“Where are you sneaking off to, Leonith?”

Leonith’s gaze flickered under his sunglasses as he watched Lesiah emerge from around the corner with her sword glinting coldly in her hand. Though he appeared motionless, he had already activated Wave Waltz, a long-lost escape technique in the world. In fact, he was already slowly moving backward unnoticed.

“W-Walk… What else could I possibly do other than coming out here for a walk?”

“Since you have time to walk around, how about keeping me company?”

“Ah, as much as I’d love to keep you accompanied, I…”

Leonith clenched one fist and hit his palm with it, as a look of realization lit up his face. “Ah, I suddenly remembered that I have something extremely important to do! I must take my leave now, see you later!”

With that, Leonith proceeded to make a quick escape but he only managed two steps before someone blocked his path.

“What’s the rush? Why don’t you share with us, maybe we can help you too, Leonith~” Thea suggested with a smile. She clasped her hands together and a faint golden light immediately gathered around her.

“No need, I can handle it myself.”

S̲h̲i̲t̲, why are these two teaming up?

Leonith forced a smile, then sidestepped away like the crab, trying to sneak away in a different direction before Thea could unleash hell upon him.

As fate would have it, Leonith’s last escape route was unexpectedly blocked too.

“Hehe… Why are you not running away, Lilith?”

It was Kieran, who had re-donned his wig and looked almost like a stunning woman. Standing in Lilith’s way, he let out a sinister laugh.

“B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life if you don’t return the most important thing to me today!”

Leonith immediately paled.

He looked at Kieran, wishing he could castrate this idiot a thousand times for running his mouth without using his brain.

Why couldn’t he just say what he wanted, instead of keeping it vague and misleading?

If he had difficulty with languages, Leonith would gladly enroll him to a preschool for a refresher course! Perhaps he thought that the maid’s outfit looked so good on him that he did not want to take it off anymore?

“Who is she, Leonith? What did you steal from her…?”

As if on cue, black fog enveloped Lesiah, and a silver moon was just rising behind her.

Her sword glistened in the moonlight, poised to strike Leonith at any second.

“Wait, I can explain! It’s not what you think! This is a dude! A dude…!” Leonith waved his hands and shouted frantically, hoping that Lesiah would believe him.

Unfortunately, the dark aura around her showed no sign of fading and her sword glinted colder by the second.

“If you’re going to lie, then do it better! Do you honestly think I’m blind?”

Lesiah narrowed her eyes at the woman who had just appeared before them.

With a slender figure, long hair, and delicate features, the woman shamelessly wore a maid’s dress in broad daylight.

A man? Do you think I’m blind?

Lilith is such a liar. Who knows how many other women she has out there, now that she can even blatantly call a woman a man in front of me.

The more Lesiah thought about it, the angrier she grew. and the sword glinted in her hands even more menacingly.

“No, no, no! I swear I’m telling you the truth! Besides, Thea was there too! She should know the real identity of this person!”

Leonith turned to Thea desperately, placing all his hopes on this lifeline of his.


With her hands firmly clasped and her head bowed in prayer, Thea was completely engrossed, shutting herself off from the outside world.

Her red lips parted slightly, her voice echoed with the clarity of flowing water.

“Light, descend upon me.”

A huge pillar of light instantly descended from the sky, as if it were a miracle. It penetrated the boat and shone on Thea, basking her in its light.

As though an ethereal miracle had occurred, a massive pillar of light descended upon the ship, illuminating Thea and enveloping her in its radiance.

Lilith was stunned.

*******, did she have to use the Goddess Descent skill over something this trivial?

What should I do? What should I do?!

Should I forcefully interrupt her chant with violence?

But if I do that then Thea will…

While Leonith was mulling over his options, something almost imperceptible suddenly flew toward him from a short distance away.


“Ah… That scared the hell out of me… That nearly went terribly wrong.”

Leonith plopped himself down on the plush pink bed inside the couple’s suite, wiping the cold sweat off his head. He patted his chest, trying to calm his pounding heart.

He turned to the handsome blonde man who joined him in the room and said, “Thanks a lot, Durance. I don’t know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.”

Durance smiled and said, “It’s no big deal. We’re classmates and comrades in arms. It’s only right that I help when you’re in trouble.”

“You truly deserve your title as the most popular guy at St. Caroline Academy. Not many share your unwavering composure and ability to see the bigger picture.”

Leonith wiped away the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, then looked over at Thea, who was now hanging her head in shame.

“Sheesh, Thea. Why did you have to make such a scene over something so small? We could have just talked it out. Don’t you realize that using the Goddess Descent skill could bring a world of trouble down upon us?”

During the Great Celestial Rite, any kind of fighting was strictly prohibited in Jeorgetown. Although minor scuffles were sometimes ignored, the Goddess Descent skill was a flashy skill that would most certainly attract the authorities’ attention.

Leonith had a saintess and a princess for companions. Their identities would surely invite trouble if they were ever scrutinized by the authorities.

“S-Sorry… I was too impulsive and acted recklessly.”

Thea looked even more ashamed, fully aware of the potential trouble her actions could have caused.

“Should you be saying that to me? You should be apologizing to the other passengers on this ship. Can you imagine the amount of damage you could have caused them?”

“I’m truly sorry, I’ll reflect on my actions!”

“You think that’s useful? If that works, why do police officers even exist? Thea, you should deeply repent for your actions today and swear to the Goddess that you will never make the unforgivable mistake of attacking someone as lovely and charming as Lilith again!”

“Alright, I swear to the Goddess, I’ll never…”

“Wait a minute,” Lesiah suddenly interrupted the irreversible oath that Thea was about to make.

She directed a contemptuous look at Leonith and remarked in a sneering tone, “Leonith, you seem to have just exploited Thea’s confusion, scapegoated her and even forced her into taking an unwarranted oath.”

“Did I?”

The corner of Leonith’s mouth twitched, wondering to himself why did these two suddenly team up against him.

“What did I do wrong?”

“How dare you even ask that question!”

Lesiah cracked her knuckles, the throbbing vein in her temple clearly visible.

“Then tell me about that woman…”

“I already told you Kieran is a man! Ask him if you don’t believe me!” Lilith retorted with irritation in her voice.

“Is that true?”

Lesiah turned her suspicious gaze to Kieran, who had been ignored all this while.

Although that seemed unlikely based on the woman’s appearance, Lilith had been oddly insistent about it even when it was unnecessary to continue lying at this point.

Kieran’s lips curved into a strange smile.

“Geez, don’t be so angry, lady. She’s right…” Kieran suddenly acted all ladylike and said in a girly voice.

“It was indeed just a misunderstanding. I was merely having a deep conversation about life with this handsome little girl. We definitely didn’t do anything strange~”

After saying that, he shot a playful wink at Leonith.

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