“Sworn siblings?” Upon hearing Uncle Skar’s suggestion, Lilith was momentarily stunned. Her mind raced as she pieced together the meaning behind the “sworn siblings”. It dawned on her that this term was seen in the novels from her previous world. Like-minded individuals in the pugilistic world would go through a ceremony together to convert their friendship into mock kinship.

Although not blood-related, their relationship would be as intimate as blood siblings after the ceremony. They would often say things like even if they were not born on the same day, same month and same year, they would die on the same day, same month and same year.

It sounded so noble, amazing, sophisticated, emotional and sincere… but looking at it from another perspective…

To be sworn siblings meant that they would share a relationship akin to siblings… He was the older brother and she was the younger sister…

〣( ºΔº )〣

In other words, Uncle Skar did not only have a daughter complex, but also a little sister complex?!

Lilith’s expression changed slightly as she took a few steps back. She hesitantly said, “That… That doesn’t seem very appropriate. The age gap between us is too much. Wouldn’t it be strange for us to become sworn siblings?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Uncle Skar was clearly very excited and failed to notice that Lilith was acting oddly. He patted his chest and continued, “Age shouldn’t be a hindrance for people like us. We can’t let something as trivial as age hold us back. In fact, our age gap could even further highlight our love of freedom.”

“I… I guess you have a point…” Lilith forced herself to smile and play along.

Of course age isn’t a problem here, but I’m worried that you may be a pervert!

Lilith sensed a natural affinity with Uncle Skar due to their similar personality, which led her to believe he was a trustworthy person. However, the thought of gaining a new sibling after being an only child for so long made Lilith extremely uncomfortable.

Most importantly… If her mother were to discover that she had somehow gained an older son… would she crush him with her palm just because he was too unpleasant to look at?

Lilith nodded as she looked at Uncle Skar’s dirty face and beard. Given her mother’s personality, Lilith was certain that such a scenario was very likely to happen.

“Why don’t we give it some more thought?” Lilith suggested.

“What more is there to think about? I’ve already made my decision!” Uncle Skar waved his fist, looking unusually determined.

Unlike Lilith, Uncle Skar had lived for thousands of years. During this time, the loneliness, boredom, heartache, and helplessness as he walked his path alone was not something Lilith could ever imagine.

This was why Skar suggested for them to become sworn siblings. It was rare for him to find a like-minded individual, and he would not let Lilith slip away! They would face life’s challenges and court death together. Never again would he have to suffer the judgment of others all alone!

Uncle Skar narrowed his eyes and looked at Lilith, sensing her reluctance. He quickly worked his brain and a peculiar smile spread across his face. He whispered in Lilith’s ear, “Think about it, my dear Lilith~ If we both join forces, the resulting effect will be more than just one plus one.”


“Yes, it will at least be one to the power of one!”

“What! How can one to the power of one be even bigger than one plus one?” Lilith was shocked beyond belief.

“…Ahem… Is that so…?” Uncle Skar coughed dryly, then hastily changed his words. “I meant to say one times one. Yes, that’s a one times one effect.”

Lilith was even more shocked. “Isn’t one times one the same as one to the power of one?”

This time, it was Uncle Skar’s turn to be shocked. “Is that so?”

“Hmm? Is it not?” Lilith looked at Uncle Skar like he was a monster. “Uncle, did you learn math… from your daughter?”

“O-Of course not…” Uncle Skar snorted and said dismissively. “I must have a brain fart from standing up too quickly after sitting down for so long.”

Lilith rolled her eyes, obviously not quite convinced by him. “Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what’s on your mind without all these metaphors.”

“Fine, I’ll be direct then. Ahem…” Uncle Skar cleared his throat and stuck his chest out. A strange aura gradually built up in Uncle Skar and Lilith sensed it too.

She felt a strong connection between individuals who had similar personalities. Her breathing and heartbeat even began to synchronize involuntarily with Uncle Skar’s.

“This about it, Lilith. If we have a fresh idea and the probability of one person succeeding in implementing it is 50%, then won’t the chances of success for two people working together be 100%?”

“Makes sense.” Lilith nodded her head vigorously.

“In other words, if we were to get into big trouble due to our brilliant idea and the likelihood of one person successfully escaping is 50%, then with two people, the probability of at least one person escaping becomes 100%!”

“You are right!” After listening to Uncle Skar, Lilith’s eyes gleamed with excitement and she applauded with enthusiasm. “According to what you just said, if I were to get into big trouble and the likelihood of successfully shifting the blame is 50%, if I have someone… like a sworn sibling, the probability of successfully shifting the blame becomes 100%!

“Yes, exactly.” Although Uncle Skar sensed that there was something wrong with the last sentence, he was lost in the joy of hearing Lilith’s positive response. He clapped and laughed heartily. “Everything has gone from 50% to 100%. Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Super wonderful.”

“Will you accept my proposal, Lilith?”

“Well, I can’t say no after hearing Uncle Skar.”

“Great, let us seal our commitment with a blood oath!” Uncle Skar was overjoyed. With a wave of his hand, the severed head of a strange beast appeared before Lilith.

It looked like the head of a goat, but with sharp fangs attached to its upper and lower jaws. Its slightly curved goat horns glimmered with a metallic sheen under the moonlight. At first glance, it seemed like it used to be a formidable opponent…

“This is…” Lilith was taken aback and uncertain.

“A specialty from my home. The name is… well that doesn’t matter, but the blood of this demon beast is a necessary component for our blood oath!”

Lilith forced herself to smile as she caught a whiff of the fishy smell and the overpowering scent of the demon beast’s head, which was amplified by her heightened sense of smell. “We’ll just have to smear it on our lips, right? It’s okay, I can still accept.”

Uncle Skar placed his hand on Lilith’s shoulder and beamed a smile at her. “What are you talking about, Lilith… no, little sister. Of course we’ll have to drink it to celebrate the bond between us.”

“Drink?” The expression on Lilith’s face changed dramatically. “You mean directly?”

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t taste bad at all,” Uncle Skar assured.

“No, this isn’t about the taste.” Lilith gulped, feeling her stomach churning as she spoke. “The real issue is whether I can mentally accept it or not.”

Despite Lilith’s incredible strength in all aspects as a Dragon Princess and she would definitely be fine after drinking this thing, the idea of drinking blood was not something she could easily accept, as she had been a human being in her previous life.

Uncle Skar seemed to notice Lilith’s inner turmoil and shook his head in resignation.

Humans are really fussy.

“As the older brother, allow me to demonstrate.”

With a gentle wave of his hand, a clean wound as if made by a sharp knife appeared on the beast’s head. Blood started gushing out and Skarst swiftly grabbed a silver cup out of thin air with his left hand.

The blood flowed into the cup as if guided by some unseen force. Skarst tilted his head backward and quickly drank it down in one gulp. He then tipped the cup to prove that he had emptied it completely.

Skarst laughed heartily and exclaimed, “See? I’m still feeling fine. This is a common practice back home.”

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