
Lilith extracted the hair out of her palm while hissing in pain.

By right, extracting extremely fine objects from flesh shouldn’t hurt so much; just like acupuncture.

But then again, the hair pierced her bone. Just the sensation of pulling it out of her bone alone was extremely unpleasant.

Even after removing the offending object, the fine wound didn’t heal immediately. Cornelia’s battle qi clung to Lilith’s wound like a bad rash, constantly tearing apart the wound that had just healed.

And this had completely proven Elder White’s lesson about the fact that battle qi would quickly dissipate once they were out of its owner’s control to be false.

Lilith took a deep breath, as she realized that the situation was more troublesome than expected.

“You should be proud of yourself for being able to catch one of my attacks.”

Cornelia was a little surprised. She lifted her finger at Lilith again, and the sound of something slicing through the air was heard even clearer this time.

“But that is as far as you can go.”

Lilith immediately rolled to the side, narrowly dodging another three consecutive attacks. The white hair needles that failed to hit the target nailed themselves to the wall behind her. The needles, which were made out of Cornelia’s hair that reached all the way to her waist, buried themselves all the way into the wall, which Lilith couldn’t even leave a scratch on, until only less than a centimeter of its end were visible.

It was evident that the offensive power of this attack was much stronger than the previous.

Cornelia’s eyes darkened when her attack missed. A dozen of her long white hair floated in the air.

The change in her expression nearly cramped up Lilith’s frantic legs.

Her heart was thumping uncontrollably.


“I don’t.”

With a light wave of Cornelia’s hand, dozens of her long hair strands instantly vanished in everyone’s sight, leaving only the ear-piercing buzzing noises echoing throughout the room.

“If it’s hair, I can grow as much as I want.”



The sound when the battle qi-instilled long hair needle piercing into her flesh at high-speed was so clear in Lilith’s ears.

“Damn it.”

Lilith cursed angrily and quickly escaped in the opposite direction to evade more hair needles.

Unfortunately, her shoulders and thighs still got hit.

Lilith quickly pulled out the steel-hard hair, but was still inevitably restrained from action.

Though a very brief moment, it was still enough to be a huge opening for Cornelia.

Cornelia stretched a hand out, grabbed the air and twisted it.

The space in front of Lilith immediately twisted into layers of ripples that spread out and collide into Lilith.


The impact knocked the wind out of Lilith’s chest, sending her crashing into the wall behind her with a muffled groan.

“Seems like it’s really a game over this time.”

She wanted to move but dozens of white hair buried themselves into her acupoints, nailing her right against the wall and rendering her immobile.


For some reason, the scene gave Lesiah a tight squeeze inside her heart. Her body involuntarily wanted to rush over to Lilith to save her.

But she was blocked by Shiloah, who was rubbing his only remaining five sharp claws against each other. He drew his cracked black and white face closer to hers while chuckling strangely.

“Ohoho, don’t worry. It’ll be your turn next, my delicious Princess Lesiah.”


Lesiah gritted her teeth as she was left with no choice but to retract her foot.

She was no match for this strange man when she was in her best condition, let alone in her extremely weak current condition with her battle qi nearly exhausted.

Instead of attacking, Shiloah leisurely turned his gaze to Lilith, seemingly not worried that Lesiah might sneak an attack on him.

And of course, Lesiah had no intention of doing such either.

After all, no tricks could possibly be effective with such a huge disparity in their strengths.

Even so, Lesiah didn’t despair.

Because she knew Lilith still had a trump card up her sleeve.

Blood leaked out from the corner of Lilith’s mouth. Uncertain that if it was by pure luck or by her enemy’s mercy, her two vital organs — the brain and heart — were unharmed. Even so, her other vital organs were still inevitably injured with dozens of hair strands impaling her.

To make it worse, the battle qi that were instilled into the hair strands was madly tearing Lilith’s wounds.

“You may say your last prayer.”

Tranquility returned to Cornelia’s face once again. It was almost as though the demon-like expression on it earlier was just a figment of Lilith’s imagination.

Lilith coughed up a mouthful of blood and chuckled, “Last prayer? Isn’t that a little too early for that?”

Although she stood no chance against this monstrous young girl in terms of strength, she had a cheat device on her.

The strange black flame she borrowed from the other person inside her could perfectly block a blow from someone beyond peak saint level when transformed into a crystal. Not only that, but its devouring ability was also astounding. In fact, she had yet to see anything that the black flame couldn’t devour up to this point.

She had no idea what bug it was that allowed this ability of hers to not be categorized above saint level and be banned from being used in this world, but as long as she had it she didn’t have to worry about anything going wrong.

Although she was only left with a limited number of uses of the black flame, it was sufficient to deal with the situation at hand.

“I still haven’t used my ultimate skill yet. I’m afraid it’s a bit early for you to jump to that conclusion.”

“Ultimate skill?”

Cornelia raised an eyebrow at Lilith. “Enlighten me then.”

“Heh, I love confident villains like you guys the most.” Lilith licked her lips.

Villains who were so insanely powerful that they could wipe the floor with the protagonist usually die in a few ways in the end:

They either die from talking too much, or die from conceit, or both.

And surely, this abnormally powerful monstrous young girl would be no exception.

Despite being in extreme pain, the thought of this enabled Lilith’s lips to curl into a confident smile.

And now, I’ll show you… Just how absurd a protagonist with plot armor can be!


[ NO! ]

Just when Lilith was about to summon the black flame, she was interrupted by a familiar voice that suddenly appeared in her mind.

[ You mustn’t use that black flame now! ]

“Sae, you’re awake?”

Lilith replied to the voice in her mind with surprise.

Ever since the incident in Aeria, Sae had been sleeping in the broken dagger most of the time after losing her physical body. Normally, she wouldn’t awaken by herself unless called upon by Lilith.

However this time, she awakened by herself.

“What do you mean by that?”

Lilith narrowed her eyes. She didn’t recall telling Sae about the black flame before. Could it be…

[ In any case, you mustn’t use that black flame. You mustn’t!! ]

“You have to give me a reason to not use it.”

Sae fell silent for a moment. Just when Lilith almost thought that she had fallen asleep, Sae’s voice appeared in her mind again.

It sounded extremely grave.

*[ Lady Lilith.

If you don’t wish to be crushed and pulverized by a real deity,

then you must never ever use that black flame! ]*

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