The corner of Kieran’s mouth twitched in annoyance as he watched the regretful look on Lilith’s face. Even if he could not defeat Lilith, he really wanted to go straight up to her and slap her delicate, doll-like face a few hundred times in order to teach her some manners.

Is it fun to mock people, hmm?

Is it fun to say those kinds of things to someone’s face without considering their feelings, hmm?

Such a bad personality, did your mother ever teach you manners, hmm?

Do you know you’re wrong, hmm?

When a private school teacher reprimanded their student, they would always make a certain noise at the end of their sentences, for instance…




At first glance, they might seem like filler words to emphasize a point without any real impact. However, in reality, they were used to mask the desire to punish the “wrongdoers” and to justify the use of violence on them. It was not out of malice but purely human instinct.

It was the same reason why people would moan involuntarily when they felt pleasure or comfort. It was difficult to control it through subjective consciousness. However, constantly going “ah~ ah~ ah~” in that kind of situation was inappropriate, so it had naturally evolved into a reinforcing word with a questioning tone.

Hm? Hm? Hm?

Ah. Not good. The more Kieran entertained that thought, the more intense his heart burned with an uncontrollable desire.

It was as if there was a little devil with bat wings and a trident whispering in his ear, telling him that Lilith was standing right in front of him, so he should just gather the courage to teach her a lesson.

That’s right, teach that arrogant b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ a lesson so she knows not to mess with you!

Kieran, you’ve been training for six months just for this! Remember all the hundreds and thousands of slaps she’s given you!

What’s most important to a man? It’s dignity, of course.

Stand up for yourself, Kieran! Otherwise that girl will keep walking all over you! Remember the times she humiliated you? Do you want to experience it all over again?

Don’t be afraid. Just do it!

Besides, you’ll be safe in that maid’s dress! What’s there to fear?

An angel with white wings and halo appeared and started whispering in his other ear.

You mustn’t do it, Kieran.

You can’t fight against Lilith, especially considering the vast difference in your strengths. Have you forgotten that she was the one who gave you the maid’s dress? Who knows if she has any special countermeasures for that maid’s dress. Acting rashly might end up biting you in the a̲s̲s̲.

Besides, what’s dignity? Can it fill your tummy?

The angel and devil began to fight, but it was clear that the devil had the upper hand, ultimately swaying Kieran.

Yes, the little devil is right. For a man, nothing is more important than his dignity!

If Kieran continued like this, he would be reduced to Lilith’s plaything, unable to fight back against her. He would rather die than to live like that!

I, Kieran, choose to die honorably instead of living on in disgrace!


Lilith suddenly lifted her head and looked at Kieran, as if sensing something. Her eyes were still shining with a faint golden hue, holding the intensity of a fierce beast. Even her white canines glistened like sharp blades in Kieran’s eyes.

“Say, Kieran, did you just… say something bad about me in your head?”

“What? How is it possible? Why would I say something bad about anyone for no reason?”


“Of course. As a man of integrity, I, Kieran, will always address any issues directly. It’s definitely not my nature to speak ill of others behind their backs!”

“Is that so…?”

Lilith tilted her head, still unconvinced. She approached Kieran slowly and gently patted his shoulder. Looking directly into his eyes, she asked, “You didn’t really have any dangerous ideas, like thinking you could defeat me with the help of that maid’s dress, did you?”

“Absolutely not, I swear on my dignity,” Kieran replied with a straight face.

Lilith believed him and nodded with a smile. “Good, I wouldn’t want to find myself in a situation where I have to deal with an ally before the enemy.”

“Of course, of course…” Kieran discreetly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and let out a relieved sigh.

That was close. He almost forgot that the girl in front of him was a total devil. How could he trust someone who was of the same species as her?

He was nearly led astray. How important could dignity be? At the end of the day, it was merely something that could be easily forfeited.

“By the way, can we just get out of here?”

The trauma Lacey inflicted on him was too immense. Therefore, Kieran’s first thought was to leave this ominous place as soon as possible; otherwise, he would lose more than just his dignity.

“I would love to leave as well,” Lilith said, curling her lips as she scanned their surroundings. “But which way should we go? The fog has not dissipated yet.”

Lilith punched the air with her fist, causing a strong gust of wind to follow. The white fog surrounding them churned and swirled like a storm cloud, but their visibility remained poor and showed no signs of improving.

It was like being in the deep sea. No matter how much they struggled against the powerful currents, they were still engulfed by water in every direction, with no end in sight.

Lilith narrowed her eyes. She was the one who kicked Lacey away, but the white smoke around them showed no signs of dissipating. This could mean that either someone else had created the fog, or…


Lilith suddenly turned her head toward the direction where she had sent Lacey flying moments before.

Thud, thud, thud.

Slow footsteps echoed loudly amidst the pure white fog.

“No way! He could still stand up after getting kicked that hard?” Kieran swallowed hard, then quietly hid behind Lilith.

He was all too familiar with the terror of Lilith’s immense strength. The force of her punch had sent him reeling before, but her kick just now was at least ten times more powerful than that of six months prior.

Could it be that Lacey was a demon beast in disguise, given his ability to walk with such loud footsteps after receiving a powerful kick?

As Kieran pondered over the thought, a shiver ran down his spine. He knew he could not afford to be caught by that pervert again, even if it meant resorting to violence to defend himself. Otherwise, he would end up being pinned on the ground and be subjected to unspeakable acts.

“Something’s not right.” Lilith frowned, sensing that something was amiss.

Was there a point for Lacey to walk that loudly?

With the white fog obstructing their sight and distorting their senses, deliberately making any noise while walking was equivalent to giving away his location and forfeiting his greatest advantage.

Even after being kicked, he still boldly revealed his position. Did he believe that Lilith’s powerful kick was a mere coincidence or…

Did he enjoy it so much that he wanted more?

Lilith’s lips curled into a chilling smile as she realized one thing.

“This guy… is really not taking me seriously.”

The sound of footsteps seemed to be approaching, but then suddenly stopped. Despite still being invisible, Lilith could sense that he was standing just a short distance away from her.

The only thing separating them was a thick veil of white fog, which obscured their vision. Amidst the haze, a pair of eyes scanned Lilith’s body, moving back and forth with intense scrutiny.

Lilith took a deep breath.

It seemed like his vision was not affected by this white fog. That was going to be a little tricky, but she had already expected this.

“Now that I know you have a d̲i̲c̲k̲, I’m not going to show any mercy. You better mentally prepare yourself to get punched in your face.”

Without hesitation, she threw a powerful punch through the thick fog in front of her.

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