Just when everyone was waiting anxiously, a ray of golden light came swiftly from the depths of the forest.

Miguel was slightly taken aback after he managed to get a clear look at the figure.

“Elder Mord? Why are you here?”

“I’m sending a little b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ to her lesson.”

Before Miguel could even talk, Mord tossed a ragged little girl in front of him. Miguel was stunned for a moment before he matched that little girl to the cute-looking girl named Lilith on the class roster.

“That hurts… Mord, can’t you be a little more gentle with ladies?”

Lilith complained while rubbing her butt.

“I wish I could just smash you to death, you little b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲. And here you are, asking me to be gentle with you? Also, you are not qualified to call me by my name directly. We’re not that familiar with each other yet.”

“Don’t say that, Mordy! We’re partners in the same boat, aren’t we?”

“Don’t go tarnishing the word ‘partner’!”

“Tsk. You’re denying it, but you still sent me here. Don’t be shy, Mordy.”

“Shut up!!!”

Mord, who was at the end of his patience, grabbed Lilith and threw her out like a ball.

Lilith turned into a blur, then slammed into the edge of the arena on the other side at high speed.

BAM! And there was smoke and dust everywhere.

All the first and second-year students, including Miguel, were dumbfounded.

Isn’t this guy a devil for throwing a charming little girl like a ball?

The second-years weren’t that shocked since they had either heard or directly witnessed the devilish behavior of Elder Mord before. However, the pitiful first-years were frightened. All of them paled and were trembling like quails.

Only Thea slipped into the clouds of smoke and dust without being noticed.

Mord dusted his hands in a comparably better mood. He turned around and was ready to leave.

Was Lilith injured?

What did it have anything to do with him? If it weren’t for the fact that he was forced to board Lilith’s pirate ship, he could have killed her without leaving a trace behind.

“Elder Mord, what are you doing?”

Miguel was a little pissed. Although Mord was the chief disciplinarian and was qualified to punish students, it wasn’t right of him to hurt his student in front of him without providing any explanation.



Miguel, who was about to call Elder Mord out on his action, was caught off guard by the chief disciplinarian’s sudden change in tone.

“You will be that basta… Lilith’s class teacher for the next few years, right?”

“That’s right.”

Mord suddenly came up to him and patted him on the shoulder. “I have faith in you.”


“I believe that you, the Iron Wall, will definitely be able to educate Lilith into a qualified student.”

Miguel had a dumbfounded look on his face.

“Isn’t that my duty?”

“Of course I know that it is your duty. But… you must remember your duty and stand your ground in the face of coercion and temptation. Do not cave in. You’re our only pride. If you fall too, then no one else can stop her.”

“What exactly are you talking about, Elder Mord?”

Mord shook his head and sighed, “Do your best, Miguel the Iron Wall. Forgive me for being useless in this battle. Everything is up to you now.”

“What do you mean up to me? And the battle… what battle? With who?”

Mord just turned and left without another word. Miguel could only stare after his bleak figure, feeling even more puzzled.

Elder Mord… probably took the wrong medicine today.

“Mr. Miguel, are we still going to fight?” Kieran asked.

“Fight who? Didn’t you see that…”

Miguel was only halfway through his sentence when he got interrupted by a cry.

“Wait! What are you trying to do, Thea?”

“Changing your clothes, Lilith. Aren’t you embarrassed to be seen wearing those rags?”

“But I’m not that open-minded yet to be changing my clothes in the public!”

“Don’t worry, I’ve set up a magic barrier. No one will see you.”

“That’s not the problem! Wait! Where are you touching…”

“Hehe, what are you so shy about? Aren’t we both girls?”

“Go away! I can do it myself! If you keep this up, I’ll punch you!”

“Be my guest. But this magic is very fragile, I won’t be responsible if you end up being seen naked.”


The eyes of all gentlemen present on the scene were glued to the censored area, as they involuntarily gulped.

Moments later, smoke and dust suddenly dissipated. Lilith emerged in a tight-fitting dojo uniform.

The dojo uniform totally accentuated Lilith’s figure. Apart from her rather flat chest, the other features of her body could be described as perfect.

On top of that, her porcelain doll-like lovely face was a delight to everyone’s eyes.

Lilith moved her body, seemingly uncomfortable in this kind of tight-fitting clothes. “Why are you changing me into this kind of clothes?” she asked in dissatisfaction.

“You are fighting next. Skirt will definitely affect your performance.”

Lilith pouted.

What nonsense was this? Why would a mini skirt affect a fight? It might even serve as a distraction to enemies and allow her to find an opening to make the kill.

It was an important prop that would only come into play at critical moments.

“By the way, what was that about fighting?”

“Oh, that. Someone issued you a challenge just now and I accepted it on your behalf.”

Thea pointed to Kieran, whose eyes were already burning with desire. “That’s him. The guy who wants to challenge you. He even made a bet with us. If we lose, we’ll be his maids.”

“And what if he loses?”

“Then he’ll be our servant.”

“Servant…?” Lilith fell silent for three seconds before continuing, “I don’t want.”


“He’s too ugly. I don’t want such an ugly servant.”

Kieran, who was just about to come forward to greet his future maids, was taken aback when he heard Lilith’s comment. “Little girl, do you have a death wish?” he asked angrily.

“A death wish? Aren’t you the one looking for death?”

“Hehe, you will pay the price for your arrogance soon. I was initially planning to treat you nicely since you’re such a lovely girl, but now… I’ll make sure to ‘treat’ you even better.”

Miguel frowned. He was a little unhappy, but chose to remain silent.

The winning party would have the right to decide what to do with the losing party. As long as it wasn’t life-threatening, the academy wouldn’t intervene.

If Lilith was injured, he could use this as an excuse to end the fight. Unfortunately, Lilith was obviously unharmed.

“Mr. Miguel, can we start now?”

Miguel nodded. “Kieran from Class 3 of second-year and Lilith from Class 9 of first-year! The competition begins now!”

“Little girl, I’ll let you make the first move lest people say that I bullied my junior.”


“Of course. I, Kieran, am a man of my own words.”

Lilith nodded, then walked toward him.

Kieran raised an eyebrow. This little girl was approaching him. Could she be a warrior?

But it didn’t matter. If he was a physically fragile magician, being approached by a warrior might make a difference in the battle outcome.

However, he was also a warrior. Fighting at close quarters meant this was a contest of brute strength. He refused to believe that a little girl would make him break a sweat.

He roamed his burning gaze over Lilith’s body. Lilith went up to Kieran and clenched her little fists that looked powerless. Kieran was taken aback. There was neither battle qi nor magic spells. Just her fists. Was this little girl planning to give him an ordinary punch? She probably couldn’t even kill a fly with those thin arms and legs.

However, Kieran changed his mind in the next second. That was because he couldn’t even think. Lilith’s fist sliced through the air and landed squarely in his stomach. Protecting his body with battle qi did no good. His defensive stance was nothing more than an ostentatious display.

Kieran disappeared like a cannonball at ten times the speed that Lilith was sent flying by Mord earlier.

Yep, he disappeared right away. The first and second-years who were spectating couldn’t even see the shadow of his figure.

They only heard a loud boom coming from the other side of the arena.

Lilith held her fist up with a smile on her lips.

“See, I told you. There’s no way a mini skirt could affect combat effectiveness.”

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