The gusts of wind coalesced once more as Princess Luna attempted the same evasive maneuver.

As Lilith had warned, the same tactic proved ineffective against her.

“Today, I’ll show you what it is…”

The wind’s pressure made it challenging to keep one’s eyes open, yet hot, blue flames shot out of Lilith’s palms again, like magnified starlight.


Controlled bursts of blue flames propelled Lilith through the wind without relying on external forces, breaking through the sound barrier.

For the first time in the battle, Princess Luna appeared flustered, almost dumbfounded.

“Wait! That’s too absurd, Master Lilith! A normal person releasing that level of flame with both hands in close proximity would instantly be vaporized by the high temperature!”

“Hehehe, am I considered a normal person?”

Lilith, now in front of Princess Luna, unleashed the flames from her hands for a final time, her petite body spinning at high speed like a gyroscope.

“I AM IRON MAN!!!” Lilith triumphantly declared as she landed a precise kick on Princess Luna’s soft, bouncy chest, with enough force to turn her formidable opponent into submission!

At that moment, Lilith distinctly heard the sound of ribs breaking from Princess Luna’s body, accompanied by a whisper that could be an exclamation of admiration or a sigh of relief.

“I expected no less of Master Lilith…”


Princess Luna was sent hurtling backward at an even more terrifying speed than when Lilith had jumped, creating massive craters upon impact.

Gracefully landing on the ground, Lilith craned her neck and looked toward the crater.

After detecting no movement for a long time, she scratched her cheek awkwardly and wondered aloud, “Oh my, did I kick too hard?”

Lilith’s kick had indeed broken Princess Luna’s ribs, and after using her dragon’s blood as fuel, Princess Luna’s physical strength was akin to that of an ordinary saint-level expert. Thus, she couldn’t have been killed by Lilith’s kick.

It was at this moment, that weak coughs came from the crater.

Lilith’s eyes lit up as she patted her small chest in relief.

“Phew, luckily, she’s still alive.”

Had Princess Luna actually died from her kick, Lilith felt she would have regretted it for quite a long time.

After all, it was the first time she had encountered someone so eager to lick her feet.

“You’ve lost, Luna.”


Princess Luna slowly walked out from Lilith’s blind spot, clutching her chest. Her flushed cheeks due to either injury or excitement.

“I don’t think so…”

Princess Luna spat out blood clots with pieces of internal organs. Despite the severe injury, she revealed a satisfied smile toward Lilith.

“I’m not satisfied yet. How can you say that I’ve lost?”

“Is that so…?” Lilith silently scrutinized Princess Luna, then slowly revealed a manic smile.

“Looks like this isn’t really over yet.”

A faint layer of shimmering light enveloped Princess Luna’s body, emitted by shrinking the domain to the extreme and completely fitting her form.

Although Lilith’s kick had really connected with Princess Luna’s chest, the domain shield had negated at least half of the force. As a result, Princess Luna’s injuries were not as severe as Lilith had anticipated.

There was no immediate threat to her life… as long as they ended the battle here.

However, Luna, with her dragon bloodline, was not going to let minor injuries that caused her to cough up a few pieces of her internal organs to stop her from fighting.

Although the dragons on Dragon Island often resorted to underhanded tricks that involved attacking someone’s chest, they really did it with the intention of ripping someone’s heart out.

“What are you… planning?”

Lilith, who was looking down at Princess Luna, held an absolute advantage only due to her immensely powerful bloodline.

Their situation was akin to a rich kid killing a less fortunate by throwing money at her.

“Hmm… I wonder?”

Luna silently assessed her injuries. That one kick had broken eight of her ribs. Two had punctured her lungs, making it difficult for her to breathe. Her internal organs had also been affected by the impact and showed various degrees of damage.

Lilith’s kick, although only aimed at her chest, somehow left her with a concussion.

Even so…

I can still stand on my feet…

I can still clench my fists…

I am still wide awake…

And most importantly…

I’m not satisfied yet!

Princess Luna raised her head, the golden flames around her body had extinguished. Her eyes turned into a pure golden color and shone like a gem.

“If I can’t defeat Master Lilith with the human way, then I’ll have to try the dragon way.”

“Are you serious?”

Lilith furrowed her brow. If Luna had chosen to employ her skills to tease Lilith, she would have undoubtedly received praise from Lilith.

However, opting for a direct confrontation could only be described as sheer foolishness.

Princess Luna did not answer her question, but her body confirmed her intention. Her wounds had healed, her bones were moving, and the broken ribs were pulled back into place.

Black scales broke out of her skin, covering her body. Every time they moved, a large amount of air was drawn into her body. As she breathed, the scales emitted sparks and produced metallic sounds.

Her well-maintained pink nails transformed into razor-sharp claws, and bones tore through her flesh, turning her once-beautiful white dress into tattered rags that fluttered in the air.

The terrifying half-dragonized Princess Luna stood before Lilith, emanating a far stronger sense of oppression than before.

Lilith was impressed by Luna’s mastery over the dragon blood, marveling at her ability to use it as a power source or retract it for physical combat.

Luna’s bloodline had evidently undergone significant evolution in the past few months, overshadowing her siblings, especially the eighth prince, who struggled to barely awaken their bloodline.

Then again… having such an opponent made her blood race.

Taking a deep breath, Lilith allowed the luster of jade on her skin to gradually dissipate. This was the first time she had voluntarily deactivated her White Jade Style ever since mastering it.

Since Princess Luna had made her intentions clear, Lilith could not shamelessly rely on external forces.

A fierce clash with the body with blood flying away, relying on claws and teeth to claim victory. This was how a real battle between dragons should be.

The silent exchange of gazes sparked like flint!

Luna’s chest injury healed, and with no referee’s starting gun or coins falling during the duel, the two figures rushed together!

Powerful gusts of wind blew and dust rose!


Princess Luna roared at Lilith. Her dragon transformation had reached new heights, her mouth split to the base of her ears, and her canine teeth were now sharp as daggers.

Lilith struck with her small fist that was not covered in scales, bones, or even muscle. Yet, the force of the punch cracked Princess Luna’s scales and drew blood.

Princess Luna did not pull any punches either. Her long claws dug into Lilith’s belly. Although she could not sink them too deeply, she twisted as hard as she could, causing Lilith to wince in pain.

“Not bad.”

The pain failed to distract Lilith. She grabbed Princess Luna’s outstretched arm and dislocated it before kicking her in the stomach.

“Not as impressive as you, Master Lilith,” Luna said while coughing up blood. She grinned as she snapped off a piece of bone from her arm, using it as an improvised blade and stabbing Lilith with it.

“It’s a shame you weren’t born a Dragon. You would have been popular.”

Lilith pressed against the bone that had embedded itself in her body, forcefully bringing Luna to the ground. She wrapped her legs around Luna’s waist and began punching Luna in her chest relentlessly.

“Although I envy the dragons, I’m satisfied with my life now.”

Twisting and struggling, Luna bit Lilith’s shoulder with her hideous mouth.

“What a… pervert.”

Lilith bit Luna’s shoulder, but after realizing the difference between her own canines and Princess Luna’s sharp dragon fangs, she then turned around, delivering a headbutt to Luna’s forehead.

The two figures became entangled, resembling a brawl between city shrews. Luna initially used the battle techniques she learned in her childhood against Lilith but soon realized it to be ineffective. Rather than those fancy moves, clawing each other’s faces and pulling hair like women in catfights proved more effective.

The two kneed each other in the belly, strangled their necks, bit each other, elbowed, and spat at each other. Rather than looking like noble princesses, they resembled women fighting in the market. They would resort to any underhanded tricks as long as they were effective.

The gap between their bloodlines was too big. Although Luna could hurt Lilith who had deactivated her White Jade Style, Lilith inflicted more damage on her.

Lilith’s wounds had fully healed before Princess Luna could get the ability to act, but this brawl to a certain extent narrowed the gap between the strength of the two.

In the end, Princess Luna was no match for Lilith.

After nearly an hour of intense combat, Lilith finally released Luna and laid on her back, gasping for breath as she stared at the sky.

On the other hand, Luna’s dragon transformation had long faded. The dragon blood in her body had dried up, and her body stopped repairing itself. Blood flowed out of her, staining the ground red.

She got what she wanted. Nearly every bone in her body was crushed by Lilith.

“How do you feel?”

Lilith turned to look at Luna, who was lying limply on the ground. “It’s the first time I’ve nearly broken every bone in a person. It’s a pity that the skull can only be cracked but not broken. Otherwise, I might be able to complete this epic achievement.”

“I… feel… great.”

Struggling to open her eyes, Luna managed to pull her muscles into a smile of immense satisfaction.

“If it wasn’t for the fact I can’t feel my body below my neck, I would have been so excited that I orgasmed~”

“Damn, you really can?”

Lilith looked at Luna. When she saw that she was not lying in her eyes, a beautiful smile spread across her face.

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