“She was beautiful, kind, brave, excellent in academics and devoted to the academy. She was the youngest vice president of the Disciplinary Committee in St. Caroline’s history. She is deeply loved by her peers, teachers, professors, and elders. That’s… our Lilith.”

The vice-dean stood on a makeshift platform in the heart of the arena, dressed in white robes. Behind him was a huge monochrome portrait of Lilith and rows of wreaths displayed around it.

The vice-dean read the script that he drafted last minute with great emotion. “Even in the face of a formidable foe, she remained fearless and never yielded. She was very accepting of death. She would rather die for the sake of humanity than to live without a purpose. Although she had her flaws and was a little short-tempered, those could never cover up her greatness. Although she had said something offensive in the past, she was only doing that to encourage the growth of her peers. She might have only joined the academy for a few days, but she certainly left a very colorful page in the academy’s history…”

Thea watched as the vice-dean delivered his emotional speech, then tugged on the hem of Mr. Miguel’s shirt with a confused look on her face.

“What is going on, Mr. Miguel?”

“Huh? I thought you knew about Lilith’s sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice?” Thea’s eyes widened as she quickly asked, “What is this about? How could Lilith be sacrificed?”

She grabbed Miguel’s arm and pressed, “What’s going on?!”

Miguel let out a long sigh before recounting the incident that happened beyond the academy grounds.

“That means…” Thea had a dumbfounded look on her face. “Golden Demon Htilil killed Lilith?”

She killed herself? How does that even work?

“Boohoo, Lilith, how could you die just like that…?”

“Nonsense!” Thea slapped Brea on her head for being gullible. “Lilith isn’t dead yet.”

“But… But…”

“Lilith is Htilil, okay?”

Mr. Miguel gave Thea a pitiful look.

This child is starting to get delusional because she can’t accept reality. How pitiful.

The vice-dean continued his speech.

“In order to avenge Lilith, for sake of world peace and the future of the human race, leaders of various nations have decided to deploy a large number of peak rank nine elites in groups of five to hunt down Golden Demon Htilil in the Ancient Ruins. Any team that successfully kills the Golden Demon will not only be rewarded by their nation, but also receive the title of hero!”

The five teams of students standing in front of the vice dean, dressed in St. Caroline Academy’s silver uniforms were the candidates selected for this expedition. Most of them were seventh-year seniors who were about to graduate. Surprisingly, Diana, the president of the Disciplinary Committee, was among them.

Most of their eyes burned with intensity when they heard the vice-dean. After all, who never dreamed of being a hero when they were young? Now, the chance to realize this dream was just right before their eyes!

How could they not be excited?

“Apart from that, the Ancient Ruins that all of you will enter later is a relic from about nine million years ago, during the legendary era. The values of the treasures inside are immeasurable, but danger also lurks in every corner. I hope everyone will stay true to your heart. Do not touch anything that you are not supposed to. Remember the purpose of your entry! Do not risk your life for material possessions!”


The vice-dean nodded in satisfaction. “Hurry on to Dragon God Lake then and meet with the elites from other nations. Professor Marlin shall be in charge of the arrangements there.”


After the selected candidates left, the other students who attended the funeral gradually dispersed too. The vice-dean sighed, feeling one of the burdens on his shoulder lightened a little. Fatigue showed on his face, making him look like he had suddenly aged ten years.

He touched his chest. There was still a trace of doubt hidden somewhere deep in his heart.

Why did Golden Demon Htilil push him away back then instead of killing him since he had completely lost the ability to fight?

Even so, the determination in the vice dean’s eyes grew firm.

No matter what, the fact that Golden Demon Htilil was the enemy of mankind remained unchanged. He mustn’t show any mercy!

The next time they meet, one of them must die!



Meanwhile, at the former location of Dragon God Lake…

A large number of teams sent by other nations surrounded the huge golden door. Everyone couldn’t help but marvel at the simple yet mysterious door.

Professor Marlin looked at one of the teams in exasperation.

“I thought I told your Pope to send only a few elite teams. How did Luminous Theocracy end up sending hundreds of people here? Did you guys come here for sightseeing?”

The leader from Luminous Theocracy was none other than the presiding judge of Luminous Judgement, Xoey. After hearing Professor Marlin’s comment, she replied expressionlessly, “This was an order from His Holiness.”

“Hunting down Golden Demon Htilil is a dangerous mission. Some of these people haven’t even reached rank nine. What’s the point of bringing them in? Just so that they can search for the treasures in there?”

Xoey threw a glance at Professor Marlin. “I didn’t expect you to make such an accurate guess.”

“No, this is too dangerous. I definitely won’t allow it…”

A huge scarlet scythe pressed lightly against Marlin’s neck. Xoey had a murderous look on her face as she warned with an icy tone, “I’m the stronger one here. You’re not qualified to tell me what to do here, got it?”

Xoey’s scythe didn’t retract until Professor Marlin responded with a stiff nod.

Looking at Xoey who was acting like nothing had happened, Professor Marlin seethed in silence.

F̲u̲c̲k̲, what is that old fox planning by sending so many people here? An opponent like Golden Demon Htilil cannot be brought down by just sheer numbers alone. Did he think that it’s easier to hog the treasures by sending a large number of people? Impossible. He’s a Pope, there’s no way he would do something like that! There must be some other profound reason behind this, but what is it?

Just as Marlin racked his brain, something huge descended from the sky. It conjured up a gust of wind and a column of dust that rose tens of meters.

Professor Marlin looked up and discovered that it was a weird creature — a dragon with the head of an eagle. He couldn’t hold back his surprise when he finally recognized its slender rider. “Princess Lesiah, why are you here?”

The eldest princess of the Macedonian Empire took off her helmet. Her long and gorgeous silver hair flowed in the wind.

“Long time no see, Professor Marlin,” she smiled.

“What do you mean ‘long time no see’? It has only been a few hours.”

“A few hours could be a lifetime for the ants,” Lesiah stuck her tongue out at him, then looked at Xoey who was standing at the side. “You must be Xoey, the famous and deadly presiding judge from Luminous Theocracy.”

“Greetings, Your Royal Highness. I am merely an executioner and a nobody.”

Xoey bowed slightly, but didn’t show too much respect in her speech.

Lesiah wasn’t upset. Since Xoey showed no interest to converse with her, she turned to Professor Marlin. “When can we go in?”

“Any time.”

“Great. I’ll have to trouble Professor Marlin to take care of my vulture drake.”

Professor Marlin was taken aback for a moment, before finding his voice again. “Your Royal Highness, you’re planning to go in?”

“Of course. As a peak ninth rank, I should also be qualified to enter.”

“It’s… too dangerous.”

“It’ll be fine. I’ll run if I can’t defeat that Golden Demon.”

Princess Lesiah put on her helmet again and playfully said, “I may not look like it, but I’m actually great at escaping.”


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