“Proof? Tell me more about it.” The armored man shifted his sharp gaze from Lilith to Kieran. He seemed to be almost fully convinced by Lilith after listening to her heartfelt confession earlier.

“Wait, don’t listen to her nonsense!” Kieran tried to stop the situation from escalating because he could already anticipate what Lilith was about to say. Knowing her mischievous nature, he knew that she would not hold anything back when she was intent on framing someone. The only way to prevent this was to interrupt her before she could start.

“This person… actually has a secret identity!”

“SHUT UP!!!”

Lilith quickly rushed over to Kieran and stomped on his foot. Her speed was so impressive that even the armored man failed to notice. The force of her foot was so powerful that Kieran was immediately silenced by the intense pain.

“Don’t be fooled by appearance, this person is actually… a man!!!” Lilith finally spilled it.

“WHAT?!” the armored man exclaimed, his voice betraying his shock. His eyes widened visibly through the slit in his faceplate.

“A man?”

The armored man and his subordinates stared at Kieran in shock, as if they could not believe their eyes.

Kieran’s maid dress was fluttering in the wind, together with his waist-long hair that framed his lovely face. He even deliberately spoke in a high-pitched voice. Anyone who laid eyes on him would be sure that he was a bold and beautiful young lady who dared to wear a maid dress in public.

It was simply unbelievable to hear that this lovely lady was actually a man.

“Is she telling the truth?” The armored man approached Kieran, his tone becoming increasingly hostile.

As a member of the Security Enforcement Team C, which specialized in handling emergencies, he had been very patient with Lilith’s group. Unlike his usual approach, he refrained from using physical force to restrain his suspects without first communicating with them.

After all, he was dealing with two young ladies and a little girl who seemed engrossed in playing with her doll. As they did not appear to pose any threat, he tried to be a gentleman for once and chose to gather evidence first before making any arrests.

So, it turned out that they were actually two harmless girls and a man? Furthermore, the man was also suspected of committing serious offenses such as murder, coercion, arson, and potentially using dangerous magic in populated areas?

Sorry, that is a little scary.

“Wait, don’t listen to that little devil! She’s the one who’s spouting nonsense…” Kieran endured the intense pain while defending himself. Tears began to gather in his eyes due to the severity of the pain.

“Hmph, how can someone as cute as me be spouting nonsense?” Lilith snorted coldly before lifting off Kieran’s wig with lightning speed.

“See, I’m not lying. Why would this man dress up as a woman in public if he’s not up to something suspicious?”

“Indeed.” The armored man nodded in approval, and with a flick of his hand, he produced a pair of silver handcuffs that emitted subtle magical energy.

“You. Come with me,” he told Kieran.

“I’ve been framed! I’m truly innocent! I’m dressed like this against my will, I was forced by that little devil!” Kieran shouted at the top of his lungs, making a final attempt to defend himself.

Kieran had no choice but to defend himself. He was a dignified nobleman’s son. The fact that he had been wearing a female dress was initially only known within a small circle. In order to protect the family’s reputation, the senior members of his family deliberately kept the news from spreading.

This was why he had to wear makeup and a wig in order to appear as a genuine woman, out of fear of being recognized.

The consequences of being caught by the Security Enforcement Team might not be severe due to his family and Durance’s status, but his reputation as a crossdressing pervert would spread like wildfire and become a label that would stick with him for life.

Although he had endured numerous humiliations and believed he had become pretty thick-skinned nowadays, the thought of facing public execution in front of an entire city… no, the entire nation… was simply too much for him to bear!!

“This little devil is the culprit of everything! She’s the one!” Kieran was becoming increasingly incoherent.

“Nonsense.” Lilith rolled up her sleeve, revealing her slender, fair arm, and spoke in a pitiful tone, “How can a frail girl like me, with a body hardly stronger than a cornstalk, be capable of being the perpetrator of anything?”

“That’s true.” The armored man nodded in agreement. “The little girl definitely does not meet the condition, considering her physical state.”

“Don’t be deceived by her appearance! She’s not that weak at all!”

“That’s enough!”

The armored man’s patience appeared to have run out, as his eyes grew colder by the moment. “We’ll listen to anything else you have to say back at the station.”

“N-No way, everything will be over if I go back with you. It’ll be a social death for me! We must clear things up here!” Kieran began pleading as hard as he could.

Violence was prohibited in the entire city right now. He knew that any direct action against the Security Enforcement Team or attempt to flee would result in a larger chain reaction.

Thus, he had no choice but to plead for mercy.

“Please, I beg you! This is all I will ask for in my life! If you grant me this, I’ll be forever grateful. It’s nothing difficult, all you have to do is punch that little devil and the truth will be revealed.”

The armored man remained unmoved as he grabbed Kieran’s arm in a vice-like grip and immediately proceeded to handcuff him.

“As a member of the Security Enforcement Team, how can I harm an innocent citizen?” the armored man with one brain cell predictably responded.

“She’s no innocent citizen at all! She’s…”

“SILENCE!” The armored man shouted angrily. Despite being only half-handcuffed, the device began flashing red light. Kieran immediately felt as though his mouth had been sewn shut. He was left staring at Lilith and the armored man helplessly, with impotent rage burning within him.

“You can speak as much as you want once we’re back at the station. You better not act like a mute by then.” The armored man then issued an order to a few of his subordinates behind him, “Take him back.”

“Understood!” A group of men carried Kieran away as he struggled, while Lilith watched with non-existent tears in her eyes.

Sorry, Kieran, I had no choice.

The Great Celestial Rite is fast approaching, and with so many dangers lurking in the dark, I have little time to spare for the Security Enforcement Team. Therefore, I must reluctantly leave you to suffer on your own.

Moreover, I am the Dragon Princess, the most exceptional genius in the entire clan for the past ten thousand years. If I were to be imprisoned for such an inexplicable matter, it would dent my reputation.

This is the most effective course of action. I’m truly sorry. I’ll make it up to you in the future, so for now… Just go in peace.

Lilith picked up Cornelia and headed toward the shore, intending to wait for that one brain cell to get Lesiah and the others out before making her next plan.

As soon as she turned around, a large hand landed heavily on her shoulder.

“Where are you going, little girl?”

Lilith glanced back at the armored man in alarm and said, “I’m not required here any longer. Can’t I leave?”

The armored man gave her a strange look. “No, no, no. You’re coming back with me to the station.”

“Why?” Lilith’s eyes widened in disbelief. “I’m a law-abiding citizen. You arrest law-abiding citizens too?”

“Of course not, but… you’re a very important witness. So, of course, you must return with us,” the armored man explained.

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