“A Demigod Artifact—the Immaculate Tree Domain…” Lilith murmured as she fixed her gaze on the towering white tree shown on the screen. Its pristine and breathtaking beauty captivated her, making it impossible for her to look away.

A demigod-level entity—an existence comparable to her mother.

Initially, Lilith thought that the demigods in this world were only her mother, the Demon King, and the monster in the Sea of Origin.

The survivors and the history of the dragon clan supported this notion. Since the catastrophic event nine million years ago, the heavenly order had been disrupted and allowed the world to host only three demigods concurrently.

If the Demigod Artifact was indeed left by the founding emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, did that imply the founding emperor was also a demigod?

The majestic white tree swayed gently in the wind, yet the transparent fruit on its white leaves remained still. The pattern within the fruit rotated slightly, creating a remarkably three-dimensional and authentic effect.

The profound aura emanating from the towering tree was similar to the presence Lilith could only feel from her mother, proving Luna’s words to be true.

If the founding emperor was a demigod, how did such an illustrious demigod meet his end?

Reaching the Divine Realm guaranteed a long life. The Demigod Realm marked the pinnacle of existence in this world, considered to be half a step into the Divine Realm.

Demigods had no natural enemies, and even conflicts between two demigods rarely resulted in fatal outcomes. For instance, the Demon King lost to the Dragon Queen, yet he was still alive and kicking.

Of course, this was partly due to her mother showing mercy. The Dragon Queen, as a demigod, always gave Lilith an enigmatic impression. She reminded Lilith of her initial encounter with Cornelia in her complete form—peering into her revealed an abyss of darkness, it was impossible to fathom her limits.

There was also another possibility behind the death of a demigod…

Lilith looked at Cornelia who was babbling and playing with Lacey on the couch. A complex expression crossed her face.

Perhaps it was done by an extraterrestrial deity… Could it be that Cornelia was responsible?

Lilith could not be certain, but she began to understand that the world was more intricate and perilous than she had imagined.

Nine and Lacey were granted powerful and peculiar abilities… The unfathomable animosity directed at Lilith…

Lilith began to suspect that the mastermind plotting against her—or rather, the one who resided within her—might not originate from this world.

“This is becoming quite troublesome…”

Lilith rubbed her temples in frustration. She was just an innocent, adorable little princess. Why should she endure such a fate?

Could her mother handle extraterritorial beings…?

She had no idea… Perhaps it was time to ask little Cornelia to take her and escape from this world.

“Master Lilith? Master Lilith?” Luna’s melodious voice snapped Lilith out of her thoughts.

Luna’s worried face was close to hers as she asked, “Is something bothering you?”

Staring at Luna’s lovely face, other faces suddenly raced through Lilith’s mind—her mother, Lesiah, the other idiots from the dragon clan…

Despite being relatively new to this world, could Lilith truly bring herself to leave it behind…?

Lilith let out a long sigh. It was still too early for her to jump to any conclusions.

Everything was merely her speculation. There was no need to be overly afraid. The fact that those set on targeting her could only resort to covert tactics suggested some form of constraint, limiting them to causing her trouble indirectly.

Time was still on her side. Lilith was still too weak and vulnerable, she needed to become stronger—exceptionally strong.

She looked at her hands—they were petite, seemingly soft and delicate. Yet, when she balled them up into fists, they held an astonishing amount of power.


“Hmm?” Luna leaned in.

Lilith smiled at her and said, “Thank you.”

“Huuh? What do you mean? I…ugh!” Luna let out a muffled groan as Lilith’s petite fist connected with her abdomen.

“Mmm… That’s an awesome reward… Master Lilith…”

Clutching her midsection, Luna’s face flushed with excitement as she squirmed on the couch, resembling a contented worm.

“Ah, that feels so much better.” Lilith shook her small fist, as if she had just expelled all her pent-up frustration.

Her furrowed brow gradually relaxed as her lips curled up into a smile.

“Are we going to fight in that tree?”

“It’s in those… orbs that look like fruits… Each of them… is a compressed space… We’ll fight… in there…”

“Really? So that’s how it is.”

The pattern in those transparent fruits turned out to be an arena stage. The tree had hundreds of such fruits, allowing at least hundreds of teams to fight simultaneously.

No wonder Luna confidently assured her that the first round would be completed within three days.

“Why are you all so afraid of the Demon King with a Demigod Artifact in possession?” Lilith asked with a perplexed look on her face.

During the Demon King invasion decades ago, the humans of the entire continent reportedly paid a great price to repel the threat.

In the subsequent records of that event, Lilith found no mention of a Demigod Artifact. Instead, the narratives focused on human courage and sacrifices, praising their resilience while depicting the Demon King as a figure of terror, cruelty, and heartlessness.

Could the presence of such an artifact deliberately be kept concealed from the public eye?

“That’s because the Immaculate Tree Domain has sustained damage and lost its offensive capabilities. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been reduced to serving as an arena.”

“Is that so? I suppose I’m overanalyzing the situation. What precisely led to the damage of such a legendary Demigod Artifact?”

“I have no idea. I spent my childhood reading the imperial family’s collection of books, but there’s no mention of it,” Luna said.

“According to some relatively obscure records, it can be deduced that the Immaculate Tree Domain was already damaged when it was passed down to the founding emperor.”

“What a shame.”

“Yes…I would love to see the true power of a complete Demigod Artifact.”

Luna had regained her composure, yet a hint of insatiability lingered in her gaze. Her hopeful eyes fixated on Lilith as she gently rubbed her tummy.

Hmph, you think I’ll grant your wish?

Ignoring Luna’s longing gaze, Lilith settled back onto the couch, crossing her legs and pulling the hem of her long skirt over them. She rested her head on her hand, keenly observing the majestic white tree displayed on the screen.

As she watched, she found herself entranced…

The white tree… It was crystal-clear and glowing with the luster of a white jade. Its shimmering branches seemed almost enchanting. It would undoubtedly serve as a splendid decoration at home.

If only she could snatch it up and show it off to those idiots. They would surely be consumed by envy.

After all… we love shiny things the most.

Yes… we love it… Huh?

Lilith abruptly snapped out of her thoughts. Beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead.

S̲h̲i̲t̲. Her hoarding instinct as a dragon almost compelled her to snatch the tree. How dangerous.

Fortunately, she was able to restrain herself. This was the Holy Dragon Empire’s most prized possession. She could not just snatch it away.

“Huh? Strange. What is that person doing?” Luna suddenly exclaimed, drawing Lilith’s attention back to the screen.

On the screen, a burly man stealthily made his way onto the arena, wielding a massive two-handed axe.

Wait, what is he trying to do?

Wait, he looks oddly familiar!

Wait, he’s a dragon!

Wait, he’s trying to chop the tree down!!!

In broad daylight, with a clear sky, that troublemaker was attempting to hack down the towering white tree with an axe in front of over two thousand people!

Lilith suddenly remembered she was not the only one attracted to something shiny. It was the entire dragon race’s instinct!

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