“Alright, you can stop now.”

Princess Luna’s sudden unusual behavior worried Lilith. To prevent things from getting out of hand, she decided to make the princess stop even though she had not had enough.

She retracted her foot while giving the order to stop but…


Her ankle was suddenly grabbed.

“What are you doing?”

Was Princess Luna trying to get even with her after being subjected to such humiliation?

Lilith shrank back a little, in case Princess Luna would suddenly strike her. However, the princess did not pounce on her like she had anticipated. She just kept her ankle in a tight grip, and then…

Suddenly sucked on her big toe like it was a lollipop.


The unexpected wet sensation drew a yelp from Lilith.

“Wait! I didn’t ask you to continue!”

Lilith’s words fell on deaf ears. Due to the princess’ posture, Lilith could not see the expression on her face. Yet she could clearly sense her feelings… It was… excitement?

As Lilith tried harder to free her ankle, Princess Luna suddenly straightened up. She held Lilith’s calf in her hands as she explored Lilith’s foot with her tongue.

“Eeeeek! Stop! N-Not there! If you keep licking, I’ll… I’ll…”

Lilith’s face turned scarlet as she writhed. In the end, Princess Luna’s skillful movement finally pushed her over the edge and…

“Eeeeeehahaha! Nooo! Not the sole! It’s ticklish, ahahaha!”

Lilith thrashed her legs in desperation. No matter how hard she struggled, Princess Luna latched onto her foot like a starving beast. Lilith simply could not get the princess off her.

Weird, was she this strong just now?

“Stop! I command you to stop!”

In the end, Lilith had no choice but to use the rules of the academy.

Under the golden light’s control, Princess Luna slowly moved away from Lilith. Even so, everyone could still see her delicate body trembling as if to resist that power. And it would seem like she was already breaking herself free from the control.

“Whoa. Did you lose your mind from shock? Wake up, Your Highness! Thousands of people are watching you!”

Princess Luna suddenly shuddered, then looked as though she had just snapped out from a trance. She stared at her hands blankly.

“What was I doing?”

“Are you playing dumb now?”

Lilith quickly slinked away and hid behind a chair. She poked her little head out and cried angrily, “How dare you lick someone’s most seeensitive part without their consent! You are shameless!!”

“Seeensitive part?”

Memories came flooding back to Princess Luna. Everything that just happened flashed before her eyes…

“How could it be…? I actually…”

Licked someone’s foot on my own accord?

No, this must be a dream. It has to be! I am a noble princess! How could I do something as filthy…




Princess Luna started panting again. For some reason, whenever that word popped into her head, shame and another different kind of… excitement would wash over her?

What is wrong with me? Did… she do something to me?

Yes, that must be it. Otherwise, why would I be acting so strangely?

Princess Luna lifted her head up. Just when she was about to interrogate Lilith about what sort of despicable things the latter had done to her, she suddenly noticed the strange atmosphere around them.

It was so eerily silent that one could hear a pin drop.

Yet in the absolute silence, countless burning gazes gathered on Princess Luna.

Her delicate body shuddered against her will.

Everyone… saw it right? They saw how I licked someone else’s toes like a b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲ in heat, right? Thousands of people saw me…

Princess Luna’s eyes reddened as she hissed like a beast.

Why? Why is this happening? Such a shameful act was enough to make me kill every single one of them, yet that kind of feeling keeps rising up within me.

As soon as I am reminded that my disgraceful act was seen by everyone, I…

Princess Luna’s predatory gaze fell on Lilith’s face again. Lilith shuddered in fear and cowered behind the chair. Whoa, is she possessed by some demon or something? Why is she suddenly so scary? I better reassess the situation.

Princess Luna hunched up her shoulders and hugged herself as she absent-mindedly murmured to herself, “Something is not right… Something is definitely not right…”

With Lilith fully hidden from her view, Princess Luna managed to regain her senses. Even so, realization terrified her.

I… I actually wanted to jump on her and make her step on my face? As if by doing that, I can get that exhilarating pleasure again. No, I can’t stay here any longer. Otherwise… I’ll become very strange!

Princess Luna gritted her teeth and stomped on the ground. Her figure turned into a blur before she quickly vanished from everyone’s sight.


A few moments later, after confirming that Princess Luna was really gone, Lilith poked her head out again from behind the chair. She patted her chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

As expected of the person whom the vice dean could not deal with. She was indeed a terrifying one.

At the same time, Lilith also secretly made up her mind to steer clear of that crazy woman from now on.


“Who are you?” Lilith asked the unfamiliar-looking guy, who suddenly appeared before her, with a guarded expression.

She had swiftly put her sock and shoe back on, put away the chair and was about to leave the stage when this excited-looking guy appeared out of nowhere.

He isn’t thinking of pushing me to the ground then tickling me to death right? How naive! How could I, the noble Dragon Princess, be defeated by this weakness!

“Battle me, Lilith!”

“No, I’m tired already. I’m gonna retire for the day.”

Although Lilith did not sense any danger from this unknown guy, she still chose to turn him down to be safe.

“The tournament is about to end today. Are you going to give up on becoming the academy’s representative by returning now?”

“Of course.” Lilith nodded. “I’m not interested in that in the first place.”


The guy looked like he could not comprehend what was going on. “How could anyone resist the temptation of becoming the academy representative?!”


Is this person dumb?

The guy clenched his fists, anger evident on his face. “I have secluded myself for two years and five months, just for the sake of becoming an academy representative. I will bring honor to my family and return home gloriously to marry a nice girl. Yet you actually think nothing of this position?! Unforgivable, simply unforgivable!”

The corner of Lilith’s mouth twitched. This guy must have a few screws loose from all those trainings.

“Fine, fine. If you wanna fight that badly, I’ll grant you your wish.”

“Seriously?” Anger instantly dissipated and turned into excitement as the guy looked at Lilith with eagerness in his eyes.

From his perspective, Lilith who defeated Princess Luna was the greatest obstacle between him and his ambition of becoming the academy representative. So, as long as he could defeat Lilith, nothing could stop him from achieving that dream!

“But you won’t be fighting me.”

“Huh?” For a moment, the guy seemed like he could not comprehend Lilith’s words.

Lilith merely shrugged, then returned to her seating area. Under the vice dean and Elder Mord’s odd gazes, she retrieved a ball of something soft from under the table.

She tossed that ball in the young man’s direction, then dusted her hands and said, “There you go. If you can defeat her, I guarantee you, no one will ever dare to doubt your position as the academy representative.”

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