“What got you arrested, Uncle Skar?” Lilith suddenly asked.

“Me? I came in on my own accord.”

“Your own accord?” Lilith frowned in confusion. This place was a detention center of some sort. Anyone held here was either a suspect in a crime or a witness like herself. So, how should those who came here voluntarily be identified?

Uncle Skar smiled as if he could read Lilith’s mind and explained, “I assure you that I’m not a criminal. I simply wish to find a quiet place to stay, and it is quite peaceful here. So, I randomly smashed the glass of a store, ended up being arrested, and brought here.”

“You deliberately committed a crime just to be brought into this place to find peace? You’re really a strange one, Uncle.” Lilith curled her lips. Just when she was about to steer the conversation away from the dull topic, she suddenly realized that something was amiss.

“Wait a minute. The Security Enforcement Team actually arrested you for breaking a store’s glass? And to top it off, it was actually Team C, which specializes in handling emergencies? Do they have that much free time?”

The Security Enforcement Team was currently facing a severe shortage of manpower, to the extent that they could not afford to leave a watchman behind here. It was unlikely that they would have the capacity to take care of such a trivial matter.

Uncle Skar chuckled while scratching his head. “Haha, I’m not sure why it caused such a stir, but I think it may have been because the store’s name was… uhh… what was it again… Money… Center? Ah yes, Money Center.”

“Money Center…” Lilith backed away a few steps with a strange look on her face.

Money Center was similar to a bank from Lilith’s previous life. It served the purpose of storing currency and providing crystal cards in exchange for gold, silver, and copper coins. After all, storing significant amounts of these coins could be inconvenient without adequate storage capacity.

Crystal cards were highly uncommon, and only a select few possessed them.

Uncle Skar mentioned that he smashed the glass of Money Center, which meant that the person in front of Lilith was…

Undeniably a bank robber!

“Sorry to have bothered you.” Lilith stood up, prepared to head back to her room. She had many tasks to attend to and could not waste any more time conversing with a robber.

“Hey, hold on, young lady. You don’t think I’m some kind of criminal, do you?” Uncle Skar was anxious and almost reached out to grab Lilith, but he remembered about the array and quickly pulled his hand back, as if he had been scalded by flames.

He stood there, nervously explaining, “I really came here to find peace of mind. I’m not a bad person, I swear.”

“Who knows if you’re a bad person or not?” Without even turning her head, she added, “I have something to do now. I don’t have time to chat with you.”

“Something to do? What is there for you to do when you’re already locked up in here?” Uncle Skar gave her a puzzled look.

Lilith responded coldly, “That’s none of your concern.”

Uncle Skar refused to give up and began to stroke his chin in deep thought. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he cautiously asked, “…Are you planning a jailbreak, young lady?”

“Jailbreak? Sorry, you got it wrong.”

“Oh come on, no need to hide it. What else can you do here other than planning a jailbreak?” Uncle Skar teased. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell the Security Enforcement Team.”

Lilith suddenly turned around, pointed at the sign above the doorway, and sneered.

“Look carefully, this is the reception room. Despite being next to two detention cells, it’s a proper room to receive visitors. Unlike you, I’m not a criminal. I’m a witness and a law-abiding citizen. Why would someone like myself need to plan a jailbreak?”

“Oh…” Uncle Skar finally realized the contrasting nature of the two rooms, feeling a bit embarrassed as he mumbled softly, “Oh, so you aren’t planning a jailbreak. Of course, why would a young lady like you even need to think of something like that. I must be getting old and senile.”

Uncle Skar sat back down and stared at the wall lifelessly. Lost in thought, he began to hum a nameless mellow tune that carried a magical quality.

Lilith found herself captivated by the beautiful melody. It was enchanting, a stark contrast to the unkempt appearance of the person humming it.

The tune evoked a feeling of sorrow and seemed to be conveying someone’s eternal love. Lilith was deeply affected by it and felt a tinge of sadness in her heart.

“Actually, my daughter went missing a few years ago,” Uncle Skar said after he finished humming that little tune. “That’s why if I come across someone who is about the age of my daughter, I may instinctively try to get closer to them. Please forgive me if I have startled you earlier.”

“Is that so?” Lilith snapped back from her senses. She was a little unsure of how to respond to Uncle Skar’s sudden confession. After a brief pause, she apologized, “I’m sorry, I was being rude.”

“No, it’s not your fault, young lady. I was being too self-absorbed,” Uncle Skar said with a sad and bitter smile. “It’s been a long time since I’ve met someone who is similar in age and beauty to my daughter, so it’s difficult to control myself.”

“Understandable, that’s human nature.” Lilith forced a smile, not wanting to cause any more pain to a father who had lost his daughter.

It had been a common belief that a daughter was the reincarnation of her father’s past lover, and Lilith could understand the origins of this saying.

“But Uncle, your daughter is missing. Don’t you want to go look for her instead of staying in a place like this?”

“Of course, I want to find her. I’ve searched every inch of the land for years, following any clue no matter how small, even if it leads me to a dragon’s den. But that guy is too cunning, always managing to escape at the crucial moment.”

Uncle Skar’s eyes were filled with sadness as he spoke about his search, pounding the ground in anger and helplessness. “If I catch him one day, I’ll definitely dice him up!”

“That guy?”

Lilith was a little dumbfounded. “Didn’t you say your daughter was missing?”

“Yes, that guy took my daughter and vanished!” Uncle Skar grinded his teeth, as if he were eager to feast on flesh and blood.

“It was three years ago. I remember that night vividly. It was my daughter’s birthday, and I went to great lengths to buy her cake from her most favorite bakery. But when I returned with the cake, my daughter… she had been taken by that man! All that was left was a doll that still carried her warmth.”

Tears glistened in Uncle Skar’s eyes. “I… was too late, just a moment too late! If only I had reached home a moment earlier, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”

“This is outrageous! It’s a blatant home invasion and kidnapping,” Lilith exclaimed with indignation. “Did you not call the cops?”

“Call the cops?”

“Ah, I mean report it to the local authorities and seek their assistance.”

“It’s no use.” Uncle Skar shook his head. “That guy may be insignificant to me, but he has powerful backing.”

Lilith widened her eyes and pretended to be surprised. “How powerful could they be for the Security Enforcement Team to be unable to take action?”

“Not only the Security Enforcement Team, I tried confronting the person behind that guy, but I was no match for him and got my a̲s̲s̲ whooped so badly that I had to retreat. I may not look like it, but I’m quite a capable fighter. It’s just that…” Uncle Skar let out a long sigh.

“Forget it. The more we talk about it, the more disheartening it becomes.” Uncle Skar wiped his tears away.

“That man can’t remain hidden at home forever. Therefore, I have spent years searching for him. One day, I will apprehend him.”

“Never give up, Uncle Skar!” Lilith exclaimed, pumping her tiny fist in encouragement. “Get your daughter back and beat that guy up!”

“I sure will.” Uncle Skar nodded with a smile. “Thank you, young lady.”

“I can only offer a few kind words,” Lilith said regretfully. “I have a pressing matter to attend to, otherwise I would gladly assist you.”

“No, no, no.” Uncle Skar waved his hand anxiously. “I strongly advise against getting involved in this mess. It’s not something a young lady like yourself can help.”

“Uncle, you are a good man. Don’t worry about me.” Lilith gave the scruffy man a thumbs up and smiled. “I may not look like it, but I have a very impressive background too.”

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