“What gift should I give to Her Highness?”

With the arrival of the city guards, his “comrades” instantly scattered. Taylor was left alone to contemplate the problem. Lost in deep thought, Taylor could not even recall how he made his way back to his own special mansion within the palace.

“Should I send her gold and jewels?”

No, that won’t do.

Taylor immediately dismissed this idea. How could a princess lack those? It was a well-known fact that most dragons had a natural inclination for collecting shiny items. With their long lifespans, their hoarding habit could get a little terrifying.

Nearly every dragon possessed a treasure trove that could easily rival the wealth of an entire human nation.

On Dragon Island, gold and silver were anything but rare. Even Fenice, who sold candied fruit skewers, preferred to collect the most worthless copper coins from the human nation rather than gold coins.

As the most esteemed figure with the longest lifespan and oldest in age (scratch that) in the entire dragon clan, the Queen, Taylor couldn’t fathom the value of the treasures she had amassed.

It was rumored that she had excavated the entire Dragon Island to serve as her private treasure trove.

Considering Her Highness was the Dragon Queen’s most beloved daughter, there was simply no way she lacked wealth. The idea was so absurd that Taylor would sooner believe that the princess was actually a man.

But what then, could I possibly give Her Highness if not gold and jewels? Taylor ruminated for a while before a realization dawned on him. Damn it! I’ve been here in the Holy Dragon Empire for so long, and yet I have nothing to offer except for wealth! No wonder even Green Emperor looks down on me.

Taylor twiddled his thumbs sadly. “I should’ve acquired a trade over these long years.”

He compared himself to his fellow dragon kin… Some were fortune-tellers, some ran pancake stalls, others ventured into various businesses, and some mastered the craft of making candied fruit skewers. In contrast, he felt like an utter failure without any skills to his name.

The more Taylor thought about it, the more frustrated he became. He could not bear to think about his own inadequacies any longer.

“No, I can’t go on like this. I need to consult someone about this.”

But… who?

Exposing the princess’ identity carelessly was strictly against the Queen’s orders, as it was crucial for Her Highness to have an authentic travel experience.

Additionally, he had to consider the young princess’ preferences… Consulting the Elder Emperor was out of the question, as he was more likely to suggest sending beautiful women as gifts, and it was highly unlikely that the princess would be interested in human girls.

With those two conditions in mind, there was only one person to turn to—a figure that had nearly faded from Taylor’s memory.

Yes, she’s the one!

Taylor excitedly pounded the table and exclaimed, “Somebody! Go fetch my number one! I believe her name was Princess Stella or something!”


Amidst the haze and the scent of blossoms, an elegant silhouette graced the hot springs.

Outside, a dim candlelight slowly approached the paper window.

“Princess Estelle, the Guardian requests your presence,” a hunched figure whispered hoarsely.

The splashing sounds from the hot spring suddenly ceased. After a few moments of silence, a composed yet subtly joyous voice rang out, “Very well.”

“Well then, please make haste, Princess Estelle. The Guardian awaits you.” The hunched figure paused for a moment and added, “I heard from the maid serving the Guardian that he was mumbling something about choosing a gift for the princess before summoning you.”


Something fell into the water, followed by a flurry of splashes from the depths of the hot spring.

“Thank you, Ninth Elder,” Princess Estelle’s voice followed.

“You’re welcome, I should be congratulating you, Your Highness,”

“You’re being too courteous, Ninth Elder. You shouldn’t have troubled yourself to personally deliver a message. Nina, please escort the Ninth Elder home. It’s getting dark. Take my night pearl with you to light the way. Make sure the Ninth Elder doesn’t stumble on his way home.”

“Understood,” the maid who had been outside responded before leading the hunched figure away.

Once they had departed, Princess Estelle emerged from the hot spring, her skin glowing like the moon. She could not conceal the joy on her face as she slipped into a bathrobe.

“Three years… It has been three years since I received my master’s blood essence. This is the first time he has summoned me,” Princess Estelle murmured softly.

In the past, she had always been the one to visit her master. More often than not, he was either away or caught up in some matter.

With his apparent lack of interest in her cultivation all these years, Princess Estelle had nearly believed that her master never cared about her, even though she was his sole disciple.

It seemed like that was not the case…

“Master still cares about me. My efforts have not been in vain.”

How can he possibly not care about me? He even remembers that my birthday is in a month!

Princess Estelle held back her tears and called upon a waiting maid.

“Somebody, come dress me. Fetch me the gown I had tailored a few days ago.”


Meanwhile, in the Guardian’s mansion…

Taylor had been pacing anxiously as he eagerly anticipated Princess Estelle’s arrival.

“Hurry up and bring her in.”

A few minutes later, Princess Estelle, who had made the journey with great haste, finally made her way inside the grand mansion and stood before Taylor.

“Greetings, master.” Princess Estelle, dressed in a lavish dress, curtsied respectfully upon seeing her master.

Taylor never cared about formalities. He waved dismissively and pulled a chair over for Princess Estelle, “Never mind the formalities. Come, sit down.”

“Your wish is my command.” Princess Estelle took her seat, but did not relax entirely. She was perched on the edge of her chair, her posture straight and proper.

Taylor took a seat in front of Princess Estelle and began, “Say, Stella…”

“It’s Estelle.”

Princess Estelle smiled. She was impressed that her master had decided to start their conversation with humor to lighten the mood.

Although it had been nearly half a year since they last met, the playful jest quickly dissolved any initial awkwardness between them.

“Stella, Estelle, whichever it is… I called you here to ask for your advice on a few matters,” Taylor spoke impatiently.

He’s not beating around the bush about it, huh?

Princess Estelle’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she responded, “Go on, master.”

“Ahem.” Taylor cleared his throat before continuing, “Well… I have a friend who wishes to give a gift to someone, but he is at a loss about what to offer. He came to me for advice, but, as you know, Estelle, I’m not good at such matters. I don’t have anyone reliable to consult either. After racking my brain for a while, I concluded that you’re the only person I can turn to.”

“I see…” Princess Estelle nodded.

The friend that master speaks of must be himself!

“Well who is master… I mean, master’s friend trying to give a gift to? The choice of gift varies depending on the recipient’s status.”

Taylor scratched his head as he struggled to find the right words.

After some time, he stammered, “Hm… She’s… probably… a… princess… I guess?”

“Oh? I see, she’s a princess.”

Princess Estelle concealed her smile with her hand.

What a coincidence, I am a princess too.

“Well then, what are the princess’ preferences?”

“Preferences?” Taylor grimaced.

“How would I know? That’s why I summoned you here.”

“Is that so? That’s indeed quite a predicament.”

Princess Estelle did not expect her master to be such a tsundere. It seemed he was at a loss on what to give her and had come up with an excuse to seek an answer from her.

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