Lilith explained to Lesiah about the former king and misunderstanding of the titan clan. But of course, she did not mention anything about a transmigrator. Even for this world, something like that would be deemed as too absurd.

Lesiah nodded. No wonder Lilith became the king of these natives, even though she just entered this small world a few hours earlier than the rest of them.

Before this, she was quite puzzled. She even thought that Lilith and these small tribesmen with a powerful sounding name had some sort of dealings.

Then again… Lesiah rubbed her chin thoughtfully. Something still felt amiss.

These titans remembered about the wine, why did they only take out this holy sword now? The sword was obviously of much more importance.

Was this really just a simple oversight?

Or was it…

“Huhu, I’m gonna unsheathe it.”

Lilith held the hilt with one hand and grabbed the scabbard with the other. With a little force, the sword slowly slid out of the scabbard with a click.

A violent aura instantly seeped out from the gap. The blade was not even completely out of the scabbard, but its aura was enough to send a chill down even Lilith’s back.

Lesiah took two steps back, her pretty face was pale. The sword’s violent aura was simply too overpowering for her.

“Be careful, Lilith. There’s something strange about this so-called holy sword.”

“It’s okay… Don’t forget I have gramps with me.”

The corner of Lilith’s mouth lifted into a confident smile. The transmigrator might be strong, but she could not be stronger than her ancestor. So even if Lilith could not handle the holy sword, there was still gramps behind her.

With this thought in mind, Lilith overcame her fear and forcefully pulled the holy sword further out of its scabbard.

A big part of the blade was finally revealed.

The blade was pitch black, with ancient runes carved on it. It appeared to be a weapon from ancient times. Not even the passage of time could reduce its violent aura in the slightest.

Just a glance of it stung Lilith’s eyes. Not only her eyes, her brain hurt too.

Why was the blade… cylindrical though? Was a cylindrical sword a thing?

Don’t tell me…

Lilith pulled the holy sword completely out of its scabbard and was instantly stupefied.

How the f̲u̲c̲k̲ was this a holy sword?! It was a fire iron!

Lilith’s cheek twitches as she exchanges looks with an equally stupefied Lesiah. Tears nearly streamed down her face.

And here she thought she would not be conned like she did by gramps and got a really awesome weapon since she had been wanting to get one that she could use for a long time. Who knew that transmigrator from a thousand years ago turned out to be equally unreliable!

Who the heck would make such an impressive looking scabbard for a fire iron and even stuck a sword hilt at its end? Did that person have nothing better to do?!

Lesiah was the first to come to her senses. She laughed and comforted Lilith, “Don’t be sad. This is still a powerful… sword. Just get a great blacksmith to polish it into a proper blade when we are back. It will definitely serve as a fine sword.”

“Guess that’s the only way.”

Lilith felt slightly better. Although she did not prefer a girly-looking sword with a fine blade, having one was still better than having none.


Just when Lilith was about to return the ho… fire iron to its scabbard, she frowned. This fire iron did not feel right in her hand.

For some reason… the weight seemed unevenly distributed?

Why did the hilt… feel so light?

It felt almost like a metal rod being stuck on a tree branch.

Lilith gripped the hilt and shook it a few times, only to hear a click and realize that the black fire iron stuck to the “hilt” was crooked.

“No way…” Lilith instantly paled.

No, no, no… This thing bent at both ends. How could it possibly be a fire iron?

With trembling hands, Lilith gently pushed the fire iron. The fire iron fell to the ground, revealing the smaller part of it that was previously hidden in the cross guard.

A small section at the end of the fire iron was bent into a C-shape, at an angle of slightly more than ninety degrees. The top of the bent part was polished into two sharp forks.

Although there were some differences with the one in her memory, Lilith had no doubts that this was…


She dropped it angrily on the ground.

After all that anticipation, this thing turned out to be an imitation holy sword?

Could these transmigrators be more reliable?! Although crowbars made great weapons, this thing did not look cool!

Recalling the warriors she had seen in films, they would always shout, “Those who dare to stir up trouble here shall fall by my sword!” at their enemies before drawing their longsword. Their stainless clothes fluttered in the air, their sword shone brightly as they beheaded any enemies within a hundred steps away from them.

After returning their sword into its sheath, they would walk away coolly, charming countless girls. With that, getting those girls in their harem later would be an effortless task.

It was the most perfect way to act cool.

But when Lilith were to encounter an enemy, she would be yelling, “Those who dare to stir up trouble here shall fall by my stick!”

Then she would pull out the crowbar, charge toward her enemy as fast as her short legs could carry her then bonk the enemy on her head like crazy.

She could hit her enemy on their head until their brains scattered everywhere, so fast that all the ladies would be running away from fear instead…

If that did not work, she could always hook their leg, stick it into their a̲s̲s̲h̲o̲l̲e̲ or hit them where it hurt the most…


The more she thought about it, the more this imitation holy sword seemed like a decent weapon.

Lilith rubbed her chin with a thoughtful look on her face.

Since this crowbar… no, this imitation holy sword could emit such a violent aura, its former owner must have defeated countless enemies with it. After all, such a terrifying aura was only possible after being drenched in an ocean of blood.

It was probably quite powerful.

Unfortunately, this kind of weapon was usually very difficult to handle. A little slip up and one would easily be consumed by it!

While Lilith was occupied by her own thoughts, the crowbar she threw on the ground unexpectedly rolled itself toward Lilith.

It was easy to imagine just how difficult it was for the crowbar to roll itself over to Lilith due to its structure. Despite the challenge, it continued rolling with unwavering determination.

Every roll it made reduced a little bit of its violent aura…

After reaching Lilith’s feet, there was barely any violent aura left on that imitation holy sword. Its aura turned into another kind instead. It slightly raised its bent end and then… started to rub itself against Lilith’s shoe.


Lilith’s eyes widened slightly, as if she saw a big white tiger rushing toward her with its mouth wide open. She was prepared for three hundred rounds of battle with it, but the white tiger suddenly rolled over on the ground, showed her its tummy and acted all cute instead…

Purrrrr, hug me please…

It was an unbearable sight.

“Lilith, there’s a note.” Lesiah suddenly pointed to the box.

Lilith turned her gaze to the box and realized that there was indeed a flat note lying on the spot where the scabbard previously rested.

Was this from the transmigrator from a thousand years ago?

She blinked, then picked up the neatly placed note and unfolded it.

The note was messily written in the language from her previous world.

“This is Blackie, a child who likes to act cool. She’s introverted but very kind-hearted, the type who would help an old granny to cross the road and she’s also very gullible. Since she was born, she has been taken away to pry open unspeakable things at least ten times. She has lead a tough life, so please be sure to treat her well~”


“This is the destination that Princess Lesiah mentioned? It doesn’t seem like anything special.”

Durance and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they finally arrived at the upper floor which Princess Lesiah mentioned previously. However, the layout looked no different than downstairs. It was a similarly dark corridor, where no one knew where it led to both left and right.

Was this place… really effective in dealing with Cornelia?

“Let’s go further down and see for ourselves,” Durance suggested, then picked a direction and took the lead to explore further.

The rest followed suit. After all, no one had any better plan right now.

Choobchoob hastened a few steps so that she could walk side by side with Durance. “Brother Durance… About just now…” she stammered.

“I’ve no desire to find out…”

Durance turned to meet Choobchoob’s shifty eyes, then calmly said, “Whatever you have done is none of my business. Everyone has their own secrets. Although I’m not a saint, I’m not some creep who enjoys prying into others’ secrets either.”

Choobchoob squeezed a smile. “I get it.”

For some reason, Durance sped up a little to put a distance between him and Choobchoob.

“We’d better make haste. After all, there’s no telling when the enemy will catch up.”


They only made two steps, before Durance suddenly stopped and looked behind him. The expression on his face turned serious, like he just sensed an enemy.

Choobchoob was looking in the same direction too, with a pale face.

“What’s wrong, is the enemy coming after us?” Rosdell, who had inferior perception to the two, whispered. Although he sensed nothing, the reaction of his two companions allowed him to catch on to their situation.

“Yes. The enemy’s aura far exceeds that of the strange man named Shiloah who fought with us before. This should be the big boss of our enemy, the one that Princess Lesiah mentioned… a white-haired girl named Cornelia.”

“Her? What about Lucas then?”

“Lucas…” Durance knitted his eyebrows together and tried his best to sense Lucas’ presence. Just a brief moment later, his eyes widened.


“Who? Cornelia?”

“No, Lucas! Get ready to rescue!”


Rosdell let out a low growl, every muscle in his body instantly swelled, doubling his body size. They twitched angrily, with explosive energy stored in them.

At the same time, a naked figure came running in their direction at lightning speed.


Rosdell shouted angrily, and tried to stop Lucas. The powerful impact nearly made him lose his balance and he was knocked back nearly ten meters back.

Lucas slowly regained consciousness and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. His soulless eyes finally focused and he recognized the face of the equally topless strong man who was holding him in his arms.

“Oh, it’s you, Rosdell.”

“Are you alright?!” Rosdell’s eyes widened in concern.

“I’m fine,” Lucas said weakly, but his current state clearly contradicted his assurance. Every time he tried talking, he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His tanned face was paler than usual.

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