As Lilith bent her legs slightly, the ground beneath her cracked. The floor was made of a special type of wood that was as hard and durable as steel, yet still lightweight. Under immense force, the floor crumbled.

The wood chips scattered as Lilith’s body shot forward like a cannonball, moving too quickly for the naked eye to follow as she closed in on Lacey.

Lacey, of course, did not sit idly by and wait for death to come. He immediately unleashed a barrage of green lights, which turned into dozens of threads that sliced through the air, each one releasing a bone-chilling coldness. They were all aimed at Lilith from all directions, intending to trap her and give Lacey a chance to escape.

That did little to stop Lilith. She was focused as she aimed a punch into the empty space ahead. Even though there was no target in front of her, the shockwave from her punch reverberated like thunder on a sunny day.

The small space in front of her fist gradually darkened, like a tiny bubble being injected with dark water. Strong external pressure caused the bubble to deform. As water continued filling it, the bubble soon reached its limit and burst, releasing a powerful gust of wind that could sweep away anything in its path. The green threads were no match for the unstoppable force of the wind and were repelled.

The thick white fog that had filled the area was temporarily dispersed, revealing what seemed to be a spacious office.

Even so, Lilith showed no signs of stopping.

Lacey’s face was ashen as he sensed death. It had been a very long time since he felt anything like that. He knew that if the attack hit him head-on, he would die for real!

Therefore, he could not afford to care too much at this point. He gritted his teeth and hid completely behind his beloved Kieran. At least those two were companions, so she would…

“You… Why…” Lacey’s eyes widened as Lilith punched Kieran right in the abdomen without any hesitation or mercy. He wondered why she didn’t stop or at least evade at the sight of Kieran.

A visible dent appeared in Kieran’s abdomen. After Lilith punched him, Kieran transformed into a large cannonball flying toward Lacey, who did not even have time to turn his head around.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the attack and prevent Lacey from escaping, Lilith took a step forward and positioned herself at the same level as Kieran. She forcefully changed the angle of her attack, applying diagonal force. As a result, Kieran and Lacey collided with a stronger impact and ended up being knocked into the ground.

BOOM! BOOM! There were two loud sounds as the two men crashed through the floor and fell to the level below.

Lilith straightened up, flicking her wrist before jumping into the hole that the two men had made in the ground. She landed gracefully downstairs and approached the pair, who were momentarily immobilized by the attack.

She grasped Kieran by his collar and whispered, “Sorry about that, why don’t you rest for a while?”

After saying that, she pulled Kieran closer and fiercely headbutted him. The powerful blow produced a muffled noise similar to that of a ripe watermelon being hit by a stick. Kieran’s eyes rolled back and he immediately lost consciousness.

Lilith tore off a strip of fabric from her clothes and quickly bandaged Kieran’s bleeding forehead before tossing him to the side.

Her attention then returned to Lacey once again.

As Lacey struggled to sit up, he coughed up a mouthful of blood mixed with bits of his damaged internal organs. “I can’t believe you’d hit your own companion. Are dragons such despicable creatures?” he mocked.

Lilith raised an eyebrow at him and replied sarcastically, “I wouldn’t dream of comparing myself to you, Mr. Lacey, who readily uses his own beloved as a shield.”

“Oh, what do you know? As long as the beauty still breathes, I’m capable of fully healing him. But if I were to perish, then everything would be over.”

“You justify your actions, but there’s still much you don’t know about your beloved,” Lilith pointed to the maid’s dress Kieran was wearing and continued, “As long as the dress remains undamaged, physical attacks won’t do much to him. Despite his horrible appearance, he’s only bleeding internally. It’s nothing major.”

Lacey’s cheek twitched as he gritted his teeth and said, “Well, there’s definitely nothing minor about internal bleeding.”

“Really?” Lilith exclaimed, covering her mouth in surprise. “I had always thought it was just like a common cold.”


“Pfft… What’s with that look on your face? Fine! Don’t worry, your beloved’s injuries are way less serious than yours. He won’t die.”

“Is that so? Glad to hear that.”

Lacey’s response was extremely flat and he did not seem to be visibly relieved. There was a long silence, during which he kept shifting his gaze between Lilith’s abdomen and shoulder.

“Wow, you pervert. You already have someone you like, yet you still keep checking out other girls. Karma’s going to hit you for being unfaithful.”

Lacey ignored Lilith’s joke, and shifted to a more comfortable sitting position. He let out a long exhale and asked, “How?”


“How can your wounds heal so fast?”

Lilith’s wounds, which had been bleeding profusely, had fully healed. Lacey could see the new skin through her torn clothing. It was as smooth as a baby’s.

“What’s so surprising about it?” Lilith rolled up her sleeve. She patted her shoulder and bragged, “We dragons have thick skin. This injury? We can recover from it in no time!”

“But I have used a type of magic potion that can impede a dragon’s recovery’s ability on the longsword and the magic relics to impede the dragon’s recovery power. You shouldn’t be able to heal this quickly.”

Lacey was puzzled. The magic potion was given to him by that powerful being to deal with Lilith. Although it could not completely suppress Lilith’s strong recovery power, it should be able to temporarily incapacitate her after sustaining serious injuries.

However, in less than two minutes, the wound on her shoulder and the life-threatening wound in her abdomen had fully healed. Was this some kind of bad joke? Surely even a legendary dragon’s healing abilities had their limits.

“Oh, I see now. I thought I had lost some strength when I got impaled. Turned out that you had really drugged me.”

Lilith’s eyes crinkled up as she smiled, but she was giving off a highly dangerous aura. “But you better not make the mistake of underestimating me. I am the Dragon Princess, a super rare genius among my kind.”

“There’s no way a super rare genius can’t transform into a dragon.”

“N-Nonsense…! Who told you that? How could you believe such rumors? I’m the Dragon Princess, why would I not be able to transform into a dragon? H-Haha… What a funny joke.”

“That powerful being personally told me about it. I’m sure it’s true.”

“… Do you have a death wish?” The light in Lilith’s eyes dimmed.

“……” Lacey closed his eyes and seemed to have fully accepted the fact that he was going to die here today.

Lilith clapped her hands and declared, “That’s enough small talk. It’s time for the delightful interrogation. Mr. Lacey, I hope you will cooperate with me. I must inform you that the sensation of having your bones slowly crushed in my grip is quite unpleasant.”

Lacey remained unresponsive.

“I’ll take your silence as acknowledgement then. Let’s move on to the first question. That powerful being, your big boss, who is he?”

“He is…”

Lacey suddenly snapped open his eyes and spat, “You think that I’m completely helpless and have resigned to waiting for death?”

“Hmm?” Lilith was taken aback and raised her eyebrows. She had almost destroyed all of Lacey’s internal organs, yet he still thought he had the strength to retaliate?

“You should pay the price for your arrogance. Death by talking too much does not apply to only villains.” An ugly doll floated in the air, emitting a dim glow. A piece of paper was attached to the doll, with horrible handwriting on it that read “Leonith”.

Lacey chuckled. “Your fate is sealed. As long as this doll bears your name, you will remain under my control. Even a saint-level expert can’t escape from it!”

Lilith exclaimed in disbelief, “That scary?”

Lacey laughed maniacally, causing him to cough up more chunks of damaged internal organs. Even so, that could not contain his excitement. “Hehe, scared now huh? But it’s too late! Get ready to be my slave, Dragon Princess, Leonith!”

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