn’t ask for more.

Soon the knight appeared near the dorm. Haya told Franz the time and the place of their departure. He had half a day to pack up and take the girls with him. Then they would travel on a large flying beast to the capital of Athens.

When the princess was leaving the dorm, the students of Cernos greeted her with drooping jaws. The authority of the first princess of Athens was even higher than Kara’s in her best times! What was Haya doing in the male part? It was unbelievable!

«Who is the lucky one to have received an audience with Princess Haya!» … «I saw her coming down from the fifth floor!» … «Guys… You won’t believe me, but she came out of Dick’s room!» … «Wh-a-a-a-a-a-t?!» … «Shut up!» … «Mind your language and your teeth!» … «Don’t tell me that the freak has been with her…»

Prince Charles was passing by the dorm and froze to the spot. He saw Princess Haya leave and heard the numerous witnesses whisper, so he jumped to conclusions: {Seriously… She was in his room?! You must be fucking kidding me!}

Haya was ignoring the annoying Cernos students. A new stage of her life had begun. She seemed to be ten years older. The carefree days of the daddy’s girl were over. It was time to take matters into her own hands.

After the knight’s report, the situation with her kidnapping hadn’t become any clearer. There were too many gaps. It just didn’t add up. No guesses, no theories worked. An assistant? Ancient magic? Amnesia? She just couldn’t get it! The princess craved to get her revenge on Dick Baker, but she decided to steer clear from him for her own good. Anyway, it would be pure madness to send a single knight to look for him all over the kingdom, and Haya would hate to get her father involved in all this. The fat freak would leave her no choice if he dared to disclose the incriminating evidence, but he was not so stupid as to turn an entire kingdom against him, right?

Meanwhile, in the rented basement of the Cernos shopping district, Kyon was talking with a dazzlingly beautiful blonde girl who was absentmindedly winding a lock of hair around her finger. She seemed to shine with beauty and joy from within as if a marvelous flower had blossomed to delight the world with another wonder.

First, they talked about Princess Haya’s plans: her moving to Athens and imminent wedding, the reason for which Kyon chose not to disclose. Then they discussed impudent, greedy Julia. And finally, then mentioned Marina’s personal life and her emotional state.

As planned, Marina had fallen head over heels in love with Franz, glorifying his positive qualities as if he were the emperor of the world. There were many explanations for this, but to sum it up, Kyon had turned Franz into a precious reward and made her fight with the best of the best to get it.

All in all, Marina’s possessive instinct had fallen for his exclusivity. Then she analyzed and accepted her feelings, needs, and goals as befits a reasonable woman, which resulted in her fighting for Franz’s heart and attention. Just a few days ago, she plucked up her courage and confessed her feelings to him over a romantic dinner. Since then, they had been together. Marina would have given up long ago if she did not know how much Franz loved her, which he consistently reminded her about. As a result, Franz had become her man, and she was not going to give her place in his heart either to Princess Haya, or Julia, or anyone else in this world. And she was going to have lots of competitors!

Marina had matured, blossomed and found her only one. Now she dreamed of having children with him. She took a promise from Kyon that he would help Franz heal his seed. She really had strong feelings for him.

Even if Lovr had always wanted only the best for Marina, he gave her away to Flitz, the nasty old man albeit in an attractive young body, with a light heart. There were two reasons for this.

First, Flitz had taken her innocence. It was essential for the women in this world to be faithful to their husbands (sometimes to several of them). Otherwise, they will feel flawed and inferior all their lives. The examples are well-known. Instead of killing Franz, Haya preferred to take him as her husband, even if there were no actual advantages from this marriage. Deep in her heart, Marina had always belonged to Flitz, which Kyon began to suspect back in Juno’s mansion.

Second, Franz loved her. Kyon had no doubt that Franz would sacrifice his life, protecting Marina if she were in danger. How could Kyon not entrust his beautiful friend to him.

When their conversation ended, Marina hugged the fat guy tight: «Thanks for everything, Kyon. I often doubted your motives. It was your fault that the demoness had nearly depraved me, but everything turned out alright. It was a valuable experience. However, recently I realized how much you cared about me. If not for your secret bodyguards, Prince Charles… Anyway, thanks a lot.» – She gratefully kissed him on the cheek.

Kyon felt a surge of bright emotions from Marina that gave him about 10% (total 80%). However, his eyes sparkled with ice: {Prince Charles… You have a death wish…} – Back at the forest tournament, he saw through the visual formation on Marina’s forehead the bastard burning with desire after taking Mother’s Pet pill. Prince Charles noticed Marina walking alone, pinched her butt, and began to molest her with the obvious purpose of getting under her skirt. Something terrible would have happened if it were not for the two knights who came out of the shadows just in time.

At that, his conversation with his dear friend came to an end.

Franz was the next to enter the basement. It was time for Kyon to reap the harvest.

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