Kieran was completely stunned.

The suddenness of the incident left him with no time to react before he was sent flying through the door by a powerful slap from Leonith.

That was not a slap you would receive from a girl crying and screaming ‘pervert’ before hitting you, which was painless and maybe even gave you a bit of pleasure. It was a slap that felt like it was delivered by a massive bear-like demonic beast in the depths of the forest. One that could send your brain flying a few meters out of your ear and you would not even be able to find it back even with a magnifying glass.

If Kieran had not built up his strength through six months of hellish training, he might not have survived that slap.

Even so, it still left Kieran’s brain in a complete muddle. It took him a while to be able to start processing the situation.

What happened?

Why did Lilith suddenly hit him?

Did she think he was weak and an easy target?

Kieran slowly recovered his senses, as a mix of grief and anger washed over him.

So far, he had yet to receive even a hint from Lilith how to get out of this damned maid’s outfit. On top of that, he had to be on his guard against being bullied by her.

He had no choice in the academy back then because Lilith had indeed defeated him so he had to obey the academy’s rules and let that little devil order him around.

However, they were outside of the academy now and he was no longer bound by its rules. He was a man with dignity who could do whatever he wanted.

So why?

Why was Lilith still pushing him around? Did she choose not to respect him as an individual or did she truly think that he was actually her little maid?

Who did she think she is?!

Kieran was about to retaliate but suddenly sensed that something was off.

The lounge was so silent one could hear a pin drop. The people around Kieran silently distanced themselves from him, leaving him standing in an open space that seemed almost like a stage.

Bathed in the radiant glow of the 108 light stones set in the chandelier, he stood poised like the leading lady on stage, ready to deliver a heart-wrenching performance after being forcefully brought down to the ground by the male lead.

The surrounding audience was considerate enough to leave adequate space and stood in silence, patiently waiting for the play to unfold.

Some people even grabbed popcorn and began making bets with their friends about how many more slaps he would have to endure.

Kieran felt a shiver run down his spine.

He was overwhelmed with feelings of vulnerability and disgust. It felt no different than being stripped naked and suddenly thrown into a circus, his body laid bare for all to see.

Leonith moved before he could respond to the repulsive gazes directed at him.

The pain of betrayal shone through his sunglasses, his face contorted with hatred and resentment toward the world.

With a deadly glare fixed on Kieran, Leonith closed in on him like he wanted to skin Kieran alive.

“W-What is it again…?”


Kieran bared his teeth at him. Leonith better stop treating him like a docile cat just because he never roared at him like a tiger.

However, Leonith continued walking toward him.

“Stop! Don’t come any closer!”

Kieran glared at him fiercely. Even a cat knew how to use its claws when backed into a corner!

Yet it did nothing to make Leonith stop.

“N-No… Stay there! Or… or…!”

Or I’ll cry in front of everyone!

Leonith stopped in his tracks, perhaps intimidated by Kieran’s incomplete threat.

Squatting down, he adjusted his sunglasses and then placed his hand on Kieran’s shoulder.

“Tell me, have I treated you well in the past?” he asked in a gentle voice.


What’s with that question?

Kieran was utterly confused.

Leonith had been acting strange since just now. Was this part of the plan he had in mind to draw out the owner of this establishment?

So, his plan was beating his ally up?

Despite the gentleness in his tone, that was a threat rather than a question. There was no doubt that it was anger burning in his eyes behind those sunglasses.

Even so, Kieran was an elite and also the best second-year student from St. Caroline Academy. He was not going to be intimidated so easily by a mere threat!

“T-That’s right… You were very nice to me… in the past, Lilith.” He decided to speak his mind.

“Right? So… Why did you betray me?”


When did I…

SLAP! Before Kieran could think deeply about the question, another slap landed on his face.

Although it was with less force compared to the last time, it still hurt like hell!

He was obviously not taking Kieran seriously and bullying him. It was almost like Leonith did not only want to cause him pain but also thoroughly humiliate him.

Could he continue tolerating that?

Of course not!

He had only tolerated Lilith’s actions before since Lilith was slightly~ stronger than him. However, this was pushing his limits as a man, and he could no longer endure it.

Kieran’s eyes reddened as he roared at Leonith, “You better cut it out!”

Leonith suddenly frowned, seemingly displeased with Kieran’s response.

“That’s not the right response.” Kieran froze as Leonith’s voice directly appeared in his mind. “No, you shouldn’t give that kind of response. How can you possibly yell out at your husband when you’re a woman who just got caught red-handed cheating?”

The corners of Kieran’s mouth twitched. A woman who just got caught red-handed cheating? What kind of setting was that?

“What the hell are you doing exactly?” Kieran tried asking in his own head.

“Can’t you tell yet?” Leonith’s voice was filled with dissatisfaction.

“You’re the wife who got caught cheating and I’m the angry husband.”

“Who the hell could tell! And I’m sure you were completely serious just now!”

“I can’t help it! The only way to truly deceive people is by putting on a convincing act, no? Don’t worry, you’re not going to die. Not in that maid’s dress!”

“This maid’s dress is indeed very powerful…”

Throughout these six months, Kieran had personally confirmed the dress’ invincibility.

Weapons were proved powerless against it, and it was impervious to both water and fire. Any magic spells below saint-level were ineffective against it, and it even came with an automatic cleaning function. If this were a cool training uniform rather than a maid’s dress, Kieran would never have considered removing it. Now that he thought of it…

“Why have you been hitting my face this whole time, Lilith?”

“What do you mean? In this situation, where else am I supposed to hit besides the face?” Leonith asked in a tone that made it seem like he was treating Kieran like a fool.

“Are you expecting me to knee you in the face? Kneeing your wife in the face after catching her in bed with another man seems too comical.”

“……” For some reason, Kieran could not come up with a retort for that.

“In any case, why do I have to play along with you?!”

“Ugh.” Leonith’s exasperated sigh echoed in Kieran’s head. “Why are you so stupid? Didn’t I just tell you that we need to find a way to meet the owner of this establishment? What do you think would be the most effective way to do that?”

“By sneaking around?”

“Don’t be stupid! It’s to create chaos. If we can cause enough trouble, there’s no way she’ll sit back and do nothing.”

Kieran nodded.

As the owner of the establishment, it was indeed impossible to turn a blind eye to any commotion that could inconvenience other guests.

“But there are thousands of ways to stir up trouble. Why do something like this when you could have just slapped a random person?”

“Don’t forget where we are, you idiot! This is a love hotel! The most effective way to cause chaos in a love hotel without arousing suspicion would be for a husband to catch his wife in the act of cheating and immediately have a dramatic outburst before directing the blame toward the establishment!”

“But it looks like you were just having fun beating me up!”

Leonith chuckled sadistically in Kieran’s mind.

“Patience, we haven’t gotten to that part yet, so…”




Another slap.

“Just be good…”


“…And play your part.”



Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Kieran’s head jerked left and right from Leonith’s consecutive slaps. His face seared with pain. The pain was becoming so intense that numbness began to set in.

As his head jerked from left and right, he saw it out of the corner of his eye. He caught a glimpse of it. The underlying emotion beneath the feigned anger in those eyes hidden by the sunglasses of that mischievous little devil. It was neither anger, heartache, nor pity. It was an endless pleasure.

Although she said this was all part of the plan, she was relishing the moment and thoroughly enjoying herself.

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