As soon as Lilith came out of the passage, she took a deep breath and felt refreshed. She was so at ease that she failed to realize she was in an unfamiliar surroundings.

She turned her head back, her lips curled into a cunning smile while she looked at the passage and the golden door’s light that was already dimming.

You really think I’d come back for you? Wahahaha, children are really gullible.

You’re still too naive to brave the world. Go back and find your mommy… wait don’t find your mommy, go find your aunt or grandma. Cry to them, little brat…! It’s still too early for you to be out here!

Huhu. The sky before me is vast enough for the birds to fly freely, the ocean before me is wide enough for the fish to swim freely. What else can possibly stop me from living a leisurely life on my little rowboat?

A cute daughter? Nope! Don’t know any!

Lilith retrieved a demigod-level scroll and tossed it into the passage.

Following the muffled explosion, the passage that the Dragon Eater left behind was distorted by the external forces before it vanished.

Lilith expected no less of the passage left by the Dragon Eater. Even the powerful demigod scroll could only barely destroy it.

Knowing that the passage had been destroyed, Lilith closed her eyes. She hugged herself and writhed like a water snake, with an ecstatic look on her face.

Getting rid of a burden… felt so amazing!

“I should bring Lesiah to the best hotel and celebrate! I’m going to reserve the entire place for the whole day! Dinner, bath, sauna, sleep! Hmmm, I can hardly wait! This is going to be an opportunity to wash away all the fatigue in my body!”


“Right? You think so too, right? Great, Lesiah will definitely love it!”

“Eeyah, eeyah!”

“Of course I know that, nothing can go wrong if there’s amazing food and drink…”

“Eeyah, eeyah!”

“Don’t worry, I know you have a big appetite. I’m already prepared for that! In human nations, money can solve everything, and the good thing is I have plenty of it!”

“Eeyah, eeyah!”

“Mommy is amazing? Oh sheesh, you’re flattering me… HUH?!!!”

Something… isn’t right here…

Lilith opened her eyes wide in disbelief… then followed the voice and stiffly lowered her head.

As soon as she did, her eyes were met with another pair that was filled with nothing but purity and innocence.


Little Cornelia tilted her head while sucking on her finger. She looked at Lilith curiously, as if wondering why her mommy had stopped talking.


Lilith’s face paled as she shakily pointed at Little Cornelia, too stunned to even speak.

Little Cornelia was weirded out.

What’s wrong with Mommy? Is she overjoyed to see Cornelia?

Her gaze moved to Lilith’s shaking finger…


Realization struck Cornelia before her figure promptly vanished.

Lilith could not even process what had happened when she felt warmth enveloping the tip of her finger.

At the same time, something soft and smooth was flicking over it…

“Ahhh… What are you doing…?”

Lilith panicked a little at the sudden strange sensation. While letting out a strange cry, her face was unexpectedly tinged with red too…

Her first instinct was to shake her arm to free herself, but Cornelia clamped on her finger like a fish on its bait. No matter how hard Lilith tried to free her hand, the little girl would not let it go…

Not only that, she had an intoxicated look on her face. It was almost as if she was indulging in the best food in the world.

Mommy’s hand… ish so yummeh…

“Gahhhh… I beg you, please, let go of my finger…!”

Lilith could not take it any longer and finally began begging for mercy. It was only then Little Cornelia reluctantly let go of her finger.

The moment Cornelia released her finger, the submissive look on Lilith’s face was immediately replaced by anger. Her hands shot out at lightning speed, pinching and pulling Cornelia’s chubby cheeks.

“You, you, you…! Didn’t Mommy tell you to wait until it’s safe to come over? Why are you being a disobedient child?”

“Eeeyah, eeyah!”

Despite having her cheeks pulled hard in both directions, Cornelia did not cry in pain. Her eyes crinkled into crescents instead, thinking that Lilith was playing with her.

Cornelia continued blabbering while flailing her arms around. Strange enough, Lilith seemed to understand what she was trying to say.

I’m actually stronger… so I’m here to protect Mommy…

When Lilith understood what Cornelia was saying, she could no longer contain her anger. The veins in her temples throbbed and she pinched the little girl’s cheeks even harder.

“Who needs your protection huh? I, Lilith, is a seasoned adventurer. I have always traversed the land fearlessly. I have the courage of a lion, I’m no chicken.”

She might as well retire if she actually needed a brat to protect her.

Protection? She could confidently say that she had no need for that!

After all, even she, Lilith, had dignity…


A sudden change was detected in the area.

White fog rolled in. At the same time, an unusual aura appeared behind Lilith.

Lilith’s rage burned even more intensely.

What is it again this time? Give me a break. These people really don’t know their place until I show them how powerful a wanted criminal worth a bounty of one billion gold coins is.

“Who have we got here…?”

Lilith turned around, about to greet the person who just created the commotion…

However, she only managed one sentence while the rest of the words got stuck in her throat.

Standing behind her was no ordinary person, but a giant condensed from the white fog.

Shrouded by mist, he looked like some deity who descended from the heavens.

Although the giant was condensed by formless fog, Lilith could sense his overpowering aura from a realm that was far beyond her reach…

He was at least… a peak saint.

The giant looked down on Lilith, like she was a worm. His eyes were hidden in the fog, but the lights in them shone bright like a lighthouse. They were extremely intimidating.

Even so, they were not enough to make Lilith, who had the courage of a lion, to shake in her boots.

Lilith put up a brave front, but stood behind the “little brat” without any hesitation. Without the slightest fear, she shouted at the giant, “What are you?”

Knowing that she had a solid backing, Lilith lived up to her reputation as the fearless Dragon Princess of “having the courage of a lion”.

“Sigh…” The giant let out a familiar world-weary sigh.

“Another one… For what? Why do you keep sending impostors, even knowing that you won’t be able to deceive us? These girls are still children, it is too early for them to throw their lives away like this. Can’t you let them go in peace?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Lilith was dumbstruck.

“You’re going to continue playing dumb? What exactly have Golden Demon Htilil promised you to buy your loyalty?” the giant continued asking, with pity and exasperation in his voice.

Huh? Golden Demon Htilil?

Lilith was taken aback by the name.

It was then she suddenly recalled that the name was her other identity…

Yet… she could not understand what the giant was talking about.

“To put it simply, we’re not enemies. That criminal, the Golden Demon Htilil, is to be blamed for all this! Truth be told…”

“Vice Dean? About this matter…” Another anxious voice that sounded extremely familiar to Lilith appeared to come from the giant.

“No matter. This great formation is a great seal that grants entry but not exit. She won’t be able to get the message out…”


“No buts, I have my own plan.”


The first voice that talked to Lilith continued speaking, “Let us continue. Truth be told, our side has already gathered the most powerful troop in the entire history of the human race. Not only that, we have also laid out a great formation that is strong enough to trap and kill a peak saint. And that great formation created this giant, which can be resurrected infinitely.

In other words, Golden Demon Htilil… is destined to die here. That’s why I hope that you, and your other companions, can clean your act up and assist us in capturing Golden Demon Htilil. You don’t have to do anything, we only need all the information you have on the Golden Demon. If you can share that, we will forget everything you all have done up to now…”

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