“Why isn’t she here yet?”

“I don’t know.”

“My hand is a little sore.”

“Not my problem.”

“Why don’t you hold it for me?”

“Piss off!”

Lilith and Kieran stared at each other in the lounge, speaking nonsensically while eagerly waiting for Lacey Guinevere, the owner of the establishment, to show up so that they could end the standoff they were in.

Despite waiting for a long time, not even a staff member showed up, let alone the owner.

It was definitely bizarre.

When Leonith first arrived at this floating love hotel, his curiosity led him to glance around. Although he could not recall every detail, he distinctly remembered there were at least ten different waiters passing by him, each carrying trays filled with food or other strange items that would make anyone blush.

It was almost as if all the staff members of this establishment had vanished into thin air.

There was not a single one in sight.

Tick tock, tick tock.

The clock on the wall beat rhythmically as time marched on.

Leonith looked up and checked the wall clock. The minute hand was almost at twelve, while the hour hand was resting at seven.

It had been almost an hour since Leonith’s initial slap had struck Kieran’s face.

It had been exactly an hour since Leonith confidently told everyone that he would take care of everything…

An hour had passed, yet nothing had happened.


It was a bit embarrassing, but nothing too awkward.

There were not really any spectators left at this point. To be exact, there were only Lilith and Kieran in the lounge, and a few others sneaking glances at them from a far off room.

Those who had craned their necks to gawk at the spectacle, or were munching on popcorn while observing, had scurried away faster than rabbits as soon as they realized that Lilith was holding a real saint-level magic scroll.

Leonith got to witness some really touching moments, all thanks to that.

For example, there was this couple who had been married for over two decades that used acceleration magic to zoom over to a kayak, eager to be the first to check if it was leak-proof for their partner.

There was also another couple who had just enjoyed a lovely time in bed together were now arguing over their partner’s magical prop, so that their significant other could experience the pleasure of a saint-level spell magic shower.

Due to congestion at the exit, a couple with a disabled partner found themselves struggling to exit. To ensure that his disabled partner could escape, the gentleman effortlessly hoisted her and sent her flying out of the exit.

Lilith was almost moved to tears as she realized that true love has always been challenged by countless obstacles throughout history. The mere thought of it brought a tear to her eye.

“Damn, where did all that smoke come from?”

Lilith suddenly noticed a pungent white smoke surrounding herself and Kieran, which may have caused her to tear up rather than her emotions.

As someone with a keen sense of smell, she suddenly felt like she was surrounded by a dozen diesel generators running at full power. Her nose hurt as if it had been pricked by needles.

She quickly covered her nose and mouth, but it was futile. The fumes continued assaulting her and messing with her brain.

“I don’t know, I didn’t realize that either.”

Kieran glanced around in panic as his surroundings had turned into a blank canvas of white before he even realized it. The fear he felt now was just as intense as when Lilith had pummeled him with her fists.

What was happening?

The question came to the minds of both Leonith and Kieran at the same time.

Unlike Kieran, Lilith was more calm and collected.

Given that she had already been chased by a deity in the past, there was not much that could frighten her.

They were suddenly engulfed by a cloud of industrial waste gas, so what? She, Lilith, refused to believe that this could poison a dragon to death, especially one that was the most exceptional among them.

The real issue here was that the smoke was impeding her vision. Even her golden dragon eyes were unable to see through the strange white smoke.

“Kieran, go scout.”

“What? Me?”

Kieran pointed to himself in disbelief. “Look at me, I’m delicate! If an enemy attacks me, I won’t stand a chance. You should go instead, Lilith. You’ve got thick skin, so you shouldn’t be worried about getting ambushed.”

“Thick skin? Is that how you describe a delicate and refined lady?”

Can’t you at least sugarcoat it?

“No, of course not. You’re not an ordinary human, Lilith! Who’s better at wading through traps than you? Think about it, a hound would be better than a hunter at finding traps, right?” Kieran explained, trying to make his point.

Lilith raised an eyebrow and gave Kieran a fierce glare. “Do you have a death wish or something?”

Kieran shuddered as he realized that might have spoken a bit too hastily.

Unfortunately, there was no way to take back what had been said.

“Why don’t you take the lead, Lilith? I’ll watch our backs.”

“Piss off! Why are you so scared? You have the maid’s dress.”

Lilith kicked Kieran into the white smoke and said impatiently, “Don’t worry, even if the maid’s dress fails you, I’ll make sure to bring your corpse back. I can’t just leave my beloved wife’s corpse lying around in the middle of nowhere now, can I?”

“Well, thank you very much!”

Kieran got up from the floor. He did not even have to worry about any dust because the maid’s dress was in pristine condition at all times.

Kieran used to despise this maid’s dress, but now he had to admit it was the only thing keeping him warm and giving him a bit of courage in a world full of cold people.

Taking a deep breath, Kieran could only move forward slowly, groping for a way out, following the terrain of the hall as he remembered it.

Their first priority was to get out of this strange smoke and meet up with the others.

Lilith followed behind him, keeping an eye on his back.

This was the only way to avoid getting separated. Even a fool would know that it was too risky to move alone in this unknown situation.

Lilith had considered using a scroll to disperse the smoke, but the saint-level magic scrolls she had remaining were too powerful and dangerous.

Although she had no idea what the white smoke was, she was certain that someone was responsible for it.

And it was most likely…

Lacey Guinevere.

She must have sensed something.

Now that she had made a move, this could be an opportunity for them.


The bell’s toll reverberated through the building.

It was seven o’clock.

Lilith suddenly slowed down and scanned her surroundings, her gaze narrowing slightly.

The smoke had grown thicker.

Once she got used to the pungent smell, it was not so bad anymore.

Kieran, who was walking ahead of her, did not seem to be affected by it. The smoke did not seem to be harmful.

It was even unlikely for it to be industrial waste gas.

Gunpowder did not even exist in this world, which was far behind in technology. If Lilith were to compare it to her previous world, it would be similar to the era when feudal empires still existed.

They had not discovered steam engines, so naturally there was no industrial waste gas.

The only one who could bring about an industrial revolution in this world would be the transmigrator who came to this world a thousand years ago. If she did not go around stirring up chaos, but instead focused on tech development and became a great teacher for the people, there might have been a glimmer of hope for the growth of science.

Only a glimmer.

After all, the trajectory of human advancement was ultimately shaped by the demands of society.

In Lilith’s previous world, humans lacked magical power or battle qi. If they needed to travel long distances quickly, they had to rely on transportation methods such as cars. Similarly, if they needed to fly in the sky, they had to use flying contraptions such as airplanes.

If they needed to kill large numbers of people quickly, they would have to rely on powerful weapons like the nuclear bomb.

In this world, such a need was non-existent. The scroll Lilith got from her mother possessed the power of a nuclear bomb.

Moreover, a saint-level expert could effortlessly travel a thousand miles in an instant, which was far more powerful than an airplane.

With magic spells and martial arts so effective, there wasn’t really any need to develop technology.

In any case, apart from the pungent smell, the fumes were nothing like typical industrial waste gas.

It was too white, like a thick fog that was completely clean.

However, this pure and clean smoke made Lilith feel uneasy.

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