Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 94: You Shall Be The Accused Before The Embodiment Of Justice

The wine glass sat empty on the table as Clair set down his utensils with satisfaction. The plates and bowls in front of him had been cleaned, down to the last drop of stew and the last crumb of black bread.

“If there are leftovers… Our owner will make sure he has a good chat with you.”

The maid’s words echoed in Clair’s mind. Although they came from the mouth of an ordinary woman without any cultivation, they still sent a chill down Clair’s spine.

Yeager, the Eighth Prince, was truly a terrifying enemy.

Clair clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with a burning battle intent. But now was not the time for them to meet. Clair was not the type to waste food just to provoke someone either. He preferred it to be a fair fight in a wide arena under the watchful eyes of millions of people, where he could exchange blows with his opponent amidst the intensity of blood and sweat

As soon as Clair stood up, a waiter quickly cleared away the dirty dishes. More and more people had received the news and eagerly awaited their turn to dine.

Clair nodded slightly to the person who could be his potential opponent in the upcoming tournament as a greeting, then exited the restaurant.

Next to the restaurant, there was a fruit stall run by a dainty young girl. She held up a red, fresh fruit and asked Clair, “Sir, would you like some fruit?”

Clair rubbed his stomach, feeling full. The food at the Eighth Prince Restaurant was delicious, albeit a bit greasy. Cleaning his palate with some fruit sounded like a good idea.

“How much do you sell the fruit for?”

“Three copper coins for half a kilogram.”

It was a very fair price.

“I’ll take half a kilogram then.”


The young girl quickly weighed out half a kilogram of fruit. After receiving three copper coins from Clair, she waved with a smile and said, “Come back next time.”

“I will, if these are delicious,” Clair replied, returning the smile. He glanced at the fruits in the paper bag and decided to save them until he was back to the inn.

After Clair, the young girl scratched her head. “Hmm… that person looked really familiar…”

Realization suddenly hit her and she quickly rummaged through a crumpled book under the fruit stand and found the page she was looking for.

“I knew it! The Cursed Fist of Shadow Theocracy, ranked thirty first! Clair Norman! I missed the chance to get his autograph!” the young girl exclaimed, disappointed in herself.

She sighed and reminded herself to review her book more often. Otherwise, she would never be able to finish collecting everyone’s autograph. But for now, work was her priority.

The young girl pouted but her smile quickly returned as several more participants walked out of the restaurant.

“Are you interested in buying some fruit?” she called out sweetly.

The participants licked their greasy lips as their eyes lit up at the sight of the large and juicy fruits.

“Give us a kilogram!”

“Right away!”


“You’re Kabul, yes?” The leader of the Law Enforcement Team compared the resume in his hand to the man sitting before him with a serious face. It was hard to believe that this cunning man could be the same person described in the resume—someone who was hardworking, respectful to people of all ages, and had received the Holy Dragon National Academy’s model students award numerous times.

“I’ll say it again, this is the Law Enforcement Office. Cooperate, and we will be lenient. Resist, and we will be strict. I hope you can answer my questions truthfully.”

“Yes, sir. Of course, I’ll answer truthfully. Every word I say is the truth. I swear in the name of the Dragon God,” Kabul assured, patting his chest.

“Then tell me, who instructed you to distribute the fliers?”

“The Eighth Prince,” Kabul replied, blinking innocently. “I told you that many times.”

“But the Eighth Prince is currently being locked up!” The captain tried his best to control his anger, as blue veins throbbed in his temples. “How can he instruct you?”

Kabul shrugged innocently. “You’ll have to ask the Eighth Prince himself. How would I know? I’m just a poor laborer, there’s no reason for me to cause trouble.”

“Right… I suppose we’ll have to question the Eighth Prince.” The leader of the Law Enforcement Team retrieved a document from his drawer and pushed it to Kabul. He stared into Kabul’s eyes and continued, “But the Eighth Prince said he knew nothing of this.”

“What?” Kabul widened his eyes in disbelief. “He said that?”

“Yes, he indeed made that statement,” the leader of the Law Enforcement Team responded, secretly rejoicing as the cunning man’s composure finally wavered.

Before the captain could feel relieved, Kabul suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted, “He’s lying! You should interrogate him again! No, torture him! Only torture will make the Eighth Prince confess the truth!”

The leader of the Law Enforcement Team was taken aback. Kabul’s sudden outburst made it seem like he was accusing a notorious criminal rather than a prince. It was as if he was desperately trying to find evidence against a highly intelligent criminal.

The leader of the Law Enforcement Team was astounded by Kabul’s exceptional ability to slander the prince. He really wished he could question the dean of the Holy Dragon National Academy for selecting a guy like him as a model student.

“He is a prince,” the leader of the Law Enforcement Team muttered through gritted teeth. “Why don’t you go and try to torture him?”

“Why me?” Kabul scoffed at the suggestion. Only a fool would attempt such a thing.

Besides, he was no longer the same Kabul he had been. Under the wise guidance of Lady Lilith, he had been reborn.

He now possessed courage and fearlessness, no longer attached to earthly desires. His sole focus was to flawlessly execute his duties as a Lady Lilith’s minion and meet her lofty standards. This definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he was trapped in a situation with no option but to give his utmost effort and dedication.

“Are you telling me that you are not the Law Enforcement Team?”

“Are you telling me that a prince can break the laws without consequences?”

“Are you telling me that you are protecting the Eighth Prince, knowing that he is breaking the laws?”

“Are you telling me that… you’re committing treason?”

Kabul’s face was solemn and righteous, as if he was the embodiment of justice. It made the leader of the Law Enforcement Team feel as if he was being accused of conspiring with the prince to commit treason!

“YOU…” The leader of the Law Enforcement Team was overwhelmed by the relentless barrage of words, leaving him breathless and trembling. The weight of these accusations added to the pressure, nearly causing him to faint.

He had only intended to interrogate a criminal, but somehow found himself accused of treason.

Just earlier that day, he had been on a routine patrol, happily humming a tune, looking forward to buying some meat to take home and enjoy a delicious potato stew with his wife, along with a glass of wine. However, when he went to his usual butcher’s store, he was met with disappointment. They had no meat. He went to three or four more butcher stores, but all of them had empty stalls. He could not help but wonder what was going on.

While he was lost in thought, one of his subordinates rushed over and informed him about the commotion at the Eighth Prince Restaurant. His keen professional intuition told him that this was no ordinary matter. So, he grabbed a flier and sought answers.

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