“It wasn’t me! I did nothing like that! Don’t simply accuse me!”

Lilith frantically denied it. Although it looked like she was trying to hide her wrongdoing, it was true that this really had nothing to do with her. In fact, she even wanted to sniff that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ out and beat her to a pulp for pulling something like this at this kind of time!

Of all the things she could do, why did she have to seal off the entrance to this world?! Did she want to trap hundreds of people in here?

“Not you?” Cornelia laughed angrily. “Are you trying to say that I’ve lost my mind and did that myself so that you guys can destroy this world along with the things that are dearest to me?”

“That might be a possibility…”

Lilith stroked her chin thoughtfully. “I heard that some super masochists can derive pleasure from even the pain of death.”

“Like I said… I’m not a *********!”

Cornelia pointed at Lilith. A dent of half a meter deep instantly appeared on the wall behind her. Lilith turned her head around in shock. The dent left her gulping audibly while secretly wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Although Cornelia didn’t use too much of the power that didn’t belong to the mortal realm, Lilith was sure that there was still a significant amount. If that wasn’t the case, she would’ve been able to at least react in time.

But then again, the power that the ancestor left for her was long gone, so…

There was no way she could win!

“W-WAIT! Calm down! Don’t you want to protect this world?! If you use the power beyond saint-realm, this world will be destroyed! Didn’t you say that yourself?”

“It’s okay to use a little bit.”

Cornelia pointed at Lilith again. “I won’t miss this time.”

“W-WAIT! Don’t forget, my ancestor definitely won’t just sit back and watch you kill me! If you keep up with this, you’ll meet the same end!”

Lilith huddled into a corner and immediately said something she thought would have the most convincing power. “Didn’t you say you have things to protect? If you keep manifesting this power that far exceeds this world’s capacity, you’ll end up destroying those dearest to you with your own hands!”

Cornelia hesitated for a moment before shooting a glare at Lilith. “If it wasn’t for you guys barging into this world, the destruction of this world wouldn’t be accelerated! With the entrance completely sealed, this world is doomed. So I might as well take a gamble.

“Besides, that phantom you summoned was nowhere as powerful as its own real form. I don’t think it can even beat me when I’m in my best condition.”

A sinister smile crept onto Cornelia’s lips again as the look in her eyes turned even crazier than before. She looked no different than a desperate criminal.

“Let’s see if this world will be destroyed first, or I will kill you all before it gets destroyed!”

Lilith felt a squeeze in her heart as she stared at Cornelia’s finger that slowly pointed to her. The next attack would definitely be a deadly one! She could only grit her teeth and brace herself. Even if her ancestor wasn’t reliable, she wasn’t an easy target!

Even without the help of her ancestor, she still had a trump card up her sleeve — the Black Flame! If Sae’s warning that the Black Flame must never be used in front of the gods was valid, then she could draw two conclusions from it.

The Gods either coveted or feared the Black Flame! No matter which one it was, it should be able to solve her impending crisis!

“Hmm, it seems that apart from your ancestor, you still have another trump card.”

From the determination in Lilith’s eyes, Cornelia could almost instantly guess that she still had something up her sleeve. Even so, nothing could waver her decision.

If neither of them were backing down, then let it be a contest of determination!

From afar, Cornelia pointed at the point between Lilith’s eyebrows. A power that didn’t belong to the mortal realm started gathering on her fingertip so violently that Cornelia’s surroundings was once again distorted into an abstract painting.

Lilith put one hand behind her back. A ball of black flame gathered in her palm, swaying like a dancing fairy.

Both parties had their weapons loaded. It was just a matter of time before they clashed.

“Lady Cornelia!”

A melodious voice suddenly appeared, shattering the tense atmosphere.

A crowd of strange-looking hands quickly emerged from the other end of the corridor. They were carrying two hands on top of them. One with an eye and the other with a mouth on them respectively.

“Look at what I caught!” She exclaimed smugly.

When they got close to Cornelia, the crowd parted, revealing a pathetic scene to behold.


Lilith’s eyes widened in astonishment. “How did you get caught?”

The princess was in a disastrous state. She had scratch marks all over her body, probably from all the struggles she had gone through when she encountered those strange hands.

“None of your business!”

Lesiah glared at Lilith, then turned her head away from her. But the movement made her pain worse, causing her to wince slightly. It was only at this moment, Lilith discovered there was a nasty cut that ran from Lesiah’s armpit to her lower abdomen.

It was well hidden behind Lesiah’s arm before. But when she turned her head, the wound reopened, causing blood to ooze out of the cut again.

For some unknown reason, Lilith was pissed. “You’re hurt! Who did it?!”

“I’m just a useless piece of trash. It’s only normal for someone like me to suffer, I don’t need your pity!”


Lilith’s lips twitched. She looked like she wanted to say something but later gave up on the thought.

Little Hand continued babbling about her achievements to Cornelia.

“Hear me out, Lady Cornelia! This woman was wandering along the corridor that leads to the floor below us! I didn’t know what she was trying to do, but I pounced on her and seized her!”

“Impressive, Little Hand! At least you’re a lot more useful than some two useless trash I know.”

After saying that, Cornelia threw a glance at Shiloah, who was leaning against the wall in one corner while clutching his hollow abdomen. Her eyes then softened a little, “Well, maybe they’re not completely useless.”

At Little Hand’s return, Shiloah suddenly found strength to twist his body around and revealed Gaz who was on his butt.

“Wow, my lovely Little Hand! You’re finally back! Come, give me a hug…!”

“I refuse…”

“GA! WHY?!”

“You’re too disgusting. How can you stick your face on someone else’s butt? I don’t know any disgusting bootlicker like you!”

“GAGA! Wait! Little Hand, it’s not what you think! I…” Gaz sobbed.

Shiloah silently turned over, pushing Gaz to the back.

“Ohoho, you’ve been a great help, Little Hand.”


“Yeah. If it wasn’t for your timely arrival, Lady Cornelia might have to resort to that horrible skill again! But now…”

Cornelia looked at Lilith again. She lowered her hand, then turned to Lesiah. The power that gathered on her fingertip gradually faded and the distortion in the surroundings gradually vanished.

Even so, her slender finger was still capable of blowing an ordinary person’s head into smithereens.

“Choose now.”

“Choose what?”

“Your life or hers…?”

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