Chapter 85: Rumor

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation       Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Upon hearing this, Song Kai immediately stood up and exclaimed, “That’s right! Someone must be spreading rumors behind her back. Song Fan is known for speaking her mind. Who knows who she might have offended?”

After saying this, he hastily grabbed his coat and rushed out. One of his friends called after him, “Brother Kai, where are you going?”

“I need to find Song Fan right away,” Song Kai replied.

He left the basketball court, hopped on his motorcycle, and sped to Song Fan’s house. He stood at her doorstep, knocking urgently.

Song Fan opened the door and teased, “Why are you knocking so forcefully?

Why don’t you tear the door down?”

Song Kai exclaimed anxiously, “Have you seen the post on the school’s forum?”

Song Fan hadn’t expected him to be so worked up and asked, “I don’t use the school’s forum. What did they say to make you so agitated?”

Song Kai quickly pulled out his phone and showed her the post. Song Fan quickly read the entire post and commented with a smile, “The writing style isn’t that great, and there are even typos.”

After seeing her composed reaction, Song Kai was bewildered and said, “Rumors are spreading that you’re pregnant, and you can still laugh?”

“Do you believe it?” Song Fan inquired.

Song Kai promptly shook his head, indicating that he didn’t believe it at all.

Upon hearing his response, Song Fan nodded and stated, “Then everything is fine. It doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not. What’s important is that you still believe in me.”

Song Fan intended to convey that as long as there were people who believed in her, it didn’t matter what others thought. However, Song Kai interpreted it differently and believed that he held a special place in Song Fan’s heart. He felt that his belief in her was of utmost significance.

As he stood outside her door, he began to feel a sense of happiness. Song Fan, on the other hand, couldn’t fathom why he was suddenly acting this way.

However, Song Fan didn’t completely ignore this matter. After seeing Song Kai off, she turned on her computer and traced the IP address of the forum post. To her surprise, it was traced back to the Song Family’s mansion.

Now, she knew who had posted the rumor. The only person in the Song Family’s mansion who would resort to such actions was Song Yin. She must have overheard something and quickly spread the rumors, likely with the intention of tarnishing Song Fan’s reputation and getting her expelled from school.

Song Fan began typing on her keyboard and planted a virus in Song Yin’s computer.

Whenever Song Yin turned on her computer again, it would be recorded. This action went against her usual standards, but for someone like Song Yin, Song Fan didn’t have to hold back.

Throughout the day, the forum post gained unprecedented popularity. Nearly everyone in the school had seen it and was discussing the person at the center of it. Given that the daughter of a high-class family was teaching at their school, it could only be referring to Song Fan.

As soon as Song Yin entered the classroom, she was surrounded by curious students. Girl A asked, “Song Yin, have you seen that post? Is it really about Song Fan?”

Song Yin pretended to be surprised and replied, “Why would you think that?

This can’t possibly be about my sister. Even though she doesn’t live at the Song

Family mansion, she’s a very proper person.”

Her statement sparked a flurry of discussion. The revelation that Song Fan lived on her outside of her family’s mansion surprised many.

Some even speculated that it would be convenient for her to meet her boyfriend.

Girl B chimed in, saying, “If she doesn’t live at home, who knows what she’s up to? Maybe she’s living with her boyfriend.”

“Goodness!” Girl C exclaimed, covering her mouth. “Even if Song Fan is a teacher, she’s the same age as us. How could she possibly do something like that?”

Tingting stood up and rebuked, “What nonsense are you guys spouting here? If you believe such baseless rumors, it’s clear your critical thinking skills are severely lacking.”

In truth, Tingting didn’t have a particularly good impression of Song Fan, but she was willing to support anyone who could counter Song Yin. Besides, Song Fan’s usual aloof demeanor didn’t seem like someone who would engage in such behavior.

Girl A retorted with a cold snort, “Rumors don’t come out of thin air. If she didn’t do it, why would there be such a post?”

The others found Girl A’s argument reasonable and nodded in agreement.

Tingting couldn’t help but roll her eyes and said, “Are you all gullible? You’ll believe anything you read.”

Song Yin chimed in, “I agree with Tingting. My sister would never do something like this. Besides, my brother called her yesterday. If she had done something wrong, he wouldn’t have reached out to her.”

Girl B inquired further, “What did your brother say to Song Fan?”

“I’ve never eavesdropped on my brother’s phone calls. Yesterday, I just happened to be delivering him some coffee and overheard a bit. He mentioned something about marriage. Maybe someone is getting married,” Song Yin innocently replied.

Girl B gasped, ‘It must be about Song Fan. She’s pregnant, so she needs to have a wedding soon. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing..”

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