“Oh, so eager to rush to your death?” Nine laughed contemptuously when he saw the two dragon warriors standing in front of him like lofty twin towers then teased, “Or do you think I was just bluffing?”

“No, we have seen what you are capable of, but…” Gulch hissed angrily, “Do not underestimate the dragon clan either! After all, we are species that could break through our own limits to overcome desperate situations and prevail over formidable enemies!”

Their will to fight and determination somehow earned Nine’s admiration, even though he was an enemy.

Lilith was moved to tears too. What a great speech. Although these two were unreliable, at least they did not disgrace the dragon clan.

Lilith decided that she would say something nice about them to her mother next time, and temporarily forget their foolish idea of trying to slice open that huge creature in the sky today.

“Come, let us battle with full strength!” Kvass said and got into a fighting stance.

Nine’s voice turned serious too. “I expect no less from the dragon clan and I must admit that I admire your determination. However, I have no intentions to fight with you.”

Kvass turned a deaf ear to his words.

He suddenly appeared in front of Nine, then swung his fist at Nine’s face with full force. It was a direct attack without any fancy moves.

Nine was unperturbed. He merely snorted coldly and said, “Does everyone in the dragon clan only know how to speak with their fists? How barbaric.”

He pointed his cane forward. A golden array bloomed in front of him and started devouring Kvass.

“No matter how hard you swing your fist, it’s futile against me. If I’m not willing to be your opponent, you won’t be able to touch even the hem of my clothes.”

“Don’t get too cocky! Haargh!” Kvass yelled angrily. A powerful aura erupted from him and the golden array started showing signs of collapse.

“What?” For the very first time, there was panic in Nine’s voice.

Ever since he was bestowed with that cane, no one could resist his innate ability, let alone overpowering it. Yet this humanoid dragon in front of him was already showing signs of overpowering it.

Was this what he meant by… breaking through his limits?

What a terrifying clan.

Even so…

“You shouldn’t underestimate me too much either!”

Nine’s loose black robes fluttered like flags in a strong wind as he channeled all the magic power in his body into the cane.

A golden array wrapped around Kvass’ body like thorny vines growing wildly in the summer.

The surrounding space around Kvass started distorting. The fist he swung at Nine seemed to be separated from him by a heavenly rift.

“Haha, think you could hurt me? No way!”

Nine laughed wildly. Almost. He was almost killed by Kvass. Fortunately, he could stop it in time.

“In the end, I’m still the one who wins!”

“Is that so? I think it’s still too early to celebrate.”

Kvass’ calm voice caused Nine to break out in a cold sweat.


“Nothing is impossible to the dragons!”

Kvass was slowly disappearing, but his lips curled into a confident smile. An exquisite, small carving knife appeared in his hand. It looked like those used for wood carvings and seemed harmless. Yet for some reason, Nine felt a chill in his back the moment Kvass had that knife in his hand.

It was fear that transcended life and death.


Nine no longer bothered to keep up with his image as he frantically pushed his cane forward. Even so, he failed to stop Kvass’ next attack.

“Secret Technique: Super Unravel!”

The exquisite carving knife danced in the air like a butterfly. Thanks to his sculpting career for more than a thousand years, Kvass was able to control his knife like no one in this world could.

Although the two were far apart from each other and the blade of the knife did not touch him, Nine still felt coolness on his skin as if the tip of the carving knife had drawn all over his skin.

Nine was powerless against Kvass’ brute force and failed to stop the cold light of his blade from blooming.

Although the moment felt long, everything happened in just a flash.

Kvass sheathed his carving knife with a smirk.

“My mission has been accomplished.”

Before he could do anything again, the space around him distorted even more and he completely vanished from the scene.

Color drained from Nine’s face.

He could not feel anything apart from the fleeting coolness on his skin. There was not even pain and this terrified him greatly.

An expert like Kvass would never do meaningless things. Could that be the legendary ultimate blade technique that could cut down an opponent without him realizing it until much later?

Would he crumble into a pile of minced meat the next moment after he moved?

The more Nine thought about it, the more terrified he became.

As expected of the dragon clan, they were indeed terrifying beings.

“Big Sister, why did that uncle suddenly strip off his clothes?” An innocent voice rang out, drawing Nine’s attention.

He wanted to look toward the source of the voice but since he did not dare to move, he could only try to see out of the corner of his eye. His expression under the white paper must be extremely funny right now.

Leniah was tugging on the hem of Lesiah’s dress as she asked the question innocently.

Lesiah had an embarrassed look on her face and she was at loss for words.

Lilith looked like she was at loss for words too.

“Stripped?” As if realizing something, Nine lowered his head…

He guessed that no matter how perfect Kvass’ blade moves were, it was impossible that it did not leave any traces on his skin if the tip of the blade had really drawn over it.

Then how come the skin of his muscular and somehow completely naked body was still flawless?

“B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲! He acted all cool but he was only shredding my clothes to pieces with his knife?!” Nine roared, as if he had suffered the greatest humiliation from being stripped butt naked.

“The legendary dragons do such despicable and low moves?!”

“No, you’ve underestimated us.” Gulch finally stepped forward.

“Everything Kvass had done was part of the preparations for my next action!” Gulch laughed wildly.

“What?!” Nine gasped in surprise.

This was all… part of his enemies’ plans?

Now that Nine thought about it, even if Kvass broke through his limits in that situation, he might not be able to escape from his banishment spell and hurt him. This was why he focused all his efforts on Nine’s clothes, to prepare his friend’s follow-up attack.

The more Nine thought about it, the more petrified he became!

What would his enemy do next? Was he going to do something lecherous to him?

No, no, that would be absurd! No matter how he thought about it, it did not seem very likely…

But they were the legendary dragons! Nothing was impossible for them!

The alarms in Nine’s head blared.

The white paper on his face fluttered wildly. Nine clenched his teeth, then took out a pill from his storage ring and swallowed it. As soon as he did, powerful magical power surged in his body.

Making the first move was always an advantage. The golden array from his cane pulsed powerfully!

“B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲! I’m not going to let you get what you wanted!”

“Haha, what a pity. It’s already too late!”

As the space started distorting, countless threads shot out from Gulch and spread toward Nine like a web.


Blue veins throbbed in Nine’s temples. Anyone with a brain would know that these threads were bad news.

However, these threads were extremely strange. They just regenerated as soon as a batch of them got banished. It was almost like there was no end to it.

Nine could only hope that he would be able to banish Gulch from here before any of those threads touched him.

“Haha, give up. My invincible sewing technique that has been perfected over a thousand years can’t be undone so easily!

Finally, one of the threads touched Nine.

It quickly wrapped itself around him until he was a large cocoon. Unfortunately, that did not last long before all the threads disappeared and Nine was freed again.

Nine trembled and looked at Gulch in disbelief.

While Gulch was on the verge of being banished away from here, his eyes lit up at the sight before him. He gave Nine a thumbs up then flipped his long hair proudly.

“I knew it. Putting you in an adorable pink princess dress is the greatest work in this world.”

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