“This is just an ordinary pill.”

The vice dean placed a black pill that had nothing special about it in front of Lilith.

“Just one of those potent pills that the street vendors sell a box for one silver coin. Apart from being slightly harmful to the kidney, there are no other side effects when consumed.”

But in a sense, this pill was not ordinary either. It was found in the blood that Reg coughed up moments before his death.

Lilith lowered her gaze and mumbled softly, “Is that so? That means Reg’s changes had nothing to do with this pill then.”

For it to be found intact in the blood he coughed up meant Reg never even got the chance to swallow this pill that he had spent nine copper coins to get. Since this was the case, it was meaningless to find out the ingredients and effects of the pill.

“Correct, it is of no relevance.”

The vice dean closed his eyes, fatigue was evident on his pale face.

Things had been happening one after another recently, leaving him somewhat exhausted. Even so, no matter how complicated they were, none left him feeling as powerless as this one because a life was lost this time.

That bright, honest, persistent and ordinary teenager had caught his attention shortly after joining the academy. He had kept an eye on him all this while, waiting for the day when a promising sapling like him would grow into a big tree on the academy’s fertile soil.

Unfortunately, he did not make it and died on the fertile soil. Not only that, he had died so inexplicably. No one even knew who his murderer was.

“That’s why I would like to ask you, how much do you know about this, Lilith?”


Lilith fell silent.

“You have no idea… or… is there something you do not wish to let us know, Dragon Princess?” The vice dean narrowed his eyes as he deliberately emphasized Lilith’s identity at the end of his sentence.

Lilith snapped her head up in shock. “How… did you find out?”

“Finding the truth isn’t that hard if one can connect the dots. A non-human who is rich and powerful, yet no one can uncover her background. A strength that far exceeds peers of the same age… and can suppress Princess Luna who has a high concentration of dragon blood in her. Combined with the information received not long ago… I believe you don’t need me to explain the conclusion I’ve reached.”

Lilith smiled wryly. “I see, so you’ve already figured it out, Vice Dean.”

“Of course. I’m not stupid.”

“Come to think of it, why do you feel it’s necessary to hide your identity, Your Highness?” The vice dean quickly changed the subject.

Lilith tilted her head to the side. “Does this have anything to do with your previous question?”

“Not really, I’m merely asking out of curiosity.”


After a moment of hesitation, Lilith let out a soft sigh. “No particular reason. I just want to stay out of trouble and keep a low profile,” she explained.

“Do you think you’ve been keeping a low profile, Your Highness?”

“What do you mean?” A dangerous glint flashed across Lilith’s eyes.

The vice dean remained calm. “Nothing in particular, I merely think that you wanting to keep a low profile doesn’t seem valid.”

Lilith sneered coldly. “Then, why do you think I’m hiding my real identity?”

The vice dream drummed his fingers on the table, seemingly in deep thoughts.

Moments later, he lifted his head. With piercing eyes, he looked straight at Lilith and slowly said, “Is it because you’re afraid that those who are close to you won’t be able to continue treating you the same way after finding out your real identity? To put it simply, Your Highness is… afraid of losing… friends… or something else?”

“Huh? N-…Nonsense!”

Lilith immediately slapped the table and denied fervently. “I am the magnificent Dragon Princess! Do I look like some brat who would cry because they lost their dolls? Don’t treat me like a child, old man!”

“Is that so?”

Although Lilith’s words were firm, the vice dean could clearly see the light wavering in her eyes.

If he was fifty years younger, her adorable denial might stir something in him.

The vice dean grinned foolishly, then quickly shook his head to clear those sudden strange thoughts out of his head.

“Only those who had truly lost everything would cherish what they have now. Has the great Dragon Princess been through something like this too?”

“Lost everything? Let me tell you this, old man: I’m the wealthiest person in this world. There’s no one wealthier than me in this life and in my previous life. If you keep spouting nonsense, I’m going to sell you like a roasted duck!”

Lilith crossed her arms and huffed angrily, “But no one probably wants an old duck like you, even if I offer them money.”

“What a bad personality you have, Your Highness.”

“That’s how I am. Hehe, I’m not afraid to tell you that I still have some juicy scoop on you. If I buy a publishing company one day, I’m going to publish that, print a hundred million copies and give them away for free! By then… you’ll surely become the most famous human in this world!”

“Juicy scoop? When have I done anything like that?” The vice dean looked at her dumbly.

“Hmph. Don’t you know that nine out of ten so-called juicy scoops are fake? What’s fun about them if all of them are true?”


“No need to thank me. This is my duty as a student~”

“Who said anything about thanking you?”



Both of them were in the vice dean’s office. At this moment, there were only two of them in the huge room. When neither of them were speaking, the silence in the room was overwhelming.

All they could hear was the sound of the clock ticking behind the vice dean.

The vice dean suddenly sighed. “Yes, I’m getting old. After the dean left, I could barely manage St. Caroline Academy. Even so…”

“After living a few hundred years, life experience is the only thing I have some confidence in sharing,” he continued smoothly.

Lilith gave him a puzzled look. “So, you’re saying that you’re an old duck that is already well cooked in the broth of time?”


“…You won’t lose what truly belongs to you so easily just because of your status.”

The vice dean continued, “I believe you still have people who did not change their attitude toward you, even clearly knowing your true identity, right?”

Lilith stared at him. “Vice Dean, you didn’t actually call me here just to feed me chicken soup for the soul, right?”

The vice dean laughed heartily. “Chicken soup is still better than old duck soup, right?”

He then stood up suddenly, which in turn surprised Lilith.

“You’re leaving?”

“Reg’s incident is still not fully resolved yet. I have to go there personally.”

“But your question just now…”

“No need, I already know the answer.”

The vice dean smiled at Lilith. “You’re really a kind and gentle soul, Lilith.”


Lilith quickly covered her chest and cautiously stared at the vice dean with a guarded expression.

“Why did you suddenly say something so disgusting? What’s your intention, old man? You’re not trying to flirt with someone way younger than you, right?”

The look on the vice dean’s face turned awkward.

“Think whatever you want.” He let out a long sigh, then suddenly threw a golden invitation card in front of Lilith.

“This is…”

“The invitation card to the Great Celestial Rite. There’s a total of five spots.”

“Invitation card?”

Lilith blinked. “What do you mean, Vice Dean? Didn’t you say that the five spots will go to the top five of this tournament? Cornelia and I will only take up two at most.”

“This is a personal invitation that was sent to me,” the vice dean said. “Apart from some important organizations, the empire will invite some people with exceptional strength and fame to the Martial God Tournament of the Great Celestial Rite. The five spots I have were accumulated over the past few years. Just exactly five, and I’m handing all of them to you, Lilith.”

“I see.”

The vice dean’s intention was as clear as day to Lilith.

“You want me to go to the Great Celestial Rite by myself, right?”

“My apologies, but the students from our academy are obviously no match to the enemy that you’ll be facing.”

Lilith accepted the golden invitation card and smiled. “No need for apology. I’d rather it be this way. At least, I’ll be able to focus on getting my job done properly without any worries.”

“Is that so? I’m relieved to hear that.”

The vice dean gave Lilith a respectful and formal bow, to bid her farewell.

“Safe travels to you, Dragon Princess.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

“Ah, yes, I almost forgot.”

The vice dean was about to leave when he suddenly recalled something. He turned his head around and said to Lilith, “Reg… grew up in an orphanage, but he still has a relative.”


After the vice dean left, silence once again returned to his office. Only the sound of his clock ticking could be heard.

Lilith played with the black pill in boredom.

An ordinary potent pill. That meant Reg’s possession did not happen through any sort of medium.

This also showcased the mystery and power of this enemy. At least, the vice dean also expressed that he had never even seen anyone with strongest spiritual power able to possess a rank ninth warrior without the help of any medium, while not exposing themselves in front of a group of powerful people.

Unless, there was indeed some sort of medium used, just that no one had discovered it yet.

But no matter what, this game… I, Lilith, shall accept it!

With a pop, the pill was crushed into powder in Lilith’s hand.

Her eyes had turned molten gold color at some point.

She lifted her head up, looked through the window, at the sky that was already dyed red by the setting sun.

Her heart was burning with unprecedented determination.

A new story had begun.

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