As the sun set in the evening, a warm breeze blew from the east, following the river that flowed through the city before dispersing into countless homes, carrying the final warmth of the day.

Warm breezes were always pleasant. After a long day of work, the residents could finally relax and enjoy the leisurely activities the city had to offer after nightfall, such as taking a stroll, shopping, meeting friends, trying out the local cuisines, or joining in on the warm-up activities for the upcoming Great Celestial Rite.

“How nice.” The soldier clad in black armor gazed upon the bustling crowd, filled with joy and laughter as they chatted with their companions. A tinge of envy flickered in his eyes.

“The visiting delegations from the Macedonian Empire will arrive at the East Gate shortly. I wish to witness the spectacle myself too. After all, it’s always a grand occasion when a nation comes to visit. I’ve also heard that the crown princess of the Macedonian Empire is known for her exceptional beauty, hehe…”

“Stop dreaming.” An older-looking soldier standing beside him rolled his eyes in response. “I’ve always told you to stop obsessing and grinning over your 2D wives like a fool, but you never listen. Why am I not even surprised that a geek like you isn’t aware of such big news?”

“W-Why? What happened?”

“That crown princess… abdicated.”

“What? She got married?” The soldier’s expression was filled with shock.

“Shh! Lower your voice. If the captain catches us slacking off, we’ll lose our bonus for the month.”

The older soldier cleared his throat, then glanced around before whispering, “She’s not married. She’s only a crown princess in name now without any real power.”

“Did her people revolt against her?”

“Are you daft? If there were a rebellion, she wouldn’t be participating in the Great Celestial Rite. If people were truly revolting against her, she would be hiding in her own empire now, regardless of the outcome, recovering from the backlash. After all, an internal strife is the most damaging thing for a nation’s well-being.”

“If you would be so kind as to enlighten me… Why did the crown princess abdicate?”

“How would I know? I heard that Princess Lesiah is appointing her younger sister to become the first female emperor of the Macedonian Empire. It’s quite a bold decision, considering her sister is only about six or seven years old and still hasn’t even lost all her milk teeth.”

“That’s young. What if the ministers usurp the throne?”

“Well… There’s an explanation for that.”

“What is it? Spill it, Brother.”


“How about I treat you to a drink tonight?”

“How generous of you. Allow me to continue then.”

The older soldier leaned closer to the other soldier’s ear and whispered secretively, “Well, there’s a rumor going around that Princess Lesiah’s younger sister is the reincarnation of a demon god!”

“What? The reincarnation of a demon god?”

The young soldier could not believe what he was hearing. “Isn’t that a little too far-fetched?”

“To be honest, I don’t quite believe it either, but I heard that on the day the younger sister ascended the throne, a giant beast appeared in the sky and it rained blood!”

“Was that… a phenomenon? Did such a strange occurrence truly happen?” The young soldier exclaimed.

“Yes, and that is nothing compared to what you’re about to hear next.”

“What is it?”

“Someone conspired with a mysterious expert to assassinate the crown princess and her younger sister. The mysterious expert was so powerful that the ensuing battle put hundreds of thousands of people in danger. Despite the harmless appearance of the younger sister, she actually devised a plan and killed the mysterious expert with poison.”

The younger soldier gasped in horror. “How scary!”

“That’s not all. There are rumors that the poison that killed the mysterious expert was actually dragon blood.”

“She has actually slayed dragons too?!” the young soldier exclaimed.

“Keep your voice down or we’ll be in trouble!”

“Sorry, sorry I was just shocked.”

The older soldier looked at him with disdain. “You’re really too inexperienced. Stop wasting your time at home. Unlike you, I’ve crossed more bridges than you have!”

The young soldier looked up to the older soldier with admiration.

The older soldier was neither bragging nor displaying any sense of superiority. He merely lifted his head and gazed at the orange clouds that had covered half of the sky.

He could not help but feel emotional as he recalled his days as a messenger, delivering letters to the less fortunate folks who could not afford spectrum stones. He had indeed crossed countless bridges back then.

“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you.”

A voice suddenly interrupted the older soldier’s train of thought. He turned around, only to find a handsome red-haired man standing before him.

A little girl cowered behind him. Although her face was hidden by a hood, her gender was still discernible.

The older soldier scrutinized the two of them before sternly asking, “What is your occupation?”

“I’m a traveling merchant who has been trading in various cities, and this is…” The red-haired man interrupted himself to pat the little girl’s shoulder and continued with a smile, “This is my daughter. She’s a little shy around strangers.”

“Is that so?”

The older soldier sensed something amiss, but the fact that both of them were here meant they had already cleared the city gate inspections, so he dismissed it as his own imagination.

“What do you require from us?” the young soldier asked impatiently. “We are quite busy, so please keep it short.”

“Well, I’m searching for my companions. Based on the story you just shared, it appears that it may be connected to my quest.”

“You were eavesdropping?” the older soldier questioned warily.

“Please, I’m not a suspicious person. As a merchant, it’s important for me to pay attention to public opinion. I don’t possess any special abilities, but I have keen ears and happened to overhear part of your conversation. I apologize if I caused any offense. As a gesture of goodwill, please accept these.” The red-haired man discreetly stuffed a few gold coins into the older soldier’s hand

“Ahem, I see. I have nearly misunderstood you.” A smile immediately spread across the older soldier’s face as his attitude improved.

“No worries, I’m already used to it as someone who travels to many places.”

“So, what do you want to know?”

“Can you tell me the full story?”

The elderly soldier appeared perplexed. “You mentioned that you are seeking your companions. What does that peculiar tale have anything to do with your quest?”

A subtle golden glint flashed across the red-haired man’s eyes as he mumbled, “Perhaps because it’s a peculiar tale.”

“Pardon me? What did you say?”

“Nothing.” The red-haired man chuckled. “Please go ahead and share your story. I’ll be the judge of its usefulness. If it’s not useful, then consider that as a payment for an entertaining tale.”

The older soldier shook his head in disbelief. He could not fathom spending a year’s worth of living expenses just to hear a story that could be bought from a beggar with two steamed buns. Such was the world of the wealthy, and it was beyond his understanding.

“Very well. Listen closely, as I’ll only say it once. Time is of the essence.”

“Certainly.” The red-haired man nodded his head in agreement.

The older soldier carefully rearranged his words and wove them together into a coherent story. The red-haired man paid close attention and listened to every word carefully.

“That’s about it,” the older soldier concluded.

“Thank you very much.”

The red-haired man bowed his head in gratitude and then left without saying a word.

“What an idiot.” The older soldier sighed as he tossed a gold coin to his companion.

“Dinner’s on me.”

“Thank you, Brother.”

The two exchanged looks with each other, then chuckled mischievously.

None of them had expected to receive a windfall while working overtime. If only such good things happened frequently, overtime work would be enjoyable every night.

As they contemplated how to continue their fun after their shift, a loud explosion suddenly echoed in the distance, followed by a towering inferno that illuminated the night sky. Even the calm river nearby was disturbed by the commotion, its surface churning with violent waves.

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