The atmosphere in the room became strangely silent.

Time seemed to stand still as Lilith gaped at Luna, who knelt before her with an air of submission.

It was almost inconceivable to Lilith. The once-arrogant and noble Princess of the Holy Dragon Empire had transformed into a meek figure addressing her as “master”.

The wager between them had been that the loser would become the property of the other, but…

Lilith gazed at the ceiling above them. They were no longer within the confines of St. Caroline Academy, and there were no magic arrays here to enforce their wagers either.

This meant that the wager they had made back then was no longer effective once they were outside of the academy. Besides, Lilith had absolutely no interest in making Princess Luna her servant.

If Lilith wanted someone to serve her, she could easily find a team of professionals who would attend to her every need. She had no need for a princess raised in privilege and lacked practical skills.

Lilith pondered for a long time but failed to figure out why Princess Luna, who had previously been eager to maintain her image even after humiliation, was now kneeling before her.

Princess Luna remained on her knees with her forehead against the ground, as though she awaited her master’s commands.

In the end, Lilith could only sigh in defeat and said, “P-Please… rise.”

“Thank you, Master Lilith,” Princess Luna replied, gracefully rising to her feet and folded her slender hands in front of her.

The white dress she wore gave her an otherworldly aura. A gentle smile graced her lips, and her eyes remained serene, with a trace of desire that Lilith could not quite fathom.

She looked nothing like the young woman who had just knelt before her and surrendered every shred of her dignity.

Understanding Luna was becoming increasingly perplexing.

Lilith massaged her temples, trying to make sense of the situation. She returned to her chair and took a sip of herbal tea to calm her nerves.

“Please, stop calling me ‘master’. I feel like I’m going to die soon if you keep doing that.”

Lilith placed her tea cup back on the table, feeling a bit calmer. She was about to reason with this seemingly “lost” girl in front of her when she noticed that Luna’s attention was not on her, but on her tea cup.

Lilith glanced at the unremarkable tea cup. It bore the design of the world’s top artist, was crafted in the Royal kilns of the Holy Dragon Empire, and was one of only five sets in the entire continent—two of which were in the palace of the Holy Dragon Empire and three in Lilith’s possession.

Although these exquisite patterned dragon moon porcelain teacups could fetch a price of up to 100,000 gold coins each, they possessed no extraordinary qualities.

Could she be thinking of poisoning me?

Lilith furrowed her brow, cautious about letting her guard down.

Luna, who had been distracted by her thoughts, turned to Lilith with a hint of embarrassment and a faint blush on her cheeks.

“I took a bath before coming, and now I’m feeling a bit thirsty. Would Master Lilith be so kind as to offer me a cup of tea?” she asked shyly.

Tea? A cold glint flashed in Lilith’s eyes. Is this a trap? A ploy to poison me? Are all of Luna’s strange behaviors merely a ruse to lower my guard?

“If it’s too troublesome for Master Lilith, I can do it myself…”

“Not at all.” Lilith reached out, stopping Princess Luna, who was eager to step in and handle the task herself. “I’m quite skilled at brewing tea. Just leave it to me.”


Princess Luna hesitated, about to say something, but Lilith cut her off firmly, “No buts.”

Lilith quickly took out another tea set.

“Just watch.”

She was determined not to let this suspicious princess prepare the tea herself.

She could not help but suspect that Luna might have prepared a super poison capable of taking down even a dragon, and was just waiting for the right moment to use it.

Lilith maintained a calm facade, though her thoughts were quite the opposite.

Her hands moved deftly as she used dragon language magic to heat the mountain spring water that she brought here with her.

She warmed the cup, rinsed the tea leaves, and brewed it all in one go. In no time at all, a cup of premium, aromatic black tea was set on the table.

As a professional who brewed tea every day because she had nothing else better to do, Lilith’s tea-brewing skills were beyond question.

She confidently offered the tea to Princess Luna and said, “Here, try it.”

“Then… I shall help myself.”

Princess Luna stepped forward and reached for the tea cup.

Lilith returned to her chair and sat down, crossing her arms and shaking her head as she began to introduce the tea she had just prepared.

“This Golden Bough and Jade Leaf. It is best consumed when it’s slightly hot. That’s when the aroma is at its peak. You have to sip it slowly, allowing three to five seconds between each sip to savor the full flavor and if… Huuuh? What are you doing?”

Lilith paused in her explanation as she suddenly realized that Princess Luna was not reaching for the freshly brewed tea, but rather…

For the cup of tea Lilith had been drinking from.

“I’m drinking tea,” Luna said with a sweet smile. She reached for the cup at lightning speed, as if she were a thief trying to make a quick getaway after being caught red-handed.

Before Lilith could react, Princess Luna swiftly grabbed the teacup, tilted her head back, and poured the remaining half a cup of tea directly down her throat.

Luna drank hurriedly, causing a trail of tea to escape from the corner of her mouth. It traced a delicate path down her slender neck, ultimately soaking the front of her dress.

What… is… she doing?

For the second time today, Lilith found herself utterly baffled by Luna’s bizarre behavior.

After containing her frustration for so long, she finally couldn’t hold it back any longer and erupted, “Didn’t I tell you the tea is better when it’s freshly brewed?”

“Freshly brewed tea is certainly better, but ……”

After finishing the tea in a single gulp, Luna seemed unsatisfied. She licked along the rim of the cup, paying special attention to the spot where Lilith’s lips had been and ran her tongue over it again… and again.

“To me, this is the ultimate delicacy.”

After licking the cup, Luna smacked her lips with a flushed face and stared intensely at Lilith.

The desire in Luna’s eyes could no longer be hidden. It swirled like a tidal wave, clearly visible in her gaze.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is wrong…

Not good, not good, not good, not good! This is bad…

Lilith finally realized that her previous thinking had been flawed.

While Luna’s actions might seem abnormal for a regular person, they appeared perfectly logical for someone abnormal.

Speaking of which, she recalled seeing Princess Luna looking like this somewhere before…

Memories flashed through Lilith’s mind…

Yes, it was that time when she had ordered Princess Luna to lick her foot… Back then, she did not think much of it because she thought that Princess Luna’s strangeness was caused by the effects of her Dragon Bloodline Suppression.

However, she did not use any of that or dragon language spell on Luna this time. So why was she behaving this way?

“Master Lilith, do you know how difficult it has been for me ever since I lost to you?”

While Luna’s words should have been filled with hatred, her eyes betrayed a burning desire.

She took slow, deliberate steps toward Lilith, like a zombie.


Lilith’s intuition told her that she needed to escape or else she would definitely lose something extremely important to her!

She picked up the chair and leaped backward, but the room was too small, and she quickly reached the wall.

There was nowhere else to run. She huddled in the corner of the chair, her small body trembling as she watched Luna slowly approaching her.

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