Lilith pulled Little Cornelia’s fair and smooth cheeks, kneading them like dough, and did not even bother to hide her anger.

Tears immediately gathered in the little loli’s big eyes.

She could not understand why her mommy was suddenly angry. Did she do something to anger her? She was pretty sure she did not.

Cornelia knitted her thin eyebrows together, unable to wrap her little head around what was happening. She looked at her mommy’s angry face and then burst out crying.


Looking at the little loli crying pitifully fueled Lilith’s anger rather than garnering her sympathy.

Hmph, you think you’ll get your way by acting cute? I, Lilith, am long immuned to cuteness from looking in the mirror every day! So, acting cute won’t make me change my mind about abandoning you.

If you have to blame someone, then blame the Dragon Eater who turned you into this.

With her mind made up, Lilith set Cornelia down firmly, then turned around and walked away, leaving behind the little girl who was crying loudly.

Lilith only walked less than a hundred meters away when she suddenly sensed danger. She sidestepped instinctively, just in time to evade an incoming hard object.

An attack?!

Wiping her cold sweat, Lilith looked through the smoke and dust only to find that the hard object flying toward her moments ago was just a very ordinary rock.

However, the edges of the shattered rock showed traces of melting. What was left of the rock core sat in the middle of a newly formed huge crater that was nearly a hundred meters in diameter. Just looking at the crater size alone, one could already imagine how fast the rock was flying toward Lilith to land with such a powerful impact.

If it was not for Lilith’s keen dragon instinct, she would have been struck by this rock. Even for her, she would have suffered bad injuries.

Probably a broken bone or two if it was not too serious, but it might actually have temporarily incapacitated her. Had that happened, she would be at her enemy’s mercy.

“I see, you were really putting up an act just now!”

Lilith turned back furiously. There were only two people on this floating continent, so it was not difficult to figure out who was her assailant.

It seemed like Cornelia had tricked the Dragon Eater. Although she was physically changed by the Dragon Eater, her memories were still intact. Not only that, Cornelia even took advantage of her current form and tried to take Lilith’s life.

Lilith was drenched in her cold sweat at the thought of that. Anger burned even more intensely as she tightened her grip on the imitation holy sword. She was ready to fight her archenemy, Cornelia, a few hundred rounds at any moment, just to show her how terrifying an angry dragon princess could be.

Once she had done that, she would quickly run away.

But before Lilith could hurl some insults like “you rotting ancient loli,” she was rooted to the spot with wide eyes.

It was indeed Cornelia who threw that rock at her, but… she obviously did not intend to do that.

Little Cornelia was still sitting in the same spot with her head lowered. Her two small hands were pathetically wiping her endless tears. Her sobs were mixed with her incoherent cries of “mommy”.

As she cried, her surroundings turned into an apocalyptic scene.

Rifts formed in the ground and lightning streaked across the sky.

Rock fragments floated in midair, like gravity was no longer present. Every time Cornelia hiccuped from prolonged crying, rock fragments shot out in all directions like cannonballs.

Like meteorites crash landing, they left behind craters of various sizes on the ground.

Lilith was stupefied.

She absent-mindedly massaged her painful ribs. They were still aching, like they had been bashed in by a sledgehammer. The pain did not subside at all, no matter how much time had passed.

It was basically like…

Lilith’s hand started trembling uncontrollably.

She finally understood why the Dragon Eater dared to so casually hand over this loli version of Cornelia to her. How could the Dragon Eater not guess that Lilith would abandon Cornelia?

Even so, it was never a problem in the first place because there was no way Lilith could succeed in abandoning the loli.

The cute little loli, who was crying in front of Lilith right now, was not someone who could simply be bullied by anyone. Although she had mentally regressed to a child, her power was not suppressed or sealed.

She was still at an ultimate deity-level… time bomb.

And looking at the scene in front of her, it was not difficult for Lilith to figure out what was the switch of this time bomb.

Imagine kids throwing tantrums, shooting water everywhere with the water guns in their hands. Cornelia’s case would be different. Instead of a water gun, she was holding a nuclear weapon in her hand. The kind with infinite ammo.

Lilith rubbed her forehead, feeling an impending headache.

It was almost as if she could see the Dragon Eater’s creepy smile in her mind’s eye, like everything was going according to her plan. In the end, Lilith was still being played by her.

It looked like Lilith must accept her gift, or else, she might lose her life here.

Once again, Lilith firmly decided to never let the Dragon Eater out “for some fresh air” again.

The Dragon Eater was only out for a short while, but she managed to cause such a huge trouble. If she were out for a longer while, Lilith could not imagine what would have happened.

Maybe then she might have to run an orphanage. Then there would be a whole bunch of little kids running around butt-naked while yelling, “Mommy, I want milk…!”

Lilith lowered her head and looked at a certain body part of hers…

She drew a sharp breath and immediately ended the terrifying thought that was no different than world destruction.

If Little Cornelia kept crying like this, the only continent that Lilith could stand on would soon be reduced into a pile of debris in the void.

For now, Lilith neither had the strength nor confidence to survive in the void. Just the fact that there was no oxygen in the void alone would give her a hard time.

Lilith focused her mind, then carefully approached Little Cornelia while evading the increasingly dense and deadly “meteor shower”. She forced a smile and patted Cornelia on her head.

“Can you stop crying, Little Cornelia…?”


“Big sister will give you candy… Can you stop crying now?”

Cornelia continued crying, completely ignoring the long cherished candy which Lilith offered to her.

Lilith scratched her cheek, feeling at a loss. She was good at making people cry, but never good at comforting someone else.

Unfortunately, time waited for no man. Lilith could clearly feel the continent beneath her feet begin to shake. Those hideous creatures outside the invisible barrier also seemed to have sensed the sudden change, and waited eagerly for their meal.

And Lilith clearly knew, these fluctuations caused by Cornelia’s unstable emotions were not even the worst. Back then, Cornelia actually destroyed half of the continent with one attack. She had no idea if she would accidentally be pulverized if Cornelia kept crying like this.

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